The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 350: Midas Touch

Chapter 350: Midas Touch

"If I you two dare to miss this deadline by an hour, not only will I release these proofs, I will also make sure Elder Long here, visits you two!" Min Hong took a deep breath;

"I will have my secret eyes watching your every move from now henceforth, and I will also be sending different random people to come and collect reports based on the progress you have made"

"That is all!" Min Hong reclined into his seat and shut his eyes

"You've heard him, now get going!"

Elder Long commanded as the two elders miserably scrambled to their feet and exited the apartment;

"Mu Li, take Fei Qing, and Tong Tian with you and get our resources, today I will head over to the treasure hall later and pick up my gifts"

Mu Li smiled as he looked towards Min Qing who was the treasurer of the Hong Dynasty and Tong Tian who was not only shocked by everything that just happened within the last half an hour, but was very much impressed by Min Hong's ambition, boldness and manner of approach

"Kun Chao, Kun Ling and Qing Tan Please kindly head over to the Enforcement Hall and ensure that old pervert isn't slacking off"

Min Hong dished out follow up crews to ensure that everything goes on as fast as possible, since he had given himself at most two more years to achieve whatever it is he needed to achieve

Then the only ones left in the room were, Min Rou, Little Ming, Elder Yun, Elder Long, Long Sha, Min Hong and the Cui entourage [or emissaries]

But Min Hong simply stood up and prepared to enter the room when Elder Long coughed slightly, and it was only then that Min Hong actually understood that there were still some matters to attend to

Sincerely speaking, he had thought the Cui group were the new friends Min Rou had brought back or had just met, and there was also the possibility that they might have been from the Long Super Clan, thus, he didn't think he needed an explanation or too much introduction before they could stay under his roof, after all, they are family of family

"Elder Long, is there something you want to discuss with me?"

Min Hong asked somehow lethargically, and the sore all over his body showing just how potent they were;

"It is not me that has something to discuss"

Elder Long spoke before grabbing Long Sha and taking him outside for some makeshift chat, whilst Min Rou simply returned to the kitchen to cook or something;

"Can we go play around, this place is pretty big and I would love to explore a bit!" Little Ming asked somewhat eagerly;

"Alright Don't do anything I won't do" Min Hong warned;

"Of course, I will do only what you will do"

Little Ming gave a mischievous grin, and at that moment, Min Hong knew he had said something he shouldn't have, and began to prepare himself for the headache that will come from allowing Little Ming roam about;

"I will go with her and make sure to keep her out of trouble"

Elder Yun flew over from the side; "Yes, mom!" Little Ming sarcastically retorted with a roll of her eyes

"Thanks!" Min Hong said with a relieved sigh

But all of a sudden it dawned on him that he was the only one left with these Cui entourage in the living room, but he simply pushed the strange situation to the back of his head, picked up his cup of cocktail and reclined into his sofa, opposite the ladies and looked over to them with a certain level of nonchalance and leisure that it seemed more suave and cool in its own sense;

"You have something to discuss with me?"

Min Hong urged when he noticed these people had not only been somewhat silent, but looking at him like he was some brand new specie their curiosity couldn't help but study

The Cui entourage remained quiet for a bit and Min Hong understood that it wasn't because they didn't want to speak, but because they seem to be hesitating for some reason;

"You don't have to think too much about anything"

"You can also throw the formalities out the door if it helps" Min Hong tried to ease the atmosphere a bit

"Thanks We are the Cui guards and have escorted our Princess Cui on her trip here to discuss a very important matter with you" One of the guards said;

"Okay?" Min Hong replied with some sense of urgency in his tone

Not only was he sore, he was also exhausted and needed a very nice massage, then a lengthy deep sleep

But for these ladies who usually found themselves lording over any male or man within their clan found out themselves somewhat a little bit hard to summon their courage to speak to this seemingly fifteen year old boy

Min Hong let out a helpless sigh and stood up;


The White Robed Princess Cui finally blurted when she noticed Min Hong was about to leave;

"I am truly exhausted and don't have any time for all these shenanigans, if you have something to say to me, let it out, and if you don't, you can stay for a little while and use the door!"

Min Hong ensured he used a slightly offensive hand gesture to emphasize his words

"Leave us"

Princess Cui spoke and for a moment there, it was as if the guards didn't hear her

Not because they didn't hear her, but because their brains couldn't process the information on time

They were not in any way ready to leave their pristine and innocent princess in the presence of this vulgar beast all alone, but after Princess Cui slanted her head a little they begrudgingly left with a frown etched on their faces

When they left, Princess Cui finally stood up, and it was only then Min Hong was able to really get a full view of her physical disposition which was a true 'stunner'

She walked up to Min Hong standing only about a hair-length shorter than Min Hong, and then she spoke;

"Do you mind if I massage you?"


Min Hong was utterly confused, and for some reason, he could sense Daniel face-palming himself in frustration

"It would make this conversation much easier for me I won't do anything you won't do"

The moment she made the last past of her statement, Princess Cui realized there seemed to be something not quite right about the way she said it

But Min Hong who was frustrated and needed a rest simply sat with his back to her, as Princess Cui knelt on the sofa behind him and began to knead his shoulders, as Min Hong sat there with his wings ready to unfurl with the strongest force ever should this lady have some ulterior motives

There was no way he was leaving his back unguarded, even if she is drop dead gorgeous

At this point in his life, he knew better than to let down his guard, but the moment Princess Cui knocked one of his shoulder muscles, and gently caressed one of the sore parts, all those wariness and cautious mentally disappeared like smoke, as Min Hong melted into her hands

It was like as if he was in heaven and he didn't realize when he let out a deep moan which bordered on an erotic one, causing Princess Cui not only to blush but also smile happily that beneath this vault of a man, lies and endless amount of soft tofu, and she was happy that she had finally pried the vault open

Now, he would be a little more receptive and apprehensive of whatever she wanted to tell him

"I am the sole princess and heir to our Cui Super Clan, the strongest Clan within the Dogon Empire bar the imperials"

"We are a clan of females and rarely associate ourselves with the outside world, and as a result very little about us is known to the experts"

"I have come here today because we need you and the very future and prosperity of our clan depends on it"

She paused expecting Min Hong to ask some questions, but Min Hong who was drowning in the abyss of bliss caused by having probably the most beautiful lady he had ever seen [Dang it The most beautiful all three of them had ever seen] give him a heavenly massage with the hand of 'Midas' simply replied;

"Unh Unh"

Smiling once more and becoming much more free around him for some reason, Princess Cui continued;

"We are strictly females and use men basically as servants and an avenue of expanding our little population..."

"But as for royals like my mother; the queen and other queens and princesses who had come before her and I, our mates or partners are usually chosen for us by our ancestral spirits who communicate only with our clan shaman "

"The choosing and affirmation of our partners is always a two way situation; we will not be given any information on our partners and our quest or mission will be to find him, wherever he might be on the planet, and once we find him, he would in return go into our inheritance grounds and perform a rite of passage by obtaining the strongest treasure within the inheritance ground which would be accepted as a bride price before the communion is made on the day the sun and the moon aligns with a specific constellation that appears once every 100 years"

"Wait, does that mean you are about 100 years old?"

Min Hong turned as he began to cringe at the thought that he was being massaged by an old hag who had managed to keep her appearance young by using some unorthodox or wicked secret arts and techniques

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