Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 496 - Four Hundred And Ninety-Six: Where Did Her Breast Go?

Chapter 496 - Four Hundred And Ninety-Six: Where Did Her Breast Go?

The third point of view:

Pedro stirred from his sleep yet didn't open his eyes - he wanted to laze around for a few moments. He felt a body by his side and instinctively knew it was Isabella.

A contented smile tugging his lips, he reached out and warped his arm possessively around her waist and leaned closer, her back turned to him. His hand lying on her waist traced up to her chest, intending to get a quick feel of her boobs when his brows furrowed in confusion. Where did her breasts go?

Julie was having his beauty sleep when he felt a "welcomed" disturbance. Warm arms circled his waist and he didn't protest knowing it was probably his girlfriend, Anabelle. A smile tugged his lips, guess someone was restless this morning.

He could have reacted but Julie didn't say a word nor move a muscle; he pretended to be asleep. He wanted to test out if Anabelle's character implant from last night was carried over to a new day - she had to be the one to make the first move.

It was hard to remain still with the way her hands were traveling over his body but he forced himself to submit. It was a little sacrifice for the greater good. So when her hands went to his chest and squeezed his nipple, he stifled a moan. God this was so good. However, something happened.

Although her movements were exciting, Julie couldn't help but think that she was searching for something on his chest. But what? Suddenly, the hands on his chest froze in its movement and that was when it hit him as well.

Those hands were too big and callous for Anabelle. Oh no.

At once, Julie's eyes popped open the same time Pedro's did as well. He turned around with lightning speed, a disturbing premonition tugging at the pit of his belly. He had a bad feeling about this. And as expected. He was right. Anabelle wasn't on the bed Anabelle but her ex, Pedro.


Both men shrieked, scrambling off the bed as if they had seen the devil himself.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Pedro shrieked, shooting up to his feet. Shock, disbelief, and anger all mixed into one, crossing his gaze. What the hell had happened last night?

"I should be the one asking you about that, pervert!" Julie retorted, up on his feet as he checked his body for signs of assault.

"Pervert?" Pedro couldn't believe what he just heard, "Did you just call me a pervert?"

"What am I supposed to call you then? Dude, you fucking harassed me - you touched my nipple!"

"I thought it was Isabella's breast for fucking sake!" Pedro defended himself. Fuck, that was supposed to be Isabella on his bed. How did that asshole end up there?

"Whose breasts?" a head peered out from the door and all turned in the direction of that voice.

Isabella narrowed her gaze at them suspiciously, "What's this bromance in the air?"

"Bromance?" both glared at her. They were hardly friends, what bromance?! The only reason they were this close was because of their girlfriends.

Taking a deep breath of relief, Julie went over to Isabella his savior to lay down the grievance in his heart, "Your boyfriend here harassed me, you have to do something!"

"Harassed?" Isabella was mildly surprised by that accusation - you should know nothing takes her by surprise.

"Outrageous!" Pedro was angered, "I should be asking you what you were doing on the bed? That should have been Isabella and me there!"

"No, that should have Anabelle and me on the bed!" Julie demanded.

"And this is why I let you two knuckleheads have the bed," Isabella revealed the truth to the both of them.


Pedro and Julie were astounded.

"We drank ourselves to stupor," Isabella gave them the details, "Clearly wasted, Pedro, dragged me to the bed wanting to sleep with me when you appeared as well demanding for the bed. The both of you started a drunken quibble and I had no choice but to leave you both. Anabelle took the couch, I slept on the floor, satisfied? "

Ahh, that made more sense. They were drunk and ended up sleeping together. Shit, this was a memory they wished they could erase forever.

"Wash up and come out. Breakfast is served," Isabella announced and as if she jinxed their luck, their hangover kicked in.

"Gosh, I feel horrible," Pedro groaned, clutching his temple. Compared to?Julie who was used to the life of drinking since he was linked with the Mafia, he was a light drinker.

Right now, his head was banging so hard as if a hammer was being brought down on his skull. He must not have noticed the sensation earlier because he was high on adrenaline thanks to the "bromance" episode.

Julie noticed his horrible state and grinned at him, "Toughen up, sissy." He intentionally shoved Predo on the shoulder causing him to stumble on his feet. The world swirled around him, the sensation was horrible.

"That asshole," Pedro cursed through gritted teeth.

But he endured the discomfort and went on with his morning rituals.

"Have the soup, it would help with your hangover," Isabella informed Pedro with a smile, setting the food closer to him as soon as he took a seat in the dining.

However, before he could even thank her for her thoughtfulness, Isabella took a seat on his lap.

Oh fuck, Pedro knew he was damned. He didn't need to be told this was vengeance from Isabella for not riding him last night.

Julie choked on his food, why can't this little devil let him rest for once without suffocating him with her public display of affection.

While Anabelle had a stunned expression, a flush creeping up her neck. Isabella was so bold - she couldn't do that in front of everyone. Annabelle didn't need to bother much about a hangover since a single shot had knocked her out cold last night.

"You know," Pedro began, trying to clear the awkward atmosphere and as well, take his mind off Isabella's ass slowly grinding on his crotch.

God, she was killing him. Slowly, "Yesterday, reminds me of that memory of us stealing Maya's liquor when we were younger,"

"Yep," Anabelle smiled, "It was all Isabella's idea,"

"Doesn't surprise me," Julie chimed in.

"And yet, you guys followed me sheepishly," Isabella said to them and reached for the salad and sat back down, wriggling her backside against Pedro's crotch.

At this rate he was going to die, Pedro realized and decided to choose the easier way.

"Fine, we'd do it today," he surrendered.

"Oh God,"


The other couples on the table whined.

Isabella turned to her boyfriend with an innocent look, "What? Did I complain? I was just giving you what you wanted,"

"Huh?" Pedro was confused. Was there something he was missing out here?

Sensing his turmoil, Isabella leaned in closer like a siren ready to lull in innocent sailors to their death. She whispered into his ears, "You wanted my breast, remember?"

Oh, realization dawned on him.

She went on, "But now, I gave you my ass, shouldn't you be grateful?"

Yes, Pedro was grateful, super grateful for the fact that she arousing him yet he had to endure helplessly…. fuck it! She was giving him blue balls!

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