The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 171: Kneeling

Chapter 171: Kneeling

After a sumptuous 1 course meal, I go to sleep back at the camp only to return to the city the next morning.

Time to meet little Bai!

That's when I realize we haven't set up a meeting spot at all.

This is something I don't usually think about.

I still have that old habit of just going with the flow.

All my life I got so used to just texting.

The best way to organize the finer details is on-site directly for sure.

I accost a passerby.

[Hey, do you know where little Bai is?]

I only get a negative answer.

I just gotta keep asking.

Except the more I do the more I realize I am only getting confusing answers.

No one knows who he is. No one at all!

How is that even possible?

He is not one to remain unseen.

Well, except when he's stealing food apparently.

Knowing his character it's impossible for him to remain unknown, right?!

I'm starting to reconsider my first impression of this friend of mine.

Could he only be cheerful and lively with me?

Is there some truly dark story behind why he isn't interacting with other tamers?

What if his origin story is actually all true?

That would explain why he isn't speaking to the other tamers.

I feel like I'm overthinking this.

There is no way

"It's you!"

What's happening?

I look around and

Isn't that .the discipline committee member!

Gotta run!

"Stop running! I need to talk to you!"

Hell no, there is no way I am getting caught that easily!

Divine power enhancement to the max!

Thus starts a mad chase across the whole guild.

People getting pushed out of the way. Check.

Constant screams and panting. Check.

Sweat glistening on both our skin. Check.

Camera shaking to show the intensity. Wait this ain't a movie.

We keep going until . a dead end!

"You *pant* won't run *pant* away anymore!"

He looks really out of breath.

Should I try to overpower him and run?

I feel like the odds of success would be really high.

I am sure I can run longer than he can.

Well, he knows this place better and managed to corner me once already.

If assaulting a committee member is a really bad offense is what I am wondering about.

I could always try to slide right between his legs.

As long as I have the right angle and enough speed it should work.

I just need to remember to scream no homo while it happens.

But I'm not 100% sure.

Let's hear him out for now

Maybe I can get out of this situation and

"I have been chasing you for so long already! How dare you run away last time!"

[Aren't you the one that told me to leave?]

"Well, yes but"

[And I did.]

"That's not the issue! Why did you start a fight with that student? Why did you send your magical your donkey after him? This is a violation of the peace here!"

[That, sorry about that I did not mean to do it. She tends to be very protective of me at times. He insulted me and she got angry.]

"So your official statement is that your donkey came out of control and attacked another beast by itself?"


"Then what about the rumors that you assaulted a student afterward?"

[Ah, no I was helping him with training. If you ask him, he'll tell you.]

"Are you positive?"

[Of course!]

He was obviously looking for a beating.

Why would he report me after I diligently helped him train his physical body?

"Still, this doesn't make any sense. Why didn't you use your link with it to stop it?"

[What link? I can't even use mana. She is just following me around because she feels like it.]

"How preposterous, do you think I will believe such a thing?!"

[Well, yes. If you ask my teacher, he'll tell you.]

"Seriously?! How is that even humanly possible?!"

[I don't know man. People tend to have that reaction a lot too.]

"How are you even alive right now?!"

[By breathing. Should I tell you that I don't worship any god while we are at it or should I keep it for later?]

"WHAT?! This isbut . why?!"

[I have my reasons, don't worry. My path will most likely be an arduous one, but I'll be fine. At least I hope.]

"This, this, no wonder the statue pegged you as having no talent for taming. Not only are you unable to do a soul link but you also aren't counting on a taming god for a miracle. This is insane!"

[I'm aware. Still, it can't be helped. I have my reasons.]

Those reasons being I am too proud and stubborn for my own good.

Also, it's not like I don't have any chance either.

I just need to keep diligently focusing on developing my proficiency at using divine energy.

I'll be fine.

"How are you able to keep your morale up even in this situation?!"

[Life is still good. I eat to my fill, I have loyal companions and I am free to explore this world.]

"Wow, just wow. This is impressive. I feel extremely petty now."


"I have a confession to make. "

[Go ahead, my son.]

Why the roleplay? Why not!

"I only chased after you to try and get a signature."

[A signature?]

"Yes, my whole plan was to list the previous offenses you committed and trade a pardon for a signature from Eternal Ice."

[That almost seems like a good deal to me.]

"Not at all. There is nothing anyone can do to punish you for such trivialities. Especially given the backing that you have."

[Then why are you telling me that now?]

"I was trying to bamboozle you, but I didn't mean any harm. Now that I'm hearing your circumstances I feel remorseful and "

[Don't worry about it.]

Let me guess he was going to use the excuse of not telling my mentor and that we should keep quiet about it.

This way Ice wouldn't find out about the signature thing being for someone else.

Quite smart. Then again, I really do not care much.

[You know what, I can try and get you one. I'm just not sure if he's still my teacher. But hey, I can try.]

"You will? Thank you! Thank you so much!"

He's thanking me while kneeling in gratitude.

I mean, I'm happy to help.

After all, I never said I would do it for free, right?!

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