The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 169: Don’t Touch My Goo!

Chapter 169: Don’t Touch My Goo!

Apparently, all of it is theoretical.

None of it is actually feasible at the moment. She keeps researching even when there are no significant results. This is what most people would call madness.

Do I think she is mad? Definitively. Madness is good if you ask me. There is a fine line between a genius and a madman. Both can see things the common people cannot.

While one imagines something that doesn't exist, the other manages to peer through the fog and understand things truly.

Uninhibited by the false beliefs that plague what we consider common sense. So what if all the predecessors failed? That was them!

This is what I can feel from her. She knows that all of it is close to impossible to achieve and yet she keeps fighting. Wellresearching.

Still, anything can be considered a fight on some level. Whenever you do something new there are always complications.

A constant fight to find the time.

A constant fight to find the motivation.

A constant fight to keep going even when the odds are against you.

There is always an easy way out. To every situation. Always the possibility to simply give up. But so what?

I'm still a bit disappointed with how she communicates, but I do respect her.

Why would she list all these amazing things bringing my hopes to the pinnacle just to crash it all big time?!

Yep, definitely needs to work on that delivery.

"Ah? But that lack of progress was before today! A tamed slime is an immense progress in the domain! It proves that all the doctrine affirming how impossible it is are wrong!"

This is what is great about science. It is always true until proven wrong. Then people just build on their predecessors' work. It becomes something so amazing that no man could research it all in one life.

I wonder, are there any awards in this world? Perhaps little Bai could claim some prize money? Probably not.

I still believe in my hidden expert theory. Somewhere in this world, there is for sure one guy that already knows about all that. The one thing I feel might be hindering the progress of this place is the lack of communication.

You'd expect a world filled with magic to have a magical equivalent of phones, right?! I have seen none of it so far! Ah, there was that one time I killed that young master of the hunter guild and the father just popped out of nowhere.

This leads me to believe there are ways of fast communication. Just that these are not widespread. Is it from technical difficulties or political reasons?

Well, the whole, there is a war coming might be really bad on that aspect too.

A war that I have not seen a shadow of yet. Are the mortals taking their sweet time or do the gods consider a really long period of time passing to be normal?

That reminds me of that one strategy game where you build civilizations. What was it called again? Anyway, it could go on for ages and ages. Perhaps for the gods, this is something similar.

Perhaps. Perhaps not. Who knows? Not me. I guess the gods themselves would know.

But apparently, there are many many gods. Yet I have only heard about a few of them. I feel like that might be on me, however. I don't really go around asking people about their beliefs.

Also in the Moon Keep, there was only one god. In the forestwas there a god? In the border townwhat was it again? Ah, whatever. As I'm thinking that I can hear the others having an apparent conflict.

"Don't touch my goo!"

"Please just for a little while! Just a bit!"

"Younglings are so full of energy *slurp*"

At some point, the old man managed to sit down and got himself a bowl of noodles. This lady is chasing the fatty excitingly asking to touch


That kinda sounds lewd. I think she is talking about the slime. Why not just call it a slime?

"I'll make sure it feels good just let me!"

"No way in hell! This is my heroic companion! Together we will conquer this world! Get your filthy paws away from him!"

That slime is so small it's questionable if it can defeat a rank 2 monster alone. Think the conquering part might be a bit of an exaggeration. One is chasing and one is retreating.

"I'll just do a few tests on it then I'll give it back!"

"No way! What if you somehow hurt him?! Without this slime I won't even qualify as a tamer!"

Is it sad that the only thing I can think upon looking at this scene is how much more popular this slime is than me?

I guess it can be cute but still. Well, the testing part might be bad.

The old man is still calmly minding his business. Meanwhile, they both run in a circle around the stall. Little Bai is clearly getting tired by now. Yet she is relentless. Did she train her physical body?

I did hear that willpower can allow one to surpass oneself. Maybe her prowess stems from her slime obsession. Should I stop them?

I mean they aren't harming anyone, not damaging the property either. They are just running around like idiots. Yep, this is fine. I sit down next to the old guy and he pushes a bowl toward me.

This iswhere did that even come from? Oh well, for all I know this guy might be some super hidden expert that can conjure noodles out of thin air.

Or not, there seems to be a small storage compartment under where we are sitting. The more you know.

I take a sip and eat a bite. This is tasty. This is life. Wolfie will definitely love it She ain't around. What is up with my furry companions nowadays? They both seem to enjoy solo walks.

Oh well, it is true that sticking with me might be boring. After all, I am only some normal dude. Gotta let them enjoy their liberty too. And thus we eat in a harmonious atmosphere.

From time to time in the background, we can hear "No, don't touch my goo!".

How peaceful.

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