The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 147 Beginning [The Crypt - Part XVII]

-- POV Freya --

Before us stood three unique races of Demons of different levels but very dangerous and against whom we would have to fight. I could already feel the tension and fear in the Lieutenants as they trembled at the thought of facing such monsters that they were far from being able to kill. However, together and with their Commanders I was sure that they could at least defeat the Prideful Griffin.

The plan was for them to concentrate on this creature, which was not only the weakest but also the least mysterious. My soldiers were to focus all 18 on this animal that stood proudly on its four legs. It was four meters tall, had wings, an eagle's head, white eyes and a feline body ending in a large tail with feathers at the end. Its hair and feathers, unlike the other two, were as black as night, as black as my fur in my wolf form.

At first glance it looked like a normal griffin despite its unusual color, but there was no mistaking it, for it was in fact a fearsome Demon and a unique race at that. Like a unicorn, a horn sat on its forehead, pointing towards the huge ceiling, slightly wavy with seven small pentacles engraved on it, above the number 7 in Demon language. It was as beautiful as it was dangerous, and although its fighting style intrigued me, I wasn't going to fight it.


[ Race (unique) : Prideful Griffin (Demon)

Element : Fire

Rank: n°7 (7/7)

Lvl 35/70

HP 90 000 / 90 000 MP 45 000 / 45 000

Strength : 398

Defence: 362

Agility : 300

Stamina: 336

Speed : 319 ]


Level 35, moving both on the ground and in the air, it would become the opponent of my soldiers who by combining their forces could defeat it. This black Griffin controlled fire, and unlike the other two, it was the most familiar element of the three, making their task easier. It was therefore planned that my 18 most powerful soldiers, all between level 15 and 25, would take care of it while I had to take care of the other two.

[Onee-san are you sure ?]

*There's no other way...*


[ Race (unique) : Envious Snake (Demon)

Element : Acid

Rank: n°6 (6/7)

Lvl 40/70

HP 100 000 / 100 000 MP 50 000 / 50 000

Strength: 431

Defence: 456

Agility : 500

Stamina: 456

Speed : 520 ]


The ones I had to face were the Snake and the Fox, who like the Griffin were about four meters tall. One, although weaker, had the same level as me and the other had 5 more, slightly widening the difference. My soldiers' fight was going to be tough, but so was mine, because for the first time I was going to be facing two creatures that could end up killing me. No one had moved yet and this time, squinting, I watched every inch of their bodies.

The Envious Snake was as huge as the Griffin and looked even bigger because when it wasn't moving, its body stood up straight, slightly overhanging the heads of the other two. It had beautiful light blue eyes and its scale-covered body was not black but a dark green with many shades. All along its scaly body, spikes stood as protection, getting thicker as they got closer to its head.

This Snake had the same horn as the Griffin's, except that it was not seven small pentacles that were carved into it, but six, always under a 6 in Demon language. It possessed the element of acid and although this was the first time I was going to fight an opponent who possessed it, I was not afraid. The Demon Snake didn't look as good as the Griffin but there was something about it that intrigued me.

[I know there's no choice but...if it had only been level 35 and 40 I wouldn't say, but the latter is definitely the most to be feared...]

*Yes, the situation is not the most favorable but whatever happens I will not let myself be killed, little sister !*

Finally, there was the last creature that had emerged from the stone, the one that surpassed my levels and was definitely the most dangerous. The Fox that stood in the middle of the other two was the one I was most wary of and would be the hardest to defeat. I still remembered my fight with the Demon which had already been difficult and I knew only too well that I should not end up collapsing against it.


[ Race (unique) : Greedy Fox (Demon)

Element : Illusory Lightning

Rank: n°5 (5/7)

Lvl 45/70

HP 110 000 / 110 000 MP 55 000 / 50 000

Strength: 546

Defence: 500

Agility : 587

Stamina: 656

Speed: 529 ]


The Greedy Fox was also four meters tall, but like the other two, it was no taller than me in my wolf form. It was a light greyish white with a few red hairs on its flanks and face forming symbols. On its forehead, in addition to the horn with five pentacles and the number, there was a red trident mark.

The Fox was magnificent, even more so than the Griffin and the Snake, and what caught my attention the most was its three huge tails that moved like waves in the wind. I knew from one look that this time we were all going to engage in a battle even more intense than any we had ever had. Taking a deep breath I turned to my companions and whispered.

"Let's do as it was decided. If you manage to defeat the Griffin and some can still fight, join immediately if I'm not done on my side."

"Y-Your Highness...take care..."

Nixia had said these words while everyone looked at me with eyes full of concern, more aware than ever that what I was about to do was almost suicide. These looks warmed me but at the same time bothered me because I didn't want anyone to think I was weak. Restraining my impulses due to form, I simply nodded as they understood that it was time.

*It's time to get down to business*

[Freya, do your best I'll be there to support you with ice if you need it. I warn you, if I feel your life is in danger I won't hesitate to use your skills !]

*Yes, thank you, Kira*

Finally, I was not alone in my fight, there may have been two of them, but we were also and more than ever determined to win so as not to perish in this place. Clutching my katana in my right hand, I looked down at the small white wing that hung happily from the hilt. In a few hours my little girl would be awake and there was no way I was going to miss this communication.

Turning completely towards them, my red aura changed and became a little denser every second as I let my impulses take over. They stood there motionless in the middle of this huge room and stared at us with interest waiting to see what we might try. Their auras were the same color as theirs and the more I looked at them, the more my almost insatiable urge to fight increased.

*I will win no matter what...*

[Fight with all the means at your disposal, all your forms, your skills, your sharp senses and above all never lose your concentration]

*I know*

I wasn't afraid, in fact I was overcome with an uncontrollable excitement but it still allowed me to think. I didn't know how my mind in this form would change during the fight but if it meant I could protect everyone, I was ready to become a monster. It was time to begin and as my soldiers took their positions, they waited for me to start the hostilities.

[Be careful onee-san..]

Without answering, I suddenly disappeared from where I was as I was now running towards the Snake and the Fox. The Griffin luckily was on the side of the Commanders and as I approached, I created a wall of ice to prevent it from intervening. That was the signal, and as I got within a few feet of my opponents, I could hear my soldiers screaming with rage, giving them courage.

I didn't have time to turn around because in only a few seconds despite the huge cellar we were in I found myself in front of the two huge creatures. In a flash I passed in front of them as with my now black and sharp nails I inflicted their first wound. Neither of them were expecting such a quick attack and while the Snake had some of its scales torn off, the Fox had managed to dodge at the last moment.

Without stopping or giving them time to do anything, I made ice spikes appear from the ground and go straight into their skulls. There were two of them and they were huge, so in such conditions, I had to get the upper hand on them, so I didn't stop. The Fox and the Snake had both avoided the projectile and as they turned around I appeared behind them.

Grabbing the tip of the green reptile's tail, I lifted it with all the strength I possessed before spinning it around and throwing it at the white three-tailed creature. Both of them were thus thrown almost to the edge of the abyss as I stood upright, smiling with all my teeth. At that moment, the two Demons began to look at me with more anger and although none of the wounds were fatal, I had proven to them that I was not just any opponent.

"So, will you dance with me ? kufufu~"

The more menacing their stares became, the more my blood boiled in my veins and my heart quickened. Snake began to spit in my direction, rearing back with its long tongue hissing with contempt as Fox growled as it positioned itself for battle. Suddenly, it was both of them that were pouncing on me, eager to get back at me.

[They're coming !]

The first to reach me was obviously the Fox, and as it came up to me, it suddenly disappeared in a flash of white. I didn't even have time to wonder where it was when a huge green, scaly, spike-filled tail came charging at me. Placing my hands on the ground and pushing with all my might, the ground shattered as I propelled myself feet first towards the ceiling avoiding the attack. However, the next moment a bolt of lightning appeared above me right in my path.

The White Fox had reappeared even higher than I was going and was already turning quickly to strike me with both of its tails. My feet hit both of its limbs with an impressive hardness as we were both propelled in an opposite direction. I was about to crash to the ground with a thud as the Fox crashed to the ceiling causing the black stone to crumble.

"Hahahaha~ perfect ! How exciting !"

As I rose to my feet, my whole body shook not with pain but with sheer excitement. My heart was still beating fast and my hair was as red as blood, carried by my equally red aura. I felt euphoric, happy and completely addicted to the feeling of having an enemy to dominate, break and above all defeat. As I smiled madly, the smell of my blood suddenly entered my nostrils.


Again I was bleeding, and this time my own blood came to my senses. I had been injured when I crashed to the ground, and from my temple a red liquid flowed. A new sensation flowed through me as my body seemed to want to tell me something. The Snake and the Fox had come together again and seemed reluctant to pounce on me again without thinking.

The fight had barely begun and I was already in a different state, as always, both unfamiliar and familiar. I was breathing harder and harder, and this time my blood was heating up my whole body and steam even seemed to be coming out of it. The two Demons looked at me with deadly eyes as I shook my way out of the crater that had been created on impact.

*I... I feel like something's going on*

[Be careful]

Suddenly, without even knowing what was happening, my body started to act on its own as if it had incredible muscle memory. I didn't want to resist, deep down I knew something crazy was going to happen. I didn't know what or how, but I just knew and as my eyes closed I was lulled into it. It was very strange because I was the one doing it but at the same time I didn't know what I was doing.

[Freya, what are you doing ?]

Almost as if I were being moved like a puppet, I began to cut the tip of each finger to make blood gush to the floor. I couldn't even respond to my little sister who I didn't know either but suddenly my blood on the floor began to boil as I instinctively placed my hand over it. The next moment, threads of blood appeared around my hands which I could control with my fingers.

-- PING --

[ The host has obtained the skill: L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1) ]

[ BLOOD : 90 / 100 ]



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course : Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 149 600 / 150 000 MP : 71 000 / 75 000 BLOOD : 90 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

Detection and control of mana (lvl 6)

Master of souls (lvl 1)

Passives - Commander (lvl max)

- Natural Aura of the Ice Empress ]

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