Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 218 Rhythm of Law That Appeared

“Can soul force be borrowed?” Angel thought.

Before Angel could think about the answer to this question, Nisi shouted in a complaining tone: “I say old chap. You are in the wrong. It hurts me that you come in and try to fool your old friend for the sake of your student.”

“Didn’t you say you wanted to know the truth behind the grey fog?” Sanders folded his arm around his chest and seemed disjointed.

“Yes I do, but I’m not in a hurry. It will be a while before Angel grows up. By then, his soul will be strong enough to cast it, right?” Nisi doesn’t mind waiting for decades for him to mature since wizards have long lifespans. Besides, it sometimes takes several years or even decades of study or finish a project. Perhaps by the time he thoroughly studies the issue at hand involving gender, Angel’s soul force will reach the standard for casting the grey fog.

The two have known each other for nearly a hundred years, and although the relationship is not considered as strong as “an old chap” as Nisi refers to him. There is still an element of truth to what he says. At least Sanders knows Nisi well enough. For example, as soon as he clenches his butt, he knows this old man will fart.

Sanders asked Nisi: “Do you think your apprentice can wait decades before he begins attacking Angel?”

Nisi frowned, but he goes back to the topic and says: “Yes, he can wait a couple of decades. But maybe by the time Angel’s soul is strong enough, Saka will have killed him already.”

However, Nisi turned his thoughts around and said: “It doesn’t matter if he is killed. Anyway, his soul will still be there.”

Sanders scoffed and said: “I said that even if Angel dies, I would take his soul away. Do you think I will lend you his soul then?”

Nisi thought: You will! But when the time comes, I’m sure I’ll be damned, and you’re going to pit me out of a lot of magic crystals!

Sanders added: “Even if your apprentice doesn’t kill Angel. After Angel’s soul force takes shape, he will surely have reached the level of official wizard. By then, he will know what the fog is. At that point, why should he come begging for you to help?”

Nisi thought about it, and what Sanders said seemed reasonable.

Sanders further persuades by saying: “Even if he were to agree and let you study the grey fog. With the principle of equivalent exchange, if a wizard exposes their soul of origin to another wizard, this means they would be putting their life at risk. If he uses his life as a bargaining chip. What price can you pay to make him take the deal at the expense of his life?”

There was an internal struggle shown on Nisi’s face. Because Sanders last words were so heart-wrenching. It seems that as long as he misses this opportunity today. No matter which choice he makes, he will have to pay a great price for the opportunity to study Angel’s soul.

But if he wants to learn the truth of the fog right now. Then he must give up some of his soul force. And in order for Angel’s soul to not reject his force, he must pay his most precious refined soul force. This is tantamount to consuming his own practice and condensing his soul force for Angel’s use.

On the one hand, it will consume some of his practice up until now; on the other hand, he will pay a higher price in the future. Nisi’s face was very hesitant and felt it was a little difficult to make a decision.

But Angel, who was used by the two as a “bargaining chip” had changed his world view. He inexplicably felt sad and desolate at the situation.

After a while, Nisi thought for a moment longer and finally made up his mind as he said: “Well, I’ll lend him some of my soul force for the time being.” Nisi turned to Angel and said: “This is a bargain. You got it so cheaply, I will spend at least two years of my practice and lend it to you. Your soul will become more refined and purer by receiving it… You have worshipped such a good mentor!”

Sanders said: “No one can say for certain he received it cheaply. Don’t you want to know what the fog is? As a master of the soul, perhaps you can analyze more connotations behind the fog. Maybe you can also practice this soul spell? Therefore, using such words would be easily misconstrued.”

Nisi has just pointed out the harm involved in the soul force transfer for himself and outlined the benefits for Angel. He said it out loud to naturally win more benefits in the future. Although Angel is very poor at the moment, who can clearly say so in the future? If he can casually ask for his personal favour later, why not go for it?

Nisi’s plot was immediately pierced through by Sanders, but he was not annoyed at all. Anyway, whether Angel writes down this favour is not something that Sanders can stop. It all depends on Angel’s own values. He just needs to stop now and let Angel know what will happen next. Then he will let Angel decide for himself.

“Everyone develops a different kind of soul. The soul force from exotic souls is rejected by an individual. So I can only lend you soul force essence with no attributes.” Nisi explained to Angel as he began transferring his refined soul force: “You should know in your heart that when the soul force fills your whole soul body and is sufficient enough to cast the grey fog. You will then have to stay away from me. Otherwise, since the refined soul force was not accumulated by you, more of it will not necessarily be a good thing for you.”

After Angel had confirmed what he will happen, Nisi walked up to Sanders and said: “I will leave my body in your care.”

When Nisi finished speaking, he sat cross-legged. What then followed was him casting the Soul Cord Spell. Nisi’s soul body directly comes out of his shell.

Angel now noticed that Nisi’s soul is different from other people. His soul is clearer and more concrete. Its appearance does not have any characteristics or appearance of a soul but rather looks just like a real person. If Angel hadn’t seen Nisi’s soul leave his physical body, it would have been difficult to judge whether this was Nisi’s soul or not.

After becoming a soul body, Nisi floats to Angel.

“I am about to begin. When my soul force enters your soul body, you will prepare and begin casting the fog.”

“Understood!” Angel responded.

At the next moment, little fluorescent lights appeared outside of Nisi’s soul body, which is the most refined soul force he has. These fluorescent lights began surrounding Nisi like fireflies.

“Absorb it now! Do it until you can cast the fog!” Nisi shouted.

It seems that absorbing these fluorescent lights was an instinct of the soul. Angel only needs to come close to the fluorescent lights to gently touch them. His soul will then take the initiative to bring these fluorescent lights into his soul body.

As the soul force essence enters his soul body, Angel feels as though a huge forge in the depths of his soul was burning his soul up.

Every bit of fluorescent light entering into the soul body was like fuel. When it fell directly into the forge, it made the nameless flame burn even hotter.

The energy of the soul was originally dead and silent. But at this moment, all the energy began to activate and boil up. Angel felt like his soul became water in a pot, constantly boiling with hot bubbles and steaming out.

The soul force essence is burned, and his strength begins to fill up and boil over. Angel felt a little uncomfortable, but when he thought of what Nisi had to give up. He forced himself to endure the burning of his soul force essence and began to cast the grey fog deep in his soul.

As the force of the soul expands, Angel becomes more adept at manipulating the grey fog.

At first, Angel could only slightly move the fog, but now he can control a small piece of fog and move it outward.

About a minute or two later. The effect of the fluorescent lights entering his soul body began to saturate. The force of the soul was like a forge burning to the point of cracking. Angel felt his soul was extremely abundant and he was full of soul force. It seemed enough to drive the grey fog under his control to diffuse outward.

At the same time, Angel’s soul began swelling. He immediately broke away from the range of the fluorescent lights by floating further away.

When Nisi saw Angel float away, he also reabsorbed the fluorescent lights outside his body.

At this time, Nisi’s soul is a little more unstable than it was initially. Although it was still not obvious if one carefully observes his soul body. One can already tell the difference between his soul body and a real person’s body.

When Nisi’s soul returned to his **. His face was a little paler and his spirit was much more depressed than before.

“This loss is too big this time. I thought he would take at most a year or two of my refined soul force, but the boy’s soul quality had reached such an astonishing level. Even his soul forge has appeared! This has cost me at least four or five years of my accomplishments!” Nisi complained repeatedly and growled at Sanders: “Are you sure this little guy is not truly part of the soul system? Even with a Nightmare Soul, his soul quality should not be so high, right?”

“Nightmare Souls are also ranked.” Sanders pointed to Angel and explained: “His Nightmare Soul should be ranked higher than mine.”

“Nightmare Souls are ranked? There are class divisions in this system?” Nisi doesn’t know much about Nightmare Souls. He only knows it is a special physique discovered by Sanders: “Are you sure he doesn’t have a soul system talent? My soul forge was barely summoned when I was a second level apprentice. This guy has never even practised refining his soul force, but his soul quality is high enough to produce a soul forge?!”

“No, he is an illusion system talent.” Although Sanders sounded quite certain when he said it. He was not actually completely certain, because the Tree Spirit once said when testing Angel’s talent. That Angel had another talent besides the one in the mystical branch illusion system. This other talent is also in the mystical branch. However, the mental defence in his sea of knowledge is too exclusive. A forced break-in will end up deeply harming him, so the Tree Spirit has not detected what his second talent could be.

Sanders wondered to himself: Could his second talent be in the soul system?

Whether Angel has a soul system talent or not, Sanders is not going to say anything until he becomes a formal wizard. If he can’t even handle a single talent, how can he venture into a completely different field and dabble in it? If he does so, Angel may not become proficient in anything by the end.

“Talent is just used as a reference. It is not a necessary requirement to measure a person’s future direction. I think Angel will also have achievements in learning soul spells.” Nisi said.

“Maybe.” Sanders said faintly but asked: “Did you go and see the concrete effect of the fog?”

“Go, how could I go?!” Nisi said angrily: “This is really a huge loss! My five years of hard work is at least equal to that boy’s eight or ten years of practice. His soul forge burned so much of my soul force essence this time. It can be assumed that no one’s soul quality will surpass his during the apprentice stage.”

Sanders smiled and said: “Seeing this in another light, at least the people from Frost Moon will not encourage you to go to the front lines when they see you like this.”

“Frost Moon Alliance…” Nisi sneered and said nothing to this comment.

Nisi took Angel to a deeper part of the underground cave dedicated to testing spells. This room is a completely metal room with a protection magic array engraved underneath. Nisi asked Angel to stand in the middle, and all kinds of alchemy items were aimed at Angel in order to record accurate data for the grey fog.

“You should have enough soul force to release a soul spell. Once in there, let me see what this grey fog is.” Nisi’s eyes were shining as he said: “If it could be analyzed, my loss wouldn’t be so bad this time.”

The full expansion of Angel’s soul force has kept him in a constant state of suffering and pain. Hearing Nisi’s words, he immediately suppressed this oppressive state and finally relaxed.

With the surging of his soul, Angel cast all the force in his soul which he received from Nisi. At this moment, the grey fog in Angel poured out frantically from his body!

Just as the grey fog left his soul, a strange breath hung over and enveloped the underground cave…

When the grey fog diffused out. This is a thick, vigorous and steady force which was immediately sensed by those who were present.

“How is this possible?! This is…” Nisi’s eyes widened in surprise as he said:” I remember now, I wondered why the grey fog felt so familiar! This is The Rhythm of Law That Appeared on that day!”

Nisi immediately responded with a loud roar: “Damn it, Sanders! You have pit me once again!”

Sanders felt the familiar law insight, and his clear eyes flashed at the sight: “Sure enough, this is… the law insight for gravity.”

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