The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 373: Overpowered Mental Sense

Chapter 373: Overpowered Mental Sense

Min Hong sank into the cold water and shivered for some mysterious reason as he carried his thoughts and buried himself deep into the cold water, as he drowned himself in his own thoughts

'If this minute change can bring so much sorrow into his life, then what will happen when the change is complete?'

'Fine, he would be extremely powerful beyond compare to the extent that the great creator would most likely serve him as a subject, but where would all his childhood happiness and warmth be?'

'Would they stand by him all through or will they all shed of and leave along the journey?'

Min Hong thought to himself as he sank deeper into the freezing bath water

'In life, one can only rely on oneself and the strengths they possess

'The only thing that can guarantee ones happiness is absolute power which could make one have whatever they wanted'

'It didn't really matter how he got it, because then people would be too scared to even have a ridiculing thought in their head'

Min Hong continued, not realizing that his school of thought was already deviating

At that moment, the idea that only himself could save himself from the current predicament completely took over Min Hong

He rose from the water and simply stat within it and shut his eyes, before appearing in front of Little Fei and Daniel; oblivious to the wreck the aura of his bloodline had previously caused, Min Hong went straight to Daisy's panel and brought up the display;

"He has obviously changed"

Daniel opened his eyes slightly from his meditative position before muttering to himself with a shake of his head and returning to his meditation


Daisy beeped the moment she sensed Min Hong

Min Hong simply skipped through his personal details, because he knew it was going to be surely chaotic, and he will rather not look at it and get plunged into deeper mental chaos, so he went straight for the notifications tab and clicked on it, without saying a word to his partners

Category Mission

Type Battle

Nature Conquest

Location Reaper's Lair

Target War God Trial

Directive Defeat Each Opponent With A Single Strike

Time Taken 1 Day

Rank S Rank

Base Reward - 50,000/Opponent

Potential Reward - 500,000

Status Closed.

Progress Completed [100%]

Rewards 5,000,000

Balance 14,000,000

He ignored the balance and went to check if there were available missions he could do just to keep his thoughts and mind from spiraling down an abyss of no return

But as fate would have it, there were no pending missions, then he left the area without saying a word to the dup who watched him leave

He didn't feel like meeting Old Man Li at this point, so he simply came out of the water, cleaned himself and transformed the black star skin into a simple outfit that was very convenient and comfortable

Now his hair had a lusher and more shiny tinge to it, and the golden slit that ran through the sides were still there but were now having a reddish hue spreading from the roots outwards

He was another notch handsome at this point, with a devilishly handsome face, an aura of limitlessness and brewing calamity

His eyes were deep set like one which had just gained an enlightenment about his resolutions

They were alluring, scary and ancient He stood there at a maintained six feet, with toned muscles which were now slightly more apparent on his bulletproof looking skin

His complexion was almost golden, but now he wore an expression of someone who had been strengthened through tragedy rather than the normal smile that stood there before, and he also gave people the feeling of being detached; like he had detached himself, his hopes and his optimism from certain beliefs, and was now ready to rely on himself to walk into his future

He walked down the stairs and saw breakfast spread all over the table and though the ladies were there, they were not eating, and the table had this dull, melancholic aura around it, thus, Min Hong simply walked past them without a word and stepped outside of the house

When the maids saw him, they grew flushed, but Min Hong's nonchalant and dead gaze simply swept over them and moved to the guards who were hard at work

Min Hong jumped high into the air, and a large creature swooped over and carried him away

Min Hong laid in his usual position; with his face to the clouds as he spoke;

"Aren't you afraid?" Min Hong asked in a tired but curious tone;

"Hmph! everyone changes at one point or the other, and many people will adapt to it instantly, others would take a while to do so, and some never will"

Little Ming replied as she glided through the air

"But you still haven't answered the question"

Min Hong wanted to know those he could bank on at this point, and though he knew some of the others will come around eventually, but he wanted to who was here now, and those who aren't here at the moment

"Me I naturally don't care what you become, as long as you don't go around killing random people like some monster who has lost every sense of human reasoning"

Little Ming responded with her usual 'live in the moment' mentality

Min Hong simply laughed slightly, the first since he had awoken from his nightmare

"So, where are we heading to?" Little Ming asked;

"You decide that I am fine with wherever you want to go"

Min Hong replied stunning Little Ming because this was the first time she had been given the privilege to make a decision;


The situation was so sudden that everywhere she wanted to visit seemed to vanish from her memory; "Don't think too much about it, just let your feelings guide you"

Min Hong wanted to be far away from things that would make him depressed, so that he could prevent those negative thoughts from revamping.

Little Ming carried Min Hong deeper into the Core Court, towards District 1; Gong Yi's home

"I told you to take us anywhere and this is where you chose!?" Min Hong asked amusedly;

"Well, just like you said; I simply let my feelings guide me"

"Moreover, from these guys tone, I could sense whatever it was they wanted to discuss with you was very important" Little Ming replied;

"And?" For some reasons, Min Hong seemed to know that wasn't all;

"I hate it when they come around the house They always give me a creepy feeling" Little Ming added;

"Which one of them exactly?"

"The one we are about to see" Little Ming replied;

"That is why you wanted to show up unannounced right?"

"You wanted to see if you could find out why he was giving you such a creepy feeling, right!?"

Min Hong spoke with a cunning grin plastered on his face, and for some reason, he began to feel eager about the idea;

"Alright then But I suggest you put me down when we are just outside the range of their spirit sense" Min Hong spoke;


Little Ming replied s her body began to shimmer and the runes all over her body began to light up, and for the first time, Min Hong saw what was going on and was about to witness Little Ming's new 'Void Blink' ability


The space in front of Little Ming ripped apart as a portal leading into the void spun awake

Min Hong took out a simple sword and threw it high into the air as Little Ming entered the portal

About half a kilometer away from the location of the portal, another portal spun open and Little Ming came out of it

Min Hong looked back at the sword he had thrown and saw it fall to the ground;

"500 meters in two seconds Not bad" Min Hong spoke as he patted Little Ming on the neck;

"It was because I don't know what lies ahead of this thick forest, otherwise I would have gone further than that" Little Ming said smugly;

"This is not a forest, it is just the demarcation that separates District 2 from District 1" Min Hong corrected;

"We can touchdown within it" Min Hong added as Little Ming began to descend into the thick bushes

After dropping Min Hong off, Little Ming shrunk into an earring as she attached herself to Min Hong's ears

The moment Min Hong walked out of the bushes, he felt four separate spirit sense wash over him;

'Just as I thought, their range covers an entire district'

Min Hong nodded seemingly impressed, not in comparison to him, but the fact that people of their age could have such strong spirit sense

His own Mental Sense had long surpassed theirs by leagues

An example was when he flew into the sky to get the general direction of the trail of the Nihility Essence Flame, and a speak of fire was shot towards his direction all the way from the core court, and he could easily sense it from the outer courts District 21 which was exactly 20 districts away

Perhaps it was due to his mental and soul power which was now as strong as 5 Star Nascent Soul expert themselves, but the only reason why he couldn't tap into such immense level of power was because he simply had no techniques to actually weaponize his soul and mental powers

The only thing he could do at the moment was to release them in forceful bursts which acts to disorient his targets, and even the [Dragon Slayer Staff/Sword] were physical attacks he simply channeled little to no soul power into, to add the effects of the [Buddhist Chant of the Cherubs] for added damage

But Min Hong simply followed their relatively strong spirit sense and used it to trace their location

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