Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 495 - Four Hundred And Ninety-five: A Lovetrip To Lincolnshire

Chapter 495 - Four Hundred And Ninety-five: A Lovetrip To Lincolnshire

The third point of view:

"Son?" George was shocked out of his mind when he woke up to his son on his bed. How was that possible? He died. He buried him.

"Father," his son said.

"No, no, no," He shook his head stubbornly as if he wanted to jerk the image of him away, "This is just a dream,"

"Father, it's me," His son reached out and touched him.

George felt him. He was real.

"Oh my God," He gasped and cupped his son's face with his palm, tears streaming down his face.

"I'm so sorry," He cried, "It's all my fault. I should have been more careful. It was as a result of my carelessness," George cried, holding onto him tightly as if he would vanish if he dared let go.

"Where's Julie?"

The tears came to a sudden stop, George stiffened and he slowly let go of his son. However, when he glanced up at him, his son's expression was frozen.

His son's gaze was cold and empty, his face was rid of all feelings. George felt goosebumps climb his arm, he couldn't help but wonder if this was still his son - because it didn't feel like him anymore.

"J-Julie," He choked, "What about Julie?"

"I can't find him," His voice became colder, the temperature in the room dropped.

"Of course, Julie is…" George stiffened, realizing that the kid was on the run. But then, his dead son doesn't have to know about that. He laughed nervously, "Of course, Julie is -"

"I trusted you," His son whispered, leaning closer with a menacing tone. The hairs on his back stood on edge, his son was becoming frightening.

"I tried my best," George told him, his eyes widening with a trace of fear as his son hovered over him with a chilling smile that could only be found on the face of a psychopath.

"Your best wasn't enough," he said, his hands closing around George's neck as he began to choke him.

"I'm sorry for everything," George was plunged with guilt so great he didn't even bother to stop his son from strangling him. It was all his fault. He deserved to die.

"Come and join me!" a merciless smirk curved his mouth and his grip around George's throat tightened.


George was startled awake from his sleep, his heart pounding loudly in his chest. He instantly felt around his neck, coming up with nothing and that was when he realized he had a nightmare less than five minutes after he dozed off.

The old man hadn't been able to sleep well last night considering the fact his grandson was not home. He kept turning and tossing all night to the early mornings. Left with no choice, George decided to come into his office and work when he dozed off and experienced that horrifying nightmare.

But no matter how frightening the dream was, George still thought over it. Could it be that his late son was angry over Julie's disappearance? Had he unintentionally angered the dead? Was this a sign? George was conflicted.

But then, he had to get Julie back. George was not a believer in superstition or occult, however, the dream had shaken him to the core and he had to do something about it.

With a deep sigh, he picked up his phone. Although it hurt his pride, this was something he had to do to be at peace. Everything he ever did was for his grandson to have the best life - even when he wouldn't be around anymore. George wanted the best for Julie so he would be able to face his late son and daughter-in-law proudly in the afterlife.

So he went to his contact list and unblocked Eden - yeah, that was how deep their animosity ran - and was just about to place a call to his enemy when his phone rang. Shockingly, it was his Eden, his enemy calling.

George was tempted to ignore that rude man's call - he was older than Eden and yet Eden could not respect him as an elder - but that would seem childish.

"Hello," He picked at last.

"Hello. We need to talk,"

"Yes, we need to talk," George concurred. He'd let his dear grandchild have what he wants if that would keep him happy. Moreover, kids nowadays no longer last in a relationship, he bet Julie would be disinterested in her in a few months. Why was he so headstrong in the first place when this could have been solved easily.

"Where do we meet?" Eden asked from the other line.

"At my place," was George's decision.

"Why there? What if you're planning on getting me killed?"

George laughed, "I get to choose because I'm older than you, punk! And do you think I'll invite you to a place that would be traceable to me?" Eden was a man of influence and had underground ties - he's a relative to Sakuzi - his sudden disappearance would not be taken lightly.

"Fine," He accepted grumpily, the line went dead.

George underestimated how important Anabelle was to Eden because the man arrived at his place in ten minutes! He must have raced like a mad man to get here.

The atmosphere between both men was awkward, they had gone from enemies to partners in a twinkle of an eye.

"I agree with the kids dating. What do you say?" Eden got down to business immediately.

"I also agree to the kids being together," George finally gave consent yet he added quickly, "But on one condition,"

"What are you up to now?" Eden narrowed his gaze at him suspiciously.

"The kids can date but Isabella remains Julie's fiancée,"

"Oh damn -! "

"Hear me out," George stopped him mid-curse.

"Fine, say it," Eden said through gritted teeth.

"The kids can date but if they break up after three years, his engagement with Isabella stands,"

"Isabella is not a reserve,"

"That's my condition,"

"You'd have to discuss that with Niklaus and I'm sure as hell he wouldn't agree," Eden told him the gospel truth.

"But Isabella would," George smirked, "She might appear uncaring but the girl would do anything for family,"

"You're evil," Eden groaned.

"It's called business,"

"Fine," Eden gave in but then, there was another problem, "How do we contact the kids?"

George grinned at him, Eden shivered. He didn't like that look at all.

"What?" He was uncomfortable.

"Not if we can send them on a love trip to Lincolnshire,"


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