The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 148 L??????'S Threads Of Blood [The Crypt - Part XVIII]

- POV General -

In the largest underground room, whose walls were lined with black gems and stones, the battle of the Empress and her subordinates had begun. In every corner of the huge, round cellar, the soldiers were fighting a Griffin as black as night. Further on, it was Freya who, on her own, was fighting a giant green Snake and a grey three-tailed Fox in a battle that was unbalanced from the start.

The first few exchanges and blows had not been fatal, yet the Empress, like the furry creature, had ended up crashing to the ground. Far from being annoyed by this, Freya was actually feeling more and more excited and euphoric about these creatures, her demonic mana only intensifying her desires. As she smiled, the blood that had started to flow down her tattooed face had suddenly changed her.

In front of the Greedy Fox and the Envious Snake, the Empress had once again begun to discover the new possibilities her changes afforded her. Thus, as if carried by her body itself, she had cut the tips of each of her fingers, causing blood to flow. Then, without warning, the red liquid that had been flowing rapidly on the ground had suddenly started to boil before turning into threads.

Blood was now wrapping around Freya's wrists and fingers as a feral smile appeared on her face. She still hadn't seen it, but at that moment, her scarlet eyes reflected an ever-growing madness. The Empress had just discovered what the blood meter that had appeared in her system was for. It was the first time she had done this and yet it was innate and instinctive to her.

"I'm feeling so... nostalgic all of a sudden"

Freya had spoken the words as she watched the threads made of her own blood move as if they were alive. They seemed to swarm on her fingers as memories overlaid on reality where the Empress was seeing exactly what was happening right now. Snapping out of this brief state of inattention, she looked up again at those opponents who had remained motionless watching.

"So, where were we ?"

This time, instead of rushing towards the Fox and the Snake, Freya had started walking calmly with a cruel and sharp smile on her face. With each step she took, she let her demonic side completely take over as her red aura rippled like the flames of a burning inferno. The blood no longer flowed but had stained half of her face passing through her left eye, her lips before beading on her chin.

The two Demons were surprised to be hypnotized by this strange young woman who was gradually giving them a feeling of danger. She moved forward without fear, always with that piercing gaze capable of intimidating even the Fox, who shivered instinctively. Freya licked her lips, staining her own teeth with her blood, making her smile even more insane.

The scene was very special to watch because in this huge place, on one side, there was a noisy fight involving 18 soldiers while on the other, the three most powerful beings were quiet. The atmosphere was thus divided into two, but it wasn't where the noisy battle was taking place that it was the most deadly. Only a few meters away from the two Demons, Freya had stopped before snapping her heel on the ground.

"I think I understand how this works, let's go over it again, shall we ?"

Just as the Empress finished her sentence, the explosion of three auras suddenly erupted, taking over most of the room. The soldiers and the Griffin who were fighting further away had instinctively stopped before turning their gazes to its source. A wave of power in the form of red, gray, and green haze flowed from Freya and the two Demons, colliding in a hot, violent blast.

The next moment, the fight between them resumed with even more intensity now that the Fox and the Snake had realized that their opponent was no ordinary Demon. As Freya began to manipulate her strings like a puppeteer, the Snake spat acid from under its tongue while the Fox wrapped its grey body in lightning...the real fight was about to begin.

The Empress had decided to deal with the green-scaled Demon first as its acid attacks were dangerous. She had felt that she could turn her back on the Fox while being vigilant in order to deal with the Snake. The reverse would have been harder as the acid element it possessed could not allow Freya to look away from the green creature.

Dashing forward at full speed, the She-wolf, who at the moment was a Demoness, clapped her hands together before separating them, revealing a multitude of moving red threads, ready to be used. She smiled and approached the Snake, who spat out bursts of acid while covering its body with the sticky substance. Freya dodged each projectile of the liquid poison, which melted the ground at a blinding speed.


The Snake hissed, its blue eyes following as best it could the red haired young woman who was charging straight at it. Its body was oozing more and more as the acid it was secreting to protect itself came out from under its scales. With a quick movement of her arms, the threads of blood that came from Freya's fingers shot towards the Envious Snake like ten thin snakes.

"Nice try !"

The reptile followed her movements easily enough but still couldn't touch her. Each time it aimed at one spot, the young woman appeared at another, always coming closer and closer. Her bloody threads spouting from her fingers suddenly wrapped around its muzzle closing its mouth with a dull snap. These threads were only level one but were strong enough to give Freya time to act.

The Empress, who had caught the Snake's mouth with her new skill, still held the wires in her hand like a lasso that she held tightly. The Demon struggled while the young woman pulled with all her might towards the ground. The reptile was gigantic compared to Freya, but it was propelled head first against the ground unable to do anything.


Suddenly, the lightning-covered grey Fox began to run around the Empress who had no time to rest. She had incapacitated the struggling Snake to remove the threads of blood but it would only last a few seconds, she had to be quick. Clapping her hands together once more before separating them, new threads appeared in her hands as she followed the Fox with her eyes.

The grey Demon ran faster and faster, trapping Freya in a cloud of dust that rose to the ceiling where traces of lightning crackled. It was lightning fast and the faster it went, the more it disappeared leaving the young woman unable to see it. Freya's senses were working perfectly, but the Fox element was clouding her abilities. She found herself in the middle of a tornado of dust and lightning.

"Hahaha~ good, very good !"

Despite the situation, the Empress laughed as the same crazy smile was still stuck on her face. No matter how hard she tried to listen or close her eyes, the only thing she could hear was the sound of the wind and the only thing she could feel was the vibrations that surrounded her on all sides.

The Greedy Fox possessed an element that no one had seen before, for it used its lightning, which was not ordinary. Indeed, like Ynir, its illusions were only possible thanks to the light its lightning produced. However, it took more than that to destabilize Freya and as the Snake was almost done freeing itself, she raised her hands above her head.

"You will thank your friend in the afterlife for this idea !"

Mimicking the Nightmare Demon from her last confrontation, before the Fox could act, she struck the ground with all her power in a deafening noise. At that moment, the stone exploded sending debris everywhere around her as she used her threads to catch them one by one and throw them in all directions. Only one reached its target and hit the grey Demon in the left side.


Freya still wasn't done and used that brief moment of inattention to charge at it and jump on its back to wrap its throat in those threads of blood. Lightning crackled through its fur and the young woman suffered brutal shocks but nothing could stop her. The beast, unable to touch Freya who was on its back, was wriggling in all directions in vain, hearing its own breath become shorter.

Unfortunately, the threads were still not strong enough and broke, causing the young woman to topple backwards. Sensing that she had let go, the Fox jumped with Freya on its back before sending a swipe of its tails towards the Snake. The reptile had freed himself and seeing their opponent charging straight at it, sent another burst of acid that hit her right arm.

The Empress wasn't fighting harmless little monsters and while this fight excited her to no end, it was on a whole new level. Everything was fast paced sometimes even a little too fast and she couldn't always fight the way she wanted to. As long as she had the upper hand on them it was fine but they were fighting together which was hard to handle. Waltzing through the air, her left arm was now dripping with acid and her sleeve was starting to disappear.

"Uuurg !"

Freya didn't even have time to feel any pain as a slimy, scaly tail slammed into that same arm sending her across the room. She had crashed again but the acid had hit her as well. As she stood up, the Empress held her sore and shaking left arm but she was still smiling. Her entire sleeve was dissolved and her previously white and perfect skin looked burnt.

"What's for sure doesn't feel good...aarg !"

Thanks to her resistance to pain it was bearable but the acid was slowly eating away at her skin so without delay Freya froze her arm in ice thanks to the ambient mana there was. This action not only froze her limb, but also the acid, gradually stopping the dissolving process. Unfortunately, her arm locked in ice was unusable for an indefinite period of time, leaving her with only the threads of her right hand.

The creatures that had noticed this handicap, were now running towards her again knowing that she would not be as accurate as before. Pulling out her katana from her good hand, seeing the two Demons approaching, Freya threw her weapon towards the head of the Snake and the Fox that was right behind. Obviously, they avoided her with ease but that was exactly what the Empress had planned.

Throwing her right hand towards her black blade, five threads of blood came out of her fingertips and clung to the hilt. Firing once more, the katana that was now behind the two Demons, came back up at great speed. This time, even the Fox hadn't managed to completely dodge as the weapon went through its shoulder before completely tearing off the Snake's scales causing its blood to spurt out as well.

"I will kill you..."

Freya had whispered her words as she rushed in their direction, her black blade spinning straight towards her face. Her left arm was still trapped in her ice and her right hand was directing her threads of blood but the young woman did not stop. The two Demons didn't understand what she was doing but had also resumed their mad dash despite the pain they were feeling.

When they were only a few feet away from Freya, they could see the blade approaching her face but that didn't stop the young woman from continuing to run. Everything had been calculated and just before the tip of the katana sank into her flesh, her head simply shifted a few inches. The Empress had both hands gripped but that didn't stop her and would prove it.

Before her weapon could sink into the ground, Freya suddenly grabbed the hilt of her black blade with her teeth, keeping her momentum and speed. The Demons who thought she was almost defenseless were now right in front of her and regretted their haste. Lacing the Snake in front, she would send a kick into its body causing it to spit blood then sliding down to the ground and with a precise movement of the head, Freya would go under the Fox's belly and tear its skin.


As the three-tailed Demon screamed in pain, the Empress stood up, her body once again covered in blood, but it wasn't enough for her. Spitting her blade out of her mouth, before it hit the ground, Freya spun around sending a violent kick to the end of the hilt. Once again, the weapon went off at an incredible speed and planted itself right on the end of the Snake's tail with a thud.

The blow had been so powerful that the blade had sunk deep into the ground, pinning that green, scaly tail where it stood. Without even bothering, Freya was now reaching for the Fox, taking advantage of the fact that it didn't have its lightning cloak. With a big sadistic grin, the Empress jumped before slamming her foot down on the skull of the grey Demon, who in turn crashed to the ground, head first.

"HAHAHA~!!! You like that ?"

Only a few minutes had passed and already the three Demons were injured and even if Freya had managed to dominate them the last few minutes everything could change. The Envious Snake and the Greedy Fox hadn't said their last words, their intense rages were now sending out their auras with power again. The fight was about to resume and Freya would have to fight with even more intensity, she didn't know it yet but it would soon be her turn to be challenged.

Much further into this huge place, there was still the battle of the Commanders, the Lieutenants and the Griffin. Everyone was giving what they could and together they were doing well for the moment, however, this was the biggest fight they had ever had. Their enemy was powerful and the more time passed, the bloodier this battle would be as well.



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 100 600 / 150 000 MP : 71 000 / 75 000 BLOOD : 70 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

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