The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 372: Unwanted Responsibilities

Chapter 372: Unwanted Responsibilities

But just as Elder Li left, a tiny bright red dot seeped out of the ground beside the fountain and morphed into a massive beast, trying to destroy the fountain [altar]

But just as it clenched its fists to destroy the altar, the portal behind it opened and a derisive snort sounded from the other side of the portal;

"Hmph... puny demon!"

"You really think I won't realize that you have been there all along?"


A pillar of rainbow light blasted out of the portal and obliterated the red dot of concentrated energy


Little Fei and Daniel who had been unconscious throughout the entire proceedings finally woke up

They tried to reorganize their giddiness for about some few minutes, but still couldn't shrug of their windedness

"That was scary!" Little Fei spoke groggily;

"I thought I was going to die"

Daniel added, as they all returned to cultivation, trying to clear off the mess that aura had made within Min Hong's Mind Palace and Soul

About an hour later, they were all back to their previous self, except extremely tired;

"Now I need to get out of here faster" Daniel added;

"We can check if Daisy might have a solution to that but it's no use, it would be crazy expensive and almost unaffordable" Little Fei added

If this is how this place is going to be, then they really needed to put their own safety into consideration also

Meanwhile, due to his rejuvenated Soul and Mind, Min Hong finally woke up to an empty bed, with only the silk sheets covering his total nakedness

Instantly, he knew that the three ladies would have come upstairs to send the maids away, and for a moment there, Min Hong felt a little furious

Then he recovered and stood up and headed for the mirror to the side of the bed

Min Hong stood there butt naked, looking at himself wondering what was happening with him lately

He had been savage; having people killed to almost the extent of looking forward to more, and now he is being promiscuous

All that not to deny the fact that he could still taste Si Ling's blood in his mouth; which he involuntarily savored with a slight moan and reminiscing

Min Hong then realized that his emotions and thoughts were deviating again, and he quickly gathered himself together, but just as he was about to turn around, he noticed a slight mark above his left brow

Moving closer to the mirror to get a closer look, Min Hong saw that it was some kind of blood-red rune which was mysterious but incomplete

It was like there were still about six more jig-saw pieces missing to complete the massive room

Oblivious to the fact that he just knew that the rune was incomplete, despite not seeing it ever before in his life, Min Hong tried to rub it off thinking it might just be a little of the blood he had sucked out of Si Ling before he passed out

But the moment his hand touched it, Min Hong's image in the mirror changed into that of an abomination; an otherworldly beast that wasn't even from this plane of existence;


Min Hong jumped back onto his butt in fear, before crawling away from the mirror in utter terror

After reaching a safe distance, he saw that his image in the mirror was normal, and after staring at himself for about ten minutes without his appearance changing, Min Hong once again moved towards the mirror and touched the mark on his head, but this time the monster was extremely close to his face that it roared; Roar!  The roar shook Min Hong's mind as he jumped back in fright once again


Min Hong broke the glass with a fist strike

The several glass shards then scattered on the floor, with about seven pieces sliding down to Min Hong's feet

He looked at these shards and noticed that only four of them was showing the left side of his normal face; the right side of his face however, was displaying the face of a complete demon

The face was young, just as much as Min Hong, and was pitch black in color with blood red horn jutting out of its forehead, and on this horn was a evil purple flames which burned searing hot

It had several golden runes etched on its body, because some of them were apparent on his face, but none of them were lit

The more Min Hong heaved in oxygen and forced out air, the demon was also rhythmically heaving in oxygen ferociously before blurting out smoke and sometimes flames from its nostrils

They blinked, breathe and heaved rhythmically

The duo continued to stare at each other for a while, before Min Hong finally sighed in relief; 'It seems it's still controllable'

Min Hong sighed to himself before the black star skin moved from his wrists and squirmed all over his body to clothe him in a simple attire, then Min Hong walked out of the room, and he immediately saw the trio looking at him from different entrances of the many rooms on the floor

They seemed to have been alerted by the noise made by the broken mirror, and they seemed to scared to approach him at this point, causing Min Hong to sigh in pain

'Yeah, that's it'

'They stick to one when everything is rosy, and when something scary comes around, they all flee like bugs'

'How detesting and enraging!'

Min Hong thought to himself for a little bit, and just as a ridiculing sneer was about to appear on his lips, Min Hong shook his head

That thought just now wasn't his, and he would have never thought of these ladies like that, no matter the situation, especially Min Rou and Min Qing

He simply shut his eyes, and uncertainty, fear, sorrow and regret began to climb into his face as he realized that his life might not be as straightforward as he thought it would be

Min Hong had always thought he would cultivate to become the strongest in the world, seize control over major governance and patriarchy, and then set down a dynasty which he would enjoy with the bliss of these three ladies looking at him

But the things that have been appearing in his life lately seemed to have been tilting his life, though on the same path, but towards a different destination

Many things just keeps appearing and popping up within his life, that he was now beginning to think they weren't luck but just the grand scheme of someone pushing him like a chess piece towards their own goal

The first was the 'Eye of Myriad Universe', then he had met Little Wu who deviated his path to immortality by giving him a treasure to make his goal a more plausible reality, but also obliviously dumping a new responsibility on his shoulders which all rightful wielders of the eye must carry

He didn't choose to carry such responsibilities, but they have somehow come to affect his life

Then he had met his senior apprentice brother, who gave him his evolving techniques and also gave him a secret technique that he used to cultivate and comprehend the Tribulation Lightning Dao, and then had revealed the true secret of the 'Eye of Myriad Universe' to him as being the key to the 'Eye of Infinite Daos' itself, which was another treasure to help him reach his goal faster, but also came with a responsibility that was far greater than the amount of power he desired from it

Then he met Old Man Li, Little Lin; a guardian weapon, which he could have just considered a treasure which would help him reach his goal quicker, but instead came with a guardian bloodline;

one which ensured that he was going to be fighting some life threatening battles he shouldn't even dare to think of in the first place

Furthermore, with the way he was seeing everything; it seemed to him like he was a kamikaze being loaded with killer weapons and explosives, before being sent on a journey he would never return from

He didn't know why these thoughts were appearing now

Perhaps, it might just be a rational thought, but Min Hong knew for sure, that these so called rational thoughts, were not his

He was now realizing how much danger he was in, and how much weight was on his shoulders that he can neither tell anyone, not even talk of requesting for help; one that might kill the person

But now the only people who could at least show him some love and make him feel like he was wanted and not a cast away or lonely soul have begun to fear him because of the little changes that had occurred within him...

Min Hong's mood drooped and soured when he reached this train of thought, but he steeled his face and accepted his fate as he marched straight into the bathroom to avoid being seen in such a miserable state by those whose lives would later depend on him

He got to the bath and realized that the water was now cold

Obviously the maids would have prepared it hot, but there was someone who usually heated up his water as soon as its temperature starts to plummet, but today the person didn't, and the thought of this made Min Hong feel more alone in this cold fate and path he had suddenly found himself

From what he could feel, there was still a bajillion more changes coming into his life, and the Princess Cui which was just about ten miles from his location was an existing proof of that

All these unwanted responsibilities were now proving to be way bigger than he had anticipated and could carry

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