The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 170: *Slurping*

Chapter 170: *Slurping*

At some point, they both get tired of running around.

I say that mostly to preserve's little Bai's pride of course.

It takes a while to convince her, but she agrees not to run any test on that one slime and to just keep doing it on the wild ones in the sewer.

It is possible to see the relief in my companion knowing his pet is finally out of danger.

Could you imagine if he lost it the very first day he got it?

This is similar to the time my neighbors bought a hamster.

The very same day it got hunted by a random passing cat that broke into their courtyard.

It was gory and caused so much despair in a child.

Funniest . I mean the saddest thing ever. Yes.

We all sit together and share a meal.

Soon enough the surrounding is filled with slurping noises.


That much is obvious because this is a small stall.

Everyone gets a bowl of noodles and that's it.

Spoons are not a thing it seems.

I wonder if that is part of his marketing strategy.

Could you imagine making your way through town while hungry?

Then you hear that slurping sound.

Of course one would get curious.

Following the sound, you stumble upon a noodles shop.

Since you are famished you decide to get some for yourself.

I can imagine that happening very well.

*Slurping intensifies*

Mostly because it's about the 10th person that comes here in such a way while we are peacefully eating.

There are people of all kinds of types appearing out of nowhere.

Workers, merchants, gangsters, is this a sassy lost child?

What the hell is up with this crowd?

Not sure, but the more the time goes on the more there are slurping sounds.

At some point even appear two men seemingly fighting to the death.

Both have bloodied knives and various wounds all over their bodies.

I'm convinced they are about to disturb us, but no.

Instead upon hearing that slurping sound, their stomachs grumble and they call for a ceasefire.

Who bloody does that?!

What is even weirder is that while good, these aren't even the best I've had or anything.

Then again to be fair I am comparing to my old memories.

Memories of even middle-class people being able to afford feasts every day.

*Even more slurping*

For some reason, no one but me seems to find the situation any weird.

Also, how the hell is that small crowd not even reacting to the presence of the slime?!

I guess people just don't care.

This kinda reminds me of the time I worked so hard to reach the top of a leaderboard in a game.

That's when I figured out that not one soul outside of said leaderboard ever cared about it.

All people I knew were like, have you made money out of this? No?! Then stop!

Some bullshit about humans being supposed to sleep more than 2 hours a night usually followed.

My point is that slime taming being a novelty is probably just a tamer thing.

Actually, chances are most tamers won't even care.

After all, slimes are renowned to be weak.

It would be a different story if one could tame a king slime, however.

I wonder how that would go?

Then again there is no way little Bai will risk his life to try.

He was the guy that didn't even want to travel to a disaster zone to get a pet.

If you ask me that would have been the easier way.

I know the perfect place too.

How about a teleporting mantis or a shadow fox as a slave?

Totally not because of that ambush they did!

Perhaps a bit.

And so passes a good time slurping.

*Slurping the day away*

It is hot, it is messy, there are so many people enjoying the goodness.

While eating we talk about many things.

Mostly all the theoretical slime knowledge that won't ever be useful.

All of this reminds me very much of economy, the discipline.

Very cool in theory, until it's not and everything crashes.

For all, we know little Bai is totally going to get eaten in his sleep by his new pet.

For some reason, he starts sweating hard when that joke is made.

Looking at his pet warily.

The thing is it is just a mindless slime.

It just keeps eating its noodles without noticing it seems.

Cause yes, the slime gets a bowl too.

You know since the old guy said we could eat as much as we wanted, he figured out he'd save in monster feed.

Little Bai is a money scrounger.

That's very admirable.

Especially when you consider he has been sneaking in the beast pens to steal food from actual monsters.

How does that even happen?

Like seriously?!

I kind of glossed over this story earlier, but can we take a moment to acknowledge the insanity of it?

How does no one notice?

How does one even think of such a plan in the first place?

How did he manage to literally steal food from bloodthirsty monsters?!

So many questions.

No matter how much I ask he won't tell me.

This is baffling.

It is like that one uncle at Christmas that keeps telling wild stories.

Stories so wild that they sound invented of all pieces.

Stories so wild everyone just assume he is joking.

Until you realize he's been telling the truth all along.

You know that guy that everyone assumes is a loser but turns out to be running the largest drug cartel in the country from the shadows.

And then you finally understand why the brownies he kept bringing were so good!

Anyway, I digress.

Little Bai feels like that kind of character.

He's gonna do something somehow kinda amazing and tell you about it.

He'll be like: I'm the first to tame a slime be impressed!

People are gonna be like, sure, and keep slurping without believing him.

Okay, that example was easy as fuck haha.

*Slurp Slurp*

Tomorrow, he will bring this slime to the tamer guild and bragI mean report on his progress.

As all tamers are apparently supposed to do upon getting a new main pet.

Is this similar to how you report getting a new wife to your family?

Anyway, he wants me to be there with him.

Of course, I say yes! You know because I'm a good friend!

Well, mostly because I'm very free let's be honest haha.

Somehow the slime lady says she will join too.

Wait, how has she been eating with her mask on all this time?!

One of the profound mysteries of life.

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