The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya

Chapter 149 Together They Were Everything [The Crypt - Part XIX]

[N/A: Small flashback a few minutes to when Freya goes to fight on her own.]


- POV General -

"Let us do as it was decided. If you manage to defeat the Griffin and some can still fight, join me immediately if I'm not done on my end."

"Y-Your Highness...take care..."

Nixia had spoken the words with a worried look on her face despite her great trust in the Empress while everyone else behind her nodded. The three creatures in front of them were anything but ordinary and if the she-wolf could handle their auras, it was different for her warriors. They had grown accustomed to Freya's even if she wasn't at her most powerful, but fighting a being almost as strong as her terrified them.

Then suddenly, after nodding to her warriors, the Empress disappeared, charging towards her two opponents without uttering a single word. At that moment, everyone understood that it was time and with a snap of her fingers, Persea created a bramble protection for Lynn and Inferno. Then, as a wall of ice emerged to separate the three Demons, the Commanders exclaimed with one voice.

"Lieutenants with us !"

It was imperative that they attack now to get the Griffin's attention before it turned to Freya to help its companions. Hearts beat out of chests, hands shook, foreheads sweated, but as one, the eighteen Empire soldiers rushed towards their target. With a mighty cry to evade the instinctive and paralyzing fear, the brave warriors ran.


The Commanders were in the front line followed by the Lieutenants who were waiting for the directives of their superiors. The ten young half-human women knew each other's strengths and weaknesses and had trained like crazy. They had trained not only to overcome their weaknesses but also to be able to face an enemy together. Now the day of their greatest battle had finally arrived.

"No need to hold us back, right ?"

In the middle of her run, Ralph, points glowing, had turned to the others with a nervous smile. Much like Freya, the young hybrid woman loved combat and even though she understood the full scope of it, she wanted to fight with fury. Emilia, who was following closely behind her with her huge sword, was nodding her head as she answered her. She was just as stressed as the others but also wanted to fight with pride.

"We must defeat it so let's show it ! But let's not be reckless !"

"Mmmh of course !"

They were only a few meters away and the griffon had noticed them but did not bother to move for them. It was too busy trying to break the huge wall of ice with its beak but to no avail. Seeing that it didn't break, it started to spread its big black wings to fly over and join the other two. However, it was already too late for it, because the Elysium warriors were already there.

"Trioa !"

"Yes, I'm on it ! Nella !"

Emilia and Ralph had shouted together the name of their friend who took off from the ground like a rocket, even faster than before. For all of them, it was the first fight they had after valiantly fighting the Nightmare horde and they had become more powerful. Trioa had risen into the sky, creating a small gust of wind, followed by Nella the harpy who was also faster than before.

"Now !"

At the wyvern Commander's signal, Nella fired a huge water bubble that, thanks to the creature's inattention, managed to trap its head in a watery prison. Taking advantage of this moment, Trioa drew her bow but instead of shooting arrows, she ran headlong towards the griffin. She spun around at enormous speed and stretched her arms, letting the blades of her bow spin like a circular saw.

As the black furred and feathered beast dipped a paw into the water to boil it, the Commander was already reaching its wings. She was coming in at great speed and hitting the right wing it had been aiming for with one purpose: to keep it down. Before the others jumped into the fight, Trioa had to make sure that the griffin could no longer leave the ground, or at least not as easily as usual.

When her spinning blade had touched the beast's wings, it had not gone through, but it had planted itself lightly in the upper part. As all the water had evaporated, the griffin was overcome with great pain and as it turned its soaked head, it could see a young woman with hair as gray as her wings, tearing at its wing.

"I'm sorry"

The sweet young woman that was Trioa couldn't help but apologize as she flapped her wings powerfully to intensify her attack. Black feathers soaked with blood flew everywhere and suddenly the griffon's black tail was heading towards her to chase her. Barely avoiding the blow, the Commander flew up into the sky using the air currents caused by the beast.

"Ralph ! Emilia ! Thorunn ! Now !"

"YES !"

At the foot of the griffin were now the three Commanders most capable of fighting in close quarters. Trioa and Nella had caught the beast's eye long enough for them to get right underneath. It was very large but then again, the Empress in her wolf form was much larger so it wasn't its size that would intimidate them.

At the young wyvern woman's signal, the three fearless Commanders looked at each other before coordinating their blows. Ralph struck the griffin's left front leg, Emilia brought her sword down on the right one, and Thorunn extended both arms on either side and sent out her wind blades. Trioa, who did not stand idly by, delivered the final blow by striking the griffin's head with her foot.

The Commanders were perfectly synchronized and understood each other with a single glance. They had struck at exactly the same moment and the beast was thrown off balance and fell to the ground, breaking the stone under its weight. The griffin didn't even have time to get up when brambles wrapped around its four legs to hold it down. They had appeared from nowhere and were obviously the work of Persea.

Her brambles were now bigger, stronger, and most importantly easier to handle. The dryad was focused as ever and her light green aura was beginning to escape from her body. She was the only one who could immobilize it and took her role more seriously. In order to support Persea in her mission, it was now Ynir and Caipy's turn to jump in, followed by Luna who suddenly disappeared.

"Hold on a little longer Persea !"

"Take as much time as you need, I'll manage, don't worry"

After smiling at her friend, Ynir would flap her wings in turn, rising slightly to once again draw that unique smoke that only her species possessed from her wings. The griffin struggled but suddenly the mist of particles from the half-human butterfly fluttered around its face before entering through its beak with each inhalation. Little by little, it let itself be invaded in spite of itself and its movements were less and less precise.

Without giving it time to act, Caipy accompanied by Luna, were both running on each side of the beast not without using the field for which they were gifted. The dark elf with daggers of poison, tried to impregnate strategic places while Luna, used her lightning in all its power. The young half-human woman was using the humidity created by Nella to electocute the griffin.

Everything had happened very quickly and within seconds the beast the Lieutenants feared was immobilized on the ground. Commanders Thorunn, Emilia, Ralph, Trioa, Ynir, Persea, Caipy and Luna had done a great job and were smiling under the impressed look of their subordinates. However, it wasn't over yet and the griffin who hadn't really retaliated until now was now angry.

"Lieutenants, stand by ! This creature will not be..."

As Ralph shouted these words, suddenly, an intense heat appeared near the soldiers. The brambles that had held the griffin back went up in smoke as it rose to its feet under the serious gaze of the Commanders. Parts of its body were covered in flames as black as Nixia's, its white eyes staring cruelly at the Empire soldiers. At that moment, the night-black griffin was as incandescent as a dark phoenix.

The fire had appeared on the feathers at the end of its tail, down its back as a line to its eagle head forming a crest and finally, its entire wings. With a shrill cry, the fire creature stood up but still couldn't fly away. The griffin had 10 levels more than the Commanders but their attacks had still injured it, especially Trioa's attack on its right wing.

"Stay on guard, the real battle begins now ! You've managed to hurt it but it will take a lot more to defeat it. Let's stick together, we know each other's specialties so we have to work together ! Lieutenants, follow your superior's instructions carefully and above all...try to be careful."

Nixia the young lamia woman, had suddenly spoken as she prepared her fire spears. Her eyes were fixed on the griffin's and one look at her was enough to know that she was very serious. Without a word, Naia stood beside her while eight others did the same, forming a line. These ten young women faced this powerful beast but did not flinch.

"Hey girls, I don't know about you but I'm completely terrified haha~"

Naia had whispered these words as her hands trembled slightly at the sight of the beast they were about to face. The vixen was the youngest of them all and at sixteen years old, despite her enormous courage, felt doubtful. As Naia tried to calm herself, a warm hand came to squeeze hers that was trembling. By raising the eyes, the young fox could see Emilia smiling to her tenderly while she answered.

"Me too..."

"It would be dishonest of me to say otherwise"

"Same here, I'm anything but serene"

"Holy shit of course I'm scared haha~"

One by one the Commanders had answered in whispers so as not to panic the Lieutenants and their minds were just as terrified as Naia's. They had been through a lot of emotions since they arrived here but this was the first time they had been so scared. They had been through a lot of emotions since their arrival here, but this was the first time that such fear had come over them. However, despite this terror, they stood there, upright, proud, and most importantly, they were not alone.

"But hey...we'll get through this because we're together. Girls...I'm more than honored to fight alongside you !"

Thorunn the young female vampire, had said these words while looking at her friends one by one with a smile that brought out her canines. At her words, they all smiled, obviously sharing the same feeling of trust, friendship, cohesion and strength. Ralph, who wasn't very good at moments like this, responded sarcastically, but her friends knew that she didn't think any less of it.

"Save your sweet words for after, once the fight is over you can sing our praises all you want haha~"

"Mmmh, time to fight for our lives..."

Taking their positions, it was now time for all the soldiers of the Elysium Empire to enter the fight. The incadescent black griffin was still waiting, seemingly convinced that nothing more could happen to it, its eyes almost mocking. It could feel the fear of this little people who had once had it but could not in the future. In keeping with its race, the Prideful Griffin stood there like the king of the room, feeling capable of stopping them.

"Together !!! Let's go !!!"

No sooner had Caipy shouted these words than they all moved at last, driven by the same desire: to win. To the right Trioa and Nella were taking off with power, Ralph was crackling her fists and rushing with Liz her Lieutenant who was cracking her whip. Emilia was slamming her sword on the ground as she dashed off and her lieutenant Zak growling and ruffling his red fur menacingly. They were the first to leave to face the beast with complete confidence in those who watched over them.

Brambles rose from the ground again, spears of black flame appeared followed by arrows of fire, a violent wind rose feeding its blazes that burned as intensely as their determination. In this tornado of wind, particles of illusory fog swirled and the combination of all these elements resulted in a gigantic attack. Black fire mixed with yellow and smoke, while walls of brambles and wood protected them.

The Commanders who did not fight in the hand-to-hand combat had combined their attacks in only one which with the astonishment of all was very powerful. Ralph, Liz, Emilia and Zak did not look but felt this energy growing more and more in their backs whereas they dealt with the griffin. It could send enormous balls of fire thanks to its wings and its tail and the four warriors until here made only dodge.

They wanted to save time for their comrades and were on the front lines supported by Persea and Itham who could create walls of brambles or wood. So far none of them had managed to get close enough as the griffin was powerful and approaching without thinking meant death. However, the attack that could perhaps turn the tide from the start was ready.

"NOW !"

Nixia, Naia, Thorunn and Ynir had screamed together as a huge, glowing whirlwind was over their heads. At the signal, Ralph, Emilia and their Lieutenant jumped back to get away as fast as possible. The attack had been launched and this enormous mass seeming almost in life, headed at full speed towards the creature made of black flame.

Suddenly, as the attack was halfway through, Luna appeared just below, bringing the final touch. From her hands came a multitude of yellow lightning bolts that she mixed with this huge ball of element. The young panther woman had been very fast and now the final form was ready and was about to fall on the griffin. In this attack, they had put not only power but also rage, determination, love and hope.

Alone they were nothing...but together they were everything and together they wanted to triumph.



Name : Freya / L??????

Age : 0 years old / Mentally : 25 years old

Sex : Female

Course: Ice Demon Wolf of Chaos - Adult

Race : Imperial Demon

Unique title (locked): ???? - 10% [ To unlock it, the host must reach 100% ]

Titles : Blessed by Titania, Goddess of endless Chaos and eternal frozen Hell (crossed)

Dragon tamer

Ruthless slayer

Empress of the three colors (crossed)

Level : 40/70

Exp needed for next level: 0 / 41 000

HP : 100 600 / 150 000 MP : 71 000 / 75 000 BLOOD : 70 / 100

Strength: 560

Defense : 560

Agility : 566

Endurance: 563

Speed : 562

Intelligence: 560

Charisma: 500 (imperial she-wolf)

Attribute points to allocate : 0

Married to : Gaya

Daughter : Shiro

Empire (menu)

Subordinates: 1239

Humans killed: 153

Souls: 2/3

Elements: Ice / Chaos

Skills (all):

Attack - Demon Claws (Lvl 5)

- Bite of hell (Lvl 6)

- Infernal ice spikes (Lvl 6)

- Fighting techniques (Lvl max)

- Mastery of the katana (lvl max)

- Demonic Empress aura (lvl 6)

Defense - Ice demon wall (Lvl 6)

- Demonic Cloak (lvl 5)

Pain Resistance (lvl 5)

Attack/Defense - Domain of the Ice Empress "frozen wrath" (lvl 2) - (under condition)

Others - Humanoid form

Demonic form (linked to the title so incomplete) - 10%.

- Ice creation (Lvl 6)

- Storage of chaos (Lvl 4)

- Devouring Chaos (Lvl 5)

- L??????'s Threads of Blood (lvl 1)

- Analysis

- Second soul (Lvl max) - unique

- Telepathy

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