Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 219 Soul Silence

While Sanders was lamenting, Nisi heard him as well.

He jumped out and yelled angrily: “Sanders, you knew the truth about the grey fog!”

Nisi has spent several years of his practice. Naturally, what he wants most is to get the data for a “new soul spell” from Angel’s fog. Then he wanted to rely on his many years of experience as a soul wizard to study the fog data and copy it.


He had no idea that this was not a soul spell at all!

This was an embodiment of a law! This is the rhythm of law!

How can he learn a rhythm of law? This is a gift from the Will of the World to those fortunate enough to receive it! Others who want to touch and analyze the meaning behind a law at least need to reach the level of a legendary wizard!

In his life, he is uncertain he will advance to become a second level wizard. Let alone becoming a legendary wizard.

That’s why Nisi yelled at and accused Sanders of pitting him.

Sanders is the owner of a Gravity Garden. Although he did not acquire the law of gravity, he can come into contact with the law of gravity every day! So it’s impossible for him to not see the truth behind the grey fog!

Nisi wanted to cry but had no tears. He has been cheated by this shameless mentor and disciple duo! He lost out on a deal again and didn’t get any benefits at all. After working hard all day, it was all in vain. How could he not be angry at this result?!

“You knew all along, didn’t you?!” Nisi questioned Sanders with a tone of strong resentment.

Sanders said without any waves: “I saw the fluctuations just now and had some guesses in mind, but I couldn’t confirm it.”

“Was that why you dug a pit for me?” Nisi said with a face full of grievances.

In the face of Nisi’s grievances, Sanders still did not change his expression: “It’s just an experiment. If it turned out how you wanted it, you would get many benefits. So I didn’t necessarily cheat you, it can only be said that you were unlucky.”


Angel once cast the grey fog against Parasitic Mother before. But that one casting only allowed the grey fog to leave his soul body and diffuse around. The casting at the time had no “energy” behind it. So it couldn’t really activate the force of the grey fog. At best, it allowed the grey fog to exist around him for a moment.

However, the casting done this time was through Nisi’s pure soul force essence. It had thoroughly excited the grey fog, allowing him to display the full effects a second time!

Just when the grey fog was stimulated by Angel. He immediately understood the force of the grey fog. Just like casting other magic spells, this time he had absolute control over the grey fog.

Gravity! He felt it. This was the law insight for gravity!

No wonder this grey fog had always given him a familiar feeling. It was because he felt this force when Toby understood the law insight for gravity. He often trained in battle with Toby every day. How could he be unfamiliar with the gravity law insight Toby had mastered?

The law insight for gravity let him realize many things. He casually pointed at the iron anvil not far away, and the iron anvil weighing dozens of kilograms was immediately suspended in the air.

“Direct it at me, cast all the force you can control and attack me.” Sanders teleported and stood in front of Angel.

Angel was floating with the iron anvil and thinking about where throw the attack, as Sanders stood in front.

Angel nodded without hesitation. Then he wrapped all the controllable gravity law insight around the iron anvil and attacked Sanders. He didn’t know how powerful his blow would be, but he wasn’t at all worried the iron anvil would do harm any to Sanders.

The iron anvil was originally suspended in mid-air. But when Angel enveloped it with the gravity law insight, it went directly from rest to max speed as Angel sends it flying. Just like a meteorite falling from the sky. There were signs of friction from interacting with the air as it ignited into a fireball without warning, producing a huge roar in an instant! Then this heavy strike had landed on Sanders directly!

Sanders stood motionless. The iron anvil did not end up hitting Sanders but was blocked by a transparent barrier. There was a loud hissing sound as the iron anvil disintegrated into a large number of iron chips, scattering around like flower petals drifting down from the sky.

After the “clanging” sound, the iron chips lodged themselves into the surrounding metal walls.

At the same time, the transparent barrier around Sanders body fluctuated slightly but soon returned to normal. The iron anvil which had become a fireball from the friction finally halted with smoke smouldering as it landed on the floor with a clear thud.

“This force! Sure enough, it is already slightly higher than the magic category. Although it is still a long way from being a spell, as long as your understanding of the gravity law insight has deepened. Your strength increase is just around the corner.” Nisi’s face was filled with both envy and jealousy as he said: “What a lucky guy, ah! After he is promoted to a formal wizard, he doesn’t have to consume a spell craft position for a killer attack spell. This is already a strong attack! Damn it, I really envy you!”

At this point, Angel has consumed the soul force that did not belong in his body. The feeling of saturation is gone, and he felt much more comfortable now. After the solidification of his soul forge, Angel’s soul has now become purer and more refined.

Angel flew up with a fresh look on his face.

“Mentor, I can sense it. This is the law insight for gravity.” Angel said excitedly.

Sanders nodded and said: “This is indeed the gravity law insight and compared with Toby. Your gravity law insight is at a much deeper level. At present, Toby can only apply the gravity to itself, but you can already apply the gravity to other objects.”

Although Sanders expression didn’t change, his mood was actually very complicated. As the owner of the Gravity Garden, he didn’t gain insight into the law of gravity, which was in fact very normal. But it so happens that his disciple was able to understand it. Not only that, but his disciple’s magical pet also understood it, which made him feel slightly embarrassed.

However, this kind of negative mood for a wizard who has experienced the way of the world had only lasted for a moment. Just a little back and forth in his mind and this mood disappears completely.

“Although you gained a deeper understanding of the gravity law insight than Toby. This is also a pity for you. At the very least you can’t cast it from your soul body again. Speaking of which…” There was a hint of doubt on Sanders face as he said: “But I’m still a little confused. When the Gravity Garden was built successfully, did you feel nothing at all?”

Generally speaking, when a Wizard Garden is built, the Will of the World will begin instilling a law into it. At this time, once someone gains an understanding of a law insight or law, the person who comprehends it should clearly know they have done so. For example, Toby realized he understood the gravity law insight almost immediately after he gained it. This was the most mysterious thing. Angel wasn’t clear about the details for the grey fog until just now. But when he cast the grey fog, he also had a clear understanding that he had a law insight for gravity.

So at the time when Angel said he didn’t understand it, he really hadn’t understood it.

Angel thought for a moment before he replied: “I really didn’t have an insight into the law of gravity at the time.” Angel is certain about his response.

“But… when the Will of the World instilled the law into the Wizard Garden, I seemed to be in a mysterious state.” Angel said.

“Mysterious state?” Sanders asked.

Angel recalled the situation at that time and tried his best to describe the state in his own words: “It was a state I had never experienced before. Not a meditative one, but I felt a special state of emptiness and silence around me. Believing I was in a vast grassland… where I could accommodate endless winds, clouds, and the endless blue sky. In this state, I could clearly see and feel all the changes going on around me, including the rhythm that Will of the World had instilled.”

With doubts in his eyes, Nisi looked at Sanders and whispered: “Why do I feel the state he described is a bit like…”

“Stillness of spirit!”

Sanders and Nisi both uttered the phrase almost at the same time.

Body, mind, and spirit correspond to the three realms of meditation. The stillness of body, which is “absolute silence,” the first hurdle between mortals and transcendence. Because mortals have mixed and disorderly thoughts, it is very difficult to achieve absolute silence. Only when they reach a stillness of body, can they enter a state of meditation.

The stillness of mind is “relative silence.” While in a bustling city, the noise around is endless. But in this state, one can still enter a meditative state very quickly. This is called stillness of mind, and generally speaking, only a wizard can enter this state.

However, the higher level stillness of spirit means “Soul Silence.” When the soul is silent, everything around can no longer cause a disturbance. This is a springboard to sublimating the mind.

The state for the stillness of spirit is an elusive and unattainable state for wizards. In this state, almost all things can be observed and the comprehension ability of a wizard can reach the level of insight into all things. This is a state against the heavens and a state of meditation that all wizards dream of reaching.

How can one enter the state of stillness of spirit? This has been an eternal topic of debate in the Southern Region of the Wizard Plane. Because all wizards that have entered the state of stillness of spirit are not fixed or separated by levels. With the legendary wizard at the top and the wizard apprentice at the bottom entering this state.

Therefore, the requirements to enter a state of stillness of spirit are not one’s own level of strength, but another condition.

However, some people have put forward differing opinions on the topic. These people dug out ancient leather scrolls that have stated what is required. It records that one can enter the state of stillness of spirit as long as they reach the level of an ancient high level wizard. The ancient high level wizard, if converted to today’s wizard level standards is estimated to be at least a sixth level wizard.

What is the concept of a sixth level wizard?

Nowadays, in order to be called a “Legendary Wizard” in the Southern Region. The level of the wizard needs to reach a fourth level wizard and set foot on the path of true knowledge. This is when a wizard can be referred to as a legendary wizard.

Sixth level wizards are two steps higher than legendary wizards. However, the Southern Region Wizard Plane hasn’t ushered in a legendary wizard since the departure of the Twisted Wizard Bazel a thousand years ago.

As a result, the ancient leather scroll dug up by these people cannot be verified.

Therefore, the people in today’s Southern Region Wizard Plane believe the concept of entering the state of “stillness of spirit” still boils down to “opportunity.”

“Did Angel run into an opportunity and enter a state of stillness of spirit? But this is too coincidental. He did not enter the state too early or too late, but when the Will of the World was instilling the law into the Wizard Garden.” Nisi questioned.

“Perhaps entering the state of stillness of spirit does not simply boil down to opportunity, but conditions. The advent of the Will of the World is the prelude to a qualitative change of conditions.” Sanders thought darkly. He also doesn’t believe there are such coincidences in the world. There must be a condition for entering the state of “stillness of spirit,” and Angel may have just met the requirements for such a condition.

Angel continued on and said: “I felt the rhythm when the law was being instilled. It was like a lively jumping note in a musical concert with ups and downs… However, this state did not last for too long before it was broken up by a dreary beat. Under this beat, I was directly oppressed and had to lie on the ground. I didn’t feel better until the end, when the law was instilled into the Wizard Garden.”

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