Super Dimensional Wizard

Chapter 220 Drawbacks

“You don’t have to think about it. You had just gone from the mortal world to the transcendent. With the exception of being mentally detached, your ** is the same as a mortal. With the physique of a mortal, how can you bear the pressure for the ‘stillness of spirit’ for long?” Nisi said with jealousy: “If it weren’t for the fact your soul is stronger than a mortal. You would probably be kicked out of that state when you enter the stillness of spirit. Such a big opportunity, how fantastic would it have been if a formal wizard had received it. But you were one who so happened to…”

Nisi bitterly pointed at Angel and shook his head as he lamented.

“Stillness of spirit?” Nisi and Sanders had been using voice transmission before during their exchange. So, Angel didn’t know the state Nisi had just described was actually the legendary supreme state of meditation.

Sanders simply explains the concept of “stillness of spirit” to Angel as he said: “Stillness of spirit itself means the silence of the soul. You may have inadvertently reached the threshold for entering the state of stillness of spirit when you were stimulated by the Will of the World at that time.

Sanders continued: “But as Nisi said, your ** was too weak to fully bear the true state of stillness of spirit.”

“But this also makes sense. In the state of stillness of spirit, you happened to realize the law insight for gravity. But because you were interrupted halfway through, the rhythm of law that was realized came out as incomplete. It was no wonder you didn’t even know you realized the law insight after it was instilled. However, the rhythm of law which was realized did not disappear, because the state of stillness of spirit is a comprehension in the soul. So, the rhythm of law that was interrupted halfway through is still sleeping inside your soul.” Sanders said with slight regret.

“If you can fully comprehend the law, it won’t continue sleeping in your soul but will appear in your mental space. At which point you won’t have to continue stimulating it by using soul force essence… But can do so with magic power instead. Such a pity.” Sanders explained.

Nisi added by saying: “That is to say, the gravity law insight you had realized is now equivalent to a spell that can only be cast by consuming your soul force. Even a wizard in the soul system usually utilizes magic power as their main force. Using soul force to cast a spell is too extravagant.”

Angel probably understood by this time. Although he realized the gravity law insight which made him very powerful. But he had to use his own soul force to cast it. The recovery rate of soul force is far slower than that of magic power, and Angel did not have much soul force to begin with. It will probably take a long time before the gravity law insight can be truly cast with magic.

“But this is also quite good, at least for an instant spell…” Although Nisi foreshadowed many drawbacks from consuming soul force, he couldn’t help but speak the truth in the end. Though soul force is usable in most situations, one more instant spell is equivalent to one more means of self-preservation, ah! Perhaps, this instant spell will be the key to saving his life in a time of crisis!

“The results of the test have come out, and we are ready to take the last step.”

The last step: the combination of soul and flesh.

Back in the lab again, Nisi was still muttering complaints: “This time, both mentor and disciple duo have earned many benefits, while I earned nothing and lost five years of practice. My life is too bitter, please stay in your own territory after this, you two are natural disasters brought by the heavens!”

After listening to Nisi’s complaints, Angel also felt a little guilty. The benefits he received this time were too great. Although the gravity law insight is a great benefit, it had restricted usage after all. This ability cannot be used for now and can only be regarded as a hidden card in the future. However, when he absorbed Nisi’s soul force essence and solidified his soul forge, the quality of his whole soul was elevated. This was the greatest benefit he received of all.

There are too many benefits from having a higher soul quality. When this quantitative change reaches a qualitative change. Angel’s soul can even directly interfere with the material plane. Even if he doesn’t learn a soul spell… He can survive for a long time away from his physical body, just like a soul system wizard.

However, Angel’s guilt was dispelled by what Nisi said the next moment.

“From today on, I will train Saka… This time is my lost, If I give Saka pointers from now on, he can report my loss later.” Nisi looked at Angel, revealing a cruel smirk.

Sanders still made no comment.

Angel thought in the bottom of his heart: I must secretly improve my strength, not only for myself but also for mentor Jon. I must kill all those who want to kill me first!

The steps for the combination of soul and flesh is the easiest one. Nisi uses a spell to open up the physical body for Angel’s Land of Souls… He only needs to return his soul body to his land.

The process for returning to his Land of Souls was smooth. A few minutes later, Angel who was soaking in the nourishment liquid slowly opened his eyes.

When Angel woke up, he felt nothing unusual about his body. He then proceeded to climb out of the glass cabin and pulled a towel that had been set aside to wipe his body. Wiping off the nourishment liquid on his body, there was still a light fragrance of magic plants on his skin. After, Angel put on his underwear and paced up to stand by Sanders side.

Sanders and Nisi are chatting. Nisi’s mood has returned to normal. When he sees Angel, there was no longer a look of contempt on his face.

“Are those people still bothering you?” Nisi asked.

Sanders nodded nonchalantly: “It seems that they won’t stop until they get what they want. After all, this time their target is a descendant of a Lord…”

Nisi sneered as he said: “Yes, they need you to crack an illusion.”

Sanders shook his head and said: “The illusion is secondary. Their focus should be on my Gravity Garden. You know, smuggling creatures is also good business.”

“Did the Karabi people send a large order for smuggling creatures?” Nisi asked.

“This should be the case. The Karabi people are still very generous with their acquisition of biological samples for research.” Sanders nodded as he said. Although they are all human beings, he doesn’t really have much of a favourable impression of the Karabi people.

“In that case, it seems that you will not head to the front lines?” Nisi said: “If you don’t touch a descendant of a Lord. You shouldn’t be involved even if there is trouble, right?”

“I can’t say for certain, so who knows… Anyway, I’m too lazy to get involved in such a messy business.” Sanders replied.

“But sometimes people can’t help but become involved. Since they dare to attack a descendant of a Lord, it can be surmised that Sir Mengke will put all his eggs in one basket. If the one attacked is a legend, then they will be destroyed.” Nisi lamented.

“You don’t have to worry about it. They had originally been looking for you, but now that your soul force has dropped so much. I don’t think anyone will be interested in looking anymore.” Sanders chuckled and said: “So this time, you won’t truly suffer a complete loss.”

The topic once again shifted to the issue of “loss or no loss.” Nisi didn’t insist on saying he had a “loss” this time. Instead, he sighed and said: “These Frost Moon people seem to have gone and put the cart before the horse. The path of a wizard is to explore the unknown and seeking truth. They put the exploration of the unknown on a pedestal but abandoned seeking truth. If Frost Moon continues down this path, they will eventually perish.”

“We haven’t set foot on the path of true knowledge either. Your standards are also different from theirs. Maybe they will be last ones laughing at our misconceptions of truth.” Sanders, after all, is thinking at a higher level than Nisi. He understands the difficulty of finding absolute truth in every aspect of the world. Choosing to see things from a different angle, he will see the whole world differently.

For this topic, the two stopped their discussion. Angel heard it but was still confused. He didn’t know what they were discussing about, but thinking back, what they were discussing must have been of great importance. Anyway, it had nothing to do with him, so he can just forget it.

“It’s about time, we should go now. An old man is waiting for me to come deal with…” Sanders said as he stood up and laughed in a low voice.

“Old man?” Angel asked.

“An old fox who went deep behind enemy lines with ulterior motives.” Sanders didn’t say who it was, leaving Nisi confused.

“By the way, I almost forgot about this thing.” Sanders flipped the back of his palm and a bottle of pale pink liquid appeared in his hand—This is a bottle containing the succubus bloodline essence.

Sanders tossed the bottle to Nisi and said: “If you really want to study the effect of a male injecting succubus bloodline essence, you can inject it into your apprentice while he is trapped in the illusion. I promise he will feel nothing when he is in the illusion.”

Nisi waved his hand and said: “Forget it, I surmise that once I inject him. With that boy’s character, he will definitely use the Soul Cord Spell to immediately replace his **…”

Nisi’s words caused Angel’s ears to move slightly. According to what Nisi’s said, it seems Saka can replace his physical body by casting a forbidden spell even if his ** dies. Sure enough, it is still a long-term plan to kill Nisi’s students completely. He doesn’t know if Hookedick can cast this kind of forbidden spell as well.

Sanders questioned: “Didn’t you receive another student last year?”

“You mean using this on Hookedick?” Nisi stretched out his hand to stroke his chin while thinking for a moment: “This is a possibility. He seems to be eager to improve his strength. Besides, he just entered the Wizard Plane not too long ago. It should be easy to cheat him…”

Seeing Nisi’s interest in giving the succubus bloodline to Hookedick. On the one hand, Angel is slightly worried about Hookedick’s strength increasing. But on the other hand, he cannot help but secretly give Sanders a thumbs up!

He is really looking forward to what will happen to the big, burly Hookedick when he is injected with the succubus bloodline… What will the feminized Hookedick look like? He is getting excited just thinking about it!

As they were leaving the Soul Valley, Nisi suddenly said to Angel:

“This is the first time I have ever seen a law insight for gravity connected to a soul. Although it can be regarded as a soul spell. At present, I don’t know if it will have a good or bad influence on your soul in the future. After all, unless the soul is mutated, the purer a soul is the better it is.”

Nisi’s words were unclear. As to whether it should alarm Angel, he views it as a blessing and lifesaving grace. Jon used to say that fortune and misfortune depend on each other. This time, it may seem like a blessing, but who knows if it is “misfortune” wrapped up in “fortune”?

Angel’s worries are understandable.

On the way back, Sanders said: “Once you become a formal wizard, any decision you make will have associated risks. So, what you will have to do from now is thoroughly study the risks involved and then avoid them. If you can’t avoid them, you will still be able to reduce the harm done on yourself.”

“All questions have answers and this is what wizards pursue, nothing more than that.” Sanders said.

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