The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 371: The Power Of Demons & True Spirits

Chapter 371: The Power Of Demons & True Spirits

The great creator spoke with a slight sigh which sounded like the wind blowing from the East to the West

"But at least we still have her on our side"

Elder Li suddenly found his soul, mind and body become extremely relaxed and his thinking speed skyrocket, and he smiled to himself;

'He has finally relaxed!'

That was one of the relationships between those who were worshipped and their worshippers

Initially, when the great creator slightly lost his cool, Elder Li felt half of his remaining lifespan destroyed

But now that the great creator was in a relaxed state, it also had its own benefits

"But what if-"

"Don't I know what you are about to say" The great creator interrupted;

"If that time eventually comes, I think she would consider the lives of an entire plane of existence rather than eloping with a single human child"

The great creator said as he looked into the distance, as if what he was looking at was right there in the sky

"This is the first time we are dealing with her type, what if she behaves just like her predecessors" Elder Li asked;

"She is young, Little Li"

"But one thing I have learned over my course of experience is that, the young always refuse to be told what to do and how to look at life" The great creator lectured;

"She is still new to how we do things here; after all, she had only recently escaped from the mirrored plane but I trust she will come around"

"All of us had once made sacrifices at one point; she will eventually have to" The great creator added;

"So, what are your instructions for your servant, great one?" Elder Li asked;

"I am very far away at this time, if not I would have come myself instead of sending a fragment of a fragment of a fragment of my Aeon Sense to you"

"If I was here, I would have inspected that kid and probably reinforce the seal within him"

"But for now, I think we have to give him what he wants" The great creators tone suddenly changed into that of a thoughtful wise one

"My mundane mind can never comprehend your intentions, great one Would you care to demystify?" Elder Li almost worshipped;

"The only solution that can spare us a bit of time is to allow him reach the awakening stage" The great creator spoke

"What!?" Elder Li spine tingled at such an outrageous idea;

"Great one, as you have seen; just a fragment of its aura was able to awaken the statue of Great Elder Xu"

"Allowing the human child who has little to no grasp and understanding over his current powers to unlock such an abnormal level of power might be dangerous to the boy"

Elder Li rushed all his point out before the great creator could interrupt;

"Best case scenario, he becomes one of them; but worst case scenario, the boy might lose his life and allow him who rules over the power of demons to find another vessel!"

Elder Li chipped in after sensing the great creator was waiting for him to finish his ramblings;

"Have your faith in me waned over this little time that has passed, Little Li?"

The great creator frowned slightly and when he saw Elder Li's hair turn white again, he sighed to calm himself before touching Elder Li's head one more time, restoring his years;

"The True Spirit of Primus still exists, and is alive and well, thus the principle of duality must take effect"

The great creator turned his back to Elder Li, then with his hands behind his back, looking like a grandmaster lecturing a student, he actually did lecture Elder Li;

"If the principle of duality holds still, then it would allow good to be born out of evil"

"So, good can be birthed out of the catastrophe of him awakening his bloodline" Elder Li read the rest of the obvious meaning

"Yes But what about the one who has met him and still lived?" The great creator asked;

"He was the one who alerted me the moment everything started..."

"But I have taken precautions to ensure that he doesn't remember any of it forever" Elder Li answered;

"You have done well, and you will be rewarded"

"The one we speak of has a very strong guardian bloodline, but it's still in deep slumber" The great creator spoke;

"Since his first sin has awakened, then every primordial bloodlines shall awaken also" The great creator spoke;

"Soon, I will cease the night for three days and the 'Bloodlines of the Light' shall awaken all over the plane"

"Let the human child breakthrough within these days"

"Afterwards I will also cease the daylight for three days and the 'Bloodlines of the Dark' shall also awaken on these days"

"The war is nigh and the fate of all existence with it"

The great creator spoke calmly but with a grim intent hidden within it

"The powers of true spirits still sleeps, recovering from the battle that was once lost and about to begin"

"I have search every inch of 50,000 dimension and galaxies and still haven't sensed their location despite my Daos telling me that I am very close to the Origin If I can just reach them and found worthy, then I can sacrifice myself to facilitate their awakening"

The great creator revealed, before stretching his hand, and just like the statue of Old Xu, a portal appeared in front of the great creator's hand

But unlike the statue of Old Xu, this portal led straight into the Chaos itself [Not to chaos, but into it!]

The great creator dipped his hand into the chaos and tried to bring it out, but it seemed like something was tugging his hands from the other side of the portal deep within the chaos;


The great creator snorted before his hands glowed like the galaxy, and instantly all the Daos in the area was thrown into disarray, and then reorganized themselves in a unique specific pattern that was incomprehensible to Elder Li's senses, experience and knowledge



An explosion actually sounded within the chaos, followed by the screech of an unknown monster who was thrashing around so badly that chaos became more chaotic;

"Hehe he! You bugs are finally awakening I guess the omen of his arrival is also disturbing you"

The great creator laughed lightly speaking to whatever was within that chaos;

"Alright, I will be needing this treasure, so go grab something else to chew"

The great creator spoke with the tone that a fluffy cat-owner uses with their fluffy cat

Then finally his hands were free to return, as the great creator dragged one mote of light from the other side, before the portal sealed up


Elder Li gasped when he actually saw a bite mark on the great creators hand, and thought it was neither bleeding nor was his skin broken, but the bite mark was very glaring

"The Monsters of Chaos are also getting restless It seems he is truly growing stronger and stronger" The great creator soliloquized

"Take this, have the boy sit within the formation whilst he breaks through to the awakening stage" The great creator floated the mote of light towards Elder Li before sighing;

"I really need to return now"

"Yes great one" Elder Li bowed deeper;


The multi-colored pillar of light landed on this fountain once again as the great creator stepped into it;

"I will show the boy the path to the Nihility flame very soon, and you must keep a close eye on him"

"I will have Cheng Luo visit his father to remind him of our arrangements and I will send my divine sense to personally speak with his grandfather"

"I don't care if he wants to trample on gods, and be the sovereign bloodline over every other, but I must remind him of what is at stake here"

"You may use my meditating lamp for a hundred years"

The great creator finally added before vanishing with the multi-colored pillar of light

"Many bloodlines thanks you, oh great one!" Elder Li was in so much joy that he actually began to cry

The meditating lamp of the great creator could as well be the most valuable treasure in existence

Elder Li had once been given the grace to use it once when they were preparing for the 'great war', and despite being at his prime with an Autarch Level power, he was only able to unlock the second stage of the lamp

Now though, he might only be able to unlock the first stage, since he had died during the war, but had managed to reserve a fragment of his soul which brought him back to life, though with all his body cultivation lost and about 30 percent of his Qi cultivation power, which reduced him to a Demi-God of the Sixth Order

But with the great creator's meditation lamp, at least he should be able to return to the God stage within that time frame, then all he would need to do then was to have Min Hong retrieve his physical body which was within the 'Pagoda of Ascension' still purging out the evil aura within it since the 'Great War' ended

Elder Li gave three serious bows to the fountain before turning around and vanishing

But just as Elder Li left, a tiny bright red dot seeped out of the ground beside the fountain and morphed into a massive beast, trying to destroy the fountain [altar]

But just as it clenched its fists to destroy the altar, the portal behind it opened and a derisive snort sounded from the other side of the portal;

"Hmph... puny demon!"

"You really think I won't realize that you have been there all along?"

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