Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 494 - Four Hundred And Ninety-four: You Sound Like Adam

Chapter 494 - Four Hundred And Ninety-four: You Sound Like Adam

The third point of view:

Eden woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and was as grumpy as a grandpa. With just a look at his frowning face and stern gaze, one didn't need to be told to avoid him. Human beings were instinctive creatures, hence the servants were extremely careful around him and ran away from him so they don't piss him off.

Even Camille had a hard time conversing with him. The woman had always thought that Niklaus was the most stubborn man in the family. But then, no. Eden was. He was so damn difficult that all of the advice she had offered to him to let the kids go fall on deaf eyes.

Eden had even gone ahead to work with the military just to bring his daughter after he tracked down their location - thanks to George informing him. Out of courtesy and to avoid being accused of hoarding information on the kids' whereabouts, George had informed him of their location after his son stupidly used his credit card - they had been tracking his expenses.

Seeing that as a good opportunity to bring back his daughter, Eden had brought in the military with his influence, knowing Isabella was stubborn and wouldn't go down without a fight if he were to find them - no offense, but his niece Isabella can be crazy when she wants to.

However, notwithstanding the entourage Eden came with, they were still unable to catch four teenagers, four fucking teenagers without power and connection!

Isabella had played him and that really pissed him off. So Eden decided to let go of Anabelle, he was no longer going to search for her again. Since she decided to rebel against him by being with that boy he was against and cutting all forms of connection with him, her father? She should go ahead with hiding from him because he doesn't care anymore.

Eden wasn't going to remove his daughter from the family register or something, but he was going to estrange her till she returned to her senses.

No matter how smart Isabella was, they couldn't stay in hiding for a long time.

They were kids who still had a bright future ahead of them and each one of them needed the help of their parents to achieve. Just like Pedro who would be unable to stay away from his mother anyway - he was her only child and son and support.

Hence, this morning, Eden began "trial one" of living without his daughter Anabelle and let's just say, it hasn't been the best of experiences so far. At first, he had hardened his heart and was determined to prove he could survive today, but when he came into the bathroom and his gaze fell on the stubble on his face, a voice rang in his head.

"Daddy, you look so cool and matured with the beards on,"

He recalled the scene of Anabelle commenting on his beards the first time he had unintentionally grown them. Everyone knew he had an effeminate beauty and the stubble had helped give him a rugged look.

Recalling that event, Eden's features hardened and he grabbed the shaving cream and rubbed it around his jaw, picked the shaving stick, and got rid of all his facial hair. If Anabelle wanted his daddy to look tough, she should return home and make that happen. What the fuck! Why does he care? He wasn't supposed to care anymore.

With renewed determination, Eden moved ahead with the rest of his morning rituals and didn't miss his daughter's presence until breakfast time. He sat, watching and waiting as the maids served the meal and as soon as they were done, he declared,

"Anabelle, pray for the meal...." Eden trailed off realizing the words had slipped out of his mouth.

He sighed, rubbing his palm down his face. His daughter's existence was so much linked to his that he couldn't exist without her. How could he live without her? Anabelle was his baby girl, he raised her for eighteen years and had been the father to her and much of a mother to her than her biological mother could ever be - Anabelle's mother was much concerned over her own family.

"You know, your emotional constipation is becoming depressing," Camille commented, waking into the dining room. She went over to her husband, pecked him on the cheeks, and took a seat beside him.

"You don't know what you're saying," Eden avoided her probing stare.

Camille sighed, "You're trying to be brave but your facade sucks. You need Anabelle in your life and you know it. You can't keep fighting with each other,"

Eden frowned, "I am not fighting with her. She is the one who's blatantly going against her father's order. My daughter is the one fighting against me,"

"Oh please, can we stop this nonsense," Camille rolled her eyes towards heaven.

"Nonsense," Eden's brow raised at her comment.

"Yes, nonsense," Camille concurred, unintimidated by the darkening of his eyes knowing another argument was brewing around the corner. Anabelle has become a sensitive topic for them these few days the kids vanished.

"Cut Anabelle some slacks! The girl has grown up and found the one she loves-"

"Which I don't approve of," He interrupted her.

"Oh please, take that approval and shove it up to your arse," Camille cursed at him, taking her husband by surprise. She was done being gentle with him.

"Does your daughter's happiness matter to you at all or would you let your overprotectiveness ruin your daughter's happiness?" Camille stood from the seat and faced him, her fierce orbs burning into his, "These are just kids trying out at dating. There's no assurance that they would tie the knot and be together forever,"

"Oh, that's where you are wrong," Eden wanted to tell her. They were Spencers and if there's one thing that a Spencer is good at, it was loving wholeheartedly and till death does apart. Not that Camille needed to know about that - he was falling for her. He would tell her when the time is due.

"And you know what?" Camille asked him.

"What?" He was curious to know what she had in mind.

"You sound like your uncle Adam right now who worked so hard to tear Niklaus and Maya apart but failed miserably. Why? Because of the power of their love for each other. I hope you take a look at the mirror and correct yourself before it's too late," Camille made her point known and turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" Eden asked her, concern written over his face.

"Don't talk to me!" Camille retorted without glancing at him over her shoulder, "I'm pissed at you, right now,"

Well, well, well, he now had a wife to placate and a daughter to find, Eden knew he was in for a rough day.

He stared at his cell phone, tapping away on the table indecisively.

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