Star Eater

Chapter 373 - 373

Chapter 373: Chapter 373

Allen Harlow's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

The palace shook horribly, time and time again. "Keep the Priestess safe." I ordered my men as I moved out into the halls. "What in the world is happening?" My question was said out loud but directed to no one.

Moving past some of the walkways that looked out over the city, I could see some of the damage that had occurred. It was terrifying and also magnificent in a way. The entire cavern's ceiling had been blown away, while other parts had been cut through like butter. Only one person could've done this, and I knew it wasn't the Priestess.

The sound of footsteps caught my attention as they came from the hall up ahead to the right. My heart started beating faster as I knew that the gate had been compromised, and the sounds of battle could be heard for a few hours. Everything had gone silent now except for a few war cries and victorious cheers. That didn't mean a few enemies from the Demonic Horde couldn't sneak through.

Rolling my shoulders as I took a stance to prepare myself, I waited to see if it was friend or foe. To my surprise, Arthur was the one who rounded the corner. His hand was stretched out as a burst of energy shot from it into the walls and floor. The palace shook once more as it felt like it was almost collapsing, but I doubt that was truly happening. Arthur must've realized I was there as I saw his eye quickly snap to me sideways before his head even turned. Never before had I seen such a cold gaze.

"Sir Arthur." I greeted him as evenly as I could.

His body slowly turned to me while his gaze stayed focused on me. "Allen Harlow." Arthur replied.

The use of my full name unnerved me. "Sir?"

"Is Typhon safe?" He inquired as he moved toward me as he exuded this pressure.

Giving a small bow, I answered. "He is, Sir."

"And Elincia?"

"Both are safe. Just a few minor injuries."

Stopping in front of me, his breathing was almost nonexistent. "Good. I need to rest. The Demon army has been destroyed. All that remains is the Wraith that destroyed the White Revenge."

"Would you like me to escort you to your room?" I offered as I stood back up.

His gaze was focused solely on me as he seemed to contemplate my words. "If you wouldn't mind." Arthur said with a small nod. "My mind is in a bit of a haze." He stated as his eyes narrowed slightly.

It looked almost like a glare, but I think he was more of in a daze and was trying to focus them. "Are you alright, Arthur?" I asked carelessly.

Arthur seemed surprised by the question. "Do I not look alright?"

"You seem tired." I told him honestly.

A twitch was all he showed in terms of emotion. "Do I?" The General nodded after a moment. "I am. I'm also a little distracted. Things are never simple, are they?"

"Did something happen?"

"The usual." He then gestured for me to lead on.

We started our walk through the palace. I was by no means a reliable guide, but I did know where Arthur's room was. After all, it was my job to report to him. He was the one responsible for this excursion. As we walked through the halls, Arthur was very quiet. His eyes would stare out into space as he almost followed me mindlessly.

When we finally reached his room, I moved off to the side of the door and stopped. However, Arthur did not. He walked past the room as he continued his stroll through the halls. I bit my lips as I realized that he was either far more exhausted than he let on, or something did happen that was affecting him.

"Sir Arthur," I called out, and he stopped suddenly before looking over his shoulder at me. "This is your room."

He eyed the door for a moment before he nodded. "Thank you, Allen."

Opening the door for him, he entered, and I stood in the doorway as he moved to the bed. "Do you need anything? Maybe some food or water?"

To my surprise, he put his sword off to the side and laid down on the bed, still in all his armor. "Not right now. Maybe later." Was all he said before he rolled over.

"Get some rest, Sir." I said before I closed the door behind me with a small frown.

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