The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 351: Untitled

Chapter 351: Untitled

"Wait, does that mean you are about 100 years old?"

Min Hong turned as he began to cringe at the thought that he was being massaged by an old hag who had managed to keep her appearance young by using some unorthodox or wicked secret arts and techniques


Princess Cui subconsciously notched one of the muscles on his shoulders when she heard him insinuate she was about 100 years old;

"Oh, sorry!" She apologized and continued;

"I'm only a little past my teenage years That is all you should know for now"

"Furthermore, since the constellations only align once every 100 years, our ancestors have aligned the time they give birth just about 20 to 25 years before the constellation aligns, which puts us in the prime of our youth"

"So, have you found this fated man of yours yet?"

Min Hong asked and instantly his vision blurred, as Daniel actually smacked him out of sheer frustration;

"Why do dumb people always get the girl?"

Daniel asked turning to Little Fei out of frustration, while Little Fei simply shrugged and grinned before replying;

"There is an attractive level of adorable innocence that comes with being dumb"

Daniel simply shook his head wondering how Min Hong could be so stupid to not know the answer to such a question

"I might have, but he can't be treated like every other man in our clan whom we just drag away and mate with He has to be wiling, otherwise"

Princess Cui's voice trailed off, seemingly hesitant of completing her statement;

"Otherwise what?"

Min Hong urged her as she continued to baptize his back in absolute relaxation;

"Otherwise, his bloodline might reject ours and not merge"

She said with a tensed pause, thinking Min Hong was going to disapprove of their Clan's methods, but the nincompoop simply replied;

"Oh, so you have come here because you think I might know where this unfortunate fellow lies- Ouch!"

Min Hong felt another lock on his muscles and instantly turned around;

"Alright, that's enough What is it with you?" Min Hong fumed at the Princess only to see her pouting in anger;

"Eh, what are you angry about..."

"Alright give me any form of description of the person you're looking for and I will help you find him"

Min Hong gave up, he really needed a good massage and with the way this girl was locking and unlocking the muscles on his shoulders and neck made him more frustrated than relaxed

"Hmph! Stupid!"

The Princess snorted finding it hard to link the man who had just handled two Hall Heads about half an hour ago to this boy who seemed too need to be spoon-fed


Min Hong stood up and began to walk inside his bedroom;

"When you are ready to talk, you can speak to anyone, and I will see what I can do to help you find him"

Min Hong said as he entered his bedroom, leaving Princess Cui confused, conflicted and checking herself out

Perhaps, there is something about her appearance he didn't like, and before long Min Rou walked into the living room and after seeing only the Princess, she branched straight into his bedroom, whilst the her guards, Elder Long and Long Sha finally returned inside

"You fool! Are you going to tell me you don't know you are the one she is looking for!?" Daniel was literally fuming;

"I don't have time for someone who plays with her food!"

Min Hong laid on his back and with a solid, loud groan, he turned onto his stomach

His Qi cultivation is still being affected by that poison, and his body cultivation energy was completely drained, and he wasn't willing to force the dragon tattoos or strained them

Sometimes, all a cultivator needs is just a soothing massage and a very long nap, and in most occasions it is always a better recovery method than any other, because it soothes the heart, mind, soul, body and even the Qi pathways

"Are you okay?" Min Hong looked behind and saw Min Rou before sighing;

"I am seriously exhausted and sore all over"

"Alright pull off your clothes and let me help"

She said it as if it was nothing, but Min Hong for a bit there, froze like a deer in headlight, but after few minutes, his Black Star Skin warped into a little short, as Min Rou flicked her wrist and pulled out an ointment that she applied on his back and began to give him a better massage

Before long all of Min Hong's body was getting as soft as tofu, but strangely also, a part of his body was as hard as vibranium, poking his bed to the extent that it was almost pushing him upwards

The more Min Rou touched and touched, the more aroused Min Hong became as soon his blush was visible to Min Rou from behind

She smiled happily and stood from the bed, gave him a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room

"Damn! That was so close!" Min Hong muttered as he rolled over to reveal his raging and tyrannic rod;

"Hehe he Looking to nail your mom unh!" Daniel teased;

"Like you weren't willing to join in" Min Hong retorted

Whilst they were bickering, Min Rou was somewhere within her make-shift room looking at her oil sleek hands and inhaling the fragrance of the only person who truly tugs her heart

This is nothing compared to what her heart desires, but touching him to an erection was something she wouldn't mind doing any day and at any time

About half an hour later, Min Qing, Mu Li and Tong Tian returned and joined the rest in the living room whilst Min Qing went inside to go check on Min Hong, and luckily for both of them, she was just in time to see the raging bulge hidden beneath Min Hong's shorts

Seemingly in high spirits due to the outcome from the Treasure Hall was, she instantly got to her knees and began to kiss Min Hong from his laps up his body

By the time she got to his head, they were already groping each other like a pack of anacondas in heat

Slipping her hand into his shorts and gripping the head of his raging hose which was already dripping with sticky liquids, Min Qing lubricated her hand with it and began to give Min Hong the best massage any man would want, any time and any day

They both began to rummage and invade the insides of each other's mouths like barbarian nomads looking to search and plunder every resources hidden with the corners and crevices of their victims homes

Erotic moans began to synchronize within the room, merging together into a perfect symphony that drowns them deeper into their duets, and before long Min Qing burnt her clothes to ashes and impaled herself on Min Hong's mighty spear;


A moan of a fallen heroine escaped her mouth as she succumbed to Min Hong's thrust, and Min Hong being a savage who had been repeatedly taunted by Min Rou earlier shew no mercy, as he repeatedly impaled her over and over again without remorse

Stabbing her all the way to her guts forcing the pitiful heroine to let out several gasps and unintended breath of hot hair as her moan of defeat continued to intensify, until it came to a crescendo as they both came


Min Hong grunted, stabbing Min Qing with more powerful thrust as he bestowed his affections for her, the powerful thrusts helping to ensure that his affection reached the inner depths of Min Qing's being

Min Qing herself bit her lips to stifle her moans as she showered Min Hong with her own affection before falling on him with her twin peaks squashing into Min Hong's bare chest forcing him to give an additional and final thrust that caused Min Qing's eyes to roll inwardly, as she finally fell prey to his dominant and sovereign conquest

"Wow that was very different Much better though"

"What happened while I was away?"

She asked with a content smile plastered on her face as well as heavy pants, and Min Hong was about to respond when Min Qing suddenly added;

"Is it because of the princess?"

Min Hong skipped a breath despite his pants and nearly choked on air, which for some strange reasons Min Qing found funny

"You don't need to say anything a girl doesn't stick around this long around a guy without some sort of interest in him" She eased his fears;

"I won't go for her if she doesn't say what she wants"

Min Hong tried to sound amicable but Min Qing simply rolled her eyes and traced her hand along his chest and belly before reaching his spear once again, and she smiled when she felt it twitch, and just as Min Hong was about to begin another duet, she shoved his divine sword back into its hilt before adding;

"She had come such a very long way, and taking her position and situation into consideration, it would be a little unfair to let her return empty handed"

"Moreover, I heard their Clan is the strongest apart from the Imperials and Long Super Clan, they might really come in handy on our return to the empire"

Min Qing's train of thought not only surprised Min Hong, but told him that she was a true queen in the making;

"No one can take your place as my queen, everyone else would have to settle for being a concubine!"

Min Hong reassured, as they both shared a love filled kiss, before they both cleaned up themselves and returned to the living room

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