The Legend of Min Hong

Chapter 349: The Hong District

Chapter 349: The Hong District

Long Sha took the necklace and wore it and after touching it and recalling some wonderful memories he had with Yueyao when he was still much younger, he shut his eyes tightly, and everyone within that room could tell that he had lost something very close to him

"You may rise" Long Sha said as he took his seat;

"We will have to wait for Mu Li and Kun Chao to arrive before we do or say anything"

Min Hong explained as they all took resting position whilst they waited for the duo to arrive

It took nothing more than ten minutes for eight figures to arrive in front of Min Hong's apartment

"Come in!"

Min Hong said as they all steeped in, two middle aged men, two young boys which we are all too familiar with and finally four young girls

They were, the Head of the Treasure Hall and Enforcement Hall, followed by Kun Chao and Mu Li, and finally the four girls [Mu Li's rats] whom these Heads have been bestowing their affections on

"Little Kid, we will have to do this in private and quick!"

The Enforcement Hall Head spoke with a rigid and almost commanding tone;

"As for you, we will settle your matter in the presence of the entire Hong Dynasty, and not only that, I will also give them the permission to discuss whatever we say today with anyone they want"

Min Hong didn't even look towards the Enforcement Hall Head as he spoke nonchalantly, and instantly, the man grew furious and tried to attack, but just as he was about to, Elder Long threw a tag into his chest, and by the time he caught it and looked at it, his eyes nearly broke out of their sockets;

"I-i-I'm really sorry, great one I never knew anyone from your prestigious Long Super Clan has graced our sect with your presence!"

The elder flustered and knelt before slamming his head continuously on the ground till it began to bleed 

Who was he?

An ordinary Enforcement Hall Head who has to answer to the Sect Leader.

But who was this middle-aged man?

Someone who could request an audience with the Emperor of the entire Empire and be granted access within minutes

If this middle aged man was truly who he was, which couldn't be any truer with the tag in his hands, then he had the right to behead him on the spot and the Sect Leader wouldn't even frown at it

"I don't know what he wants with you two, but for this level of impetuousness you have shown, both of you shall kneel throughout the process of today's matter!"

Long Sha spoke with a nonchalance that brood no argument, and when the Enforcement Hall Head, who didn't know who Long Sha was hesitated, Elder Long added;

"You dare to hesitate on anything the Heir to the throne of the Long Super Clan says!"

Instantly, both elders went straight to their knees Things weren't panning out the way they planned it to be

They had come with the intention of threatening Min Hong into submission and keeping his mouth shut on the matter, or they would make sure he and his friends never see the light of day again

But with the way things are going, it seems the reverse would be the case if they didn't keep their mouth shut and did as they were told

Princess Cui who was watching from the sides was really stunned at the situation, and not only did her interest in what was going on peaked, she also wanted to know what Min Hong's intentions were, and how he will handle the situation

After all, this is something really important, and it will also show her the kind of person Min Hong who she had travelled a great distance to meet, was

"I don't want to waste much time with this, so I will get straight to the point" Min Hong began;

"Not only do we have the samples of the mayonnaise you deposited within these ladies, but we also have the recordings of your grunts, promises and the several gut-wrenching things you told them to do to you"

"You two do really have some amazing fetishes"

Min Hong spoke extremely bluntly and raw [which I am not allow to do here, but I will let your imaginative translations run wild] to the extent that every single lady, be it Princess Cui, the Cui guards, and even the four defiled ladies themselves, blushed madly as they shut their thighs out of instincts, and for some reasons, they began to feel hot in this cool and well ventilated living room

"So, this is what you will do for me, if you don't want this to spread across the entire empire faster than you can finish your breakfast"

The two Hall Heads who had thought Min Hong was only going to spread this matter across the Sect alone began to sweat bullets when they heard his intentions

If Min Hong did as he had said, not only will their Clans banish them, their wives and children might also reject them, and even the society if possible, forcing them to be unable to show their faces in public and have to move from place to place to avoid detection and scrutiny

Thus, they completely opened their ears, and eyes to ensure they didn't miss even the slightest details of Min Hong's negotiation

Min Hong didn't want to push it too far either, or else it might have more dangerous repercussions than advantages

After all, should someone who has lost everything put their all into destroying his plans and future, then he might have a lot of things to worry about more than taking over the East Wind Empire

"The first thing is I will need access to the treasure hall's main vault, and pick three items of my choice without paying a dime..."

"Then all our Mid-Grade Spirit Stones are to be converted into High-Grade ones and paid in full whilst our merit points be converted into Mid-Grade Spirit Stones, high grade cultivation techniques and martial arts techniques, and finally high tier weapons!"

Min Hong told the Treasure Hall Head who heaved a huge sigh of relief, because based on everything he had heard so far, it seems the only thing Min Hong was going to collect from him for the blackmail was to pick three things in the treasure vault...

Though it might warrant some serious explanations from the Sect Leader and the Grand Elder's, but he could just lie to him that the Merit Points and Spirit Stones Min Hong's group won through betting on the 'War God Trials' were enough to cover for it

"Then lastly, I don't care if you keep chasing after anything on skirts or without a manhood, but I never want to see or hear either of you touch any disciple again"

"This proofs will be with me till I die, and if I hear any of you touch any disciple, I don't care if it is 500 years later, or if the disciples force themselves on you, I will spread this proof even outside the jurisdiction of the Dogon Empire!"

He added before turning to look at the Enforcement Hall Head;

"As for you, I made a statement the day Xi Mei died, and I never go back on my word or promises, thus, I truly plan on governing everything from district 10 to the last district" Min Hong began;

"Everything from financial flow to rules, regulations and conducts, and finally recruiting of talents from the yearly influx of new disciples that come into the sect"

"My Hong Dynasty is still in its infancy, and I want to expand it from now henceforth"

"You will recruit ten of the top twenty disciples that pass into the outer court yearly, and have them sent to district 21 which would be reserved entirely for my Hong Dynasty!"

"Mu Bai would discuss the preferences of the talents we are looking to recruit, Mu Li would discuss the details of the network we are going to establish here, and finally, I will have the details of my governance structure sent to you"

"You will also send ten enforcers to guard the entire district 21 and everyone who isn't under my reign shall not enter this district, which means the Desert Sun Sect as of today henceforth doesn't have 100 districts anymore but 99"

"District 21 no longer exist" Min Hong continued;

"You will also ensure by any means that all elders bar the Sect Leader and Grand Elders do not interfere with the way District 21 is being run"

"I might still be here for the better part of two years, and I expect everything I have told you two to be done in two months, which is when the new entrance selection exam would be held"

"If I you two dare to miss this deadline by an hour, not only will I release these proofs, I will also make sure Elder Long here, visits you two!" Min Hong took a deep breath;

"I will have my secret eyes watching your every move from now henceforth, and I will also be sending different random people to come and collect reports based on the progress you have made"

"That is all!"

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