Star Eater

Chapter 372 - 372

Chapter 372: Chapter 372

Cassidy's Point of View

The Lowest Rung

Ayda's Library

"Not at all. Think of it as a branding method that marks to the bone. The magic will be the thing that seeps into your very being." She stated in a very serious tone. "You will be at no risk of dying from having your heart or other vital organs marked. Only the pain will be your enemy. It was described very graphically that many would die during this ritual from their brain being unable to process the agony."

"Ah'm not just anyone, Ayda. Ah can take the pain. Obviously, people survived this enough times for it ta be successful ta some degree."

"This was banned because hundreds died at the hands of people promising the weak power. They were used as little more than human experiments. Nothing more, Cass. I am fairly certain you will survive because I am not like them." Ayda explained. "We are not like them. Everything I have done was with your survival in mind. This ritual was supposed to be done in one sitting, which contributed to why so few people would survive."

"Which is why yer breaking this ritual into multiple sessions."

"Exactly. Are you sure you are ready for this?" She asked once more. "We can wait till tomorrow if you want?"

"Ah'm ready."

Ayda walked away from me and immediately responded. "I doubt that very much." Then she gestured to the diagram. "Once you remove the last of your clothing, step into the middle."

Removing my underwear in the ominous candlelight and bowl of glowing blood, I did as instructed. "Ya know, Ah have ta say, this is probably one of the weirdest things Ah've ever done, Ayda."

"Weirdest so far." She added.

"What happens if Ah accidentally leave the diagram?" I questioned as I looked around the edges.

"That is the last thing you need to worry about. It would be impossible for you to leave now." She then gestured to the runes on the floor, and I saw that her pools of blood started moving on their own. "A barrier of sorts will prevent anyone besides me from interfering. Naturally, that includes you as well. Having the subjects try to escape during the ritual would just be distracting."

Closing my eyes at her referring to me as a subject, I replied sarcastically, but nerves also entered my voice. "Thank you so much for that comforting explanation."

She shrugged. "It was not meant to be comforting. Besides, I think we are past the point of comfort, but if you want some reassurance, just know that subject was used by those who used to complete this ritual in the past." Ayda replied. "Now," Her magic ignited in her hands, and the chair pulled up behind her so she could sit down. "The beginning phase is done."

The diagram below me was now glowing a red similar to the bowl in Ayda's hands. "What now?"

Ayda grit her teeth as she looked me dead in the eyes. "We finally begin."

Blood shot out from the ground like red goo that latched and restrained me. It flipped me onto my stomach and held me in place. Pulling me to the ground, I heard Ayda mumbling to herself, and I could barely look over at her because of my new restraints. The mixture from the bowl began to slowly filter into the diagram and hover above my back.

"Ayda?" I called out nervously.

"..." There was no serious reply.

Her mumbling continued as the mixture formed some manner of rune above my back. Its glowing intensified for only a moment before I saw it approach my back. My arms and legs were pulled tight to the point where I could barely move. The rune slid onto my back, and I couldn't feel anything, but it was short lived. Soon enough, it felt like someone was tearing away at the skin and muscles.

My body tightened. "Try to relax." Ayda's voice called out for a split second.

Ayda's Point of View

The Lowest Rung

My Library

It was fascinating to see the first rune contact Cassidy's skin. Almost like a feather, it fell into place perfectly. While it only shined briefly, I watched as Cass tightened up. She was a very muscular girl, so you could see her muscles flexing as she bit her lip.

"Try to relax-" Was all I got out.

The rune began sinking into her skin in a horrific fashion. I'd read about this and heard how grotesque this ritual was, but it was hard to watch. It was comparable to placing a red-hot iron ball onto a block of ice and watching it sink into it. Cassidy's skin smoked and burned as the rune sank into her body. Not long after, she started to thrash around and scream. Who could blame her as thin lines of blood began to pour off the side of her body.

Reinforcing the soundproofing spell, I watched as the rune hit her bone, and a new kind of smoke appeared. It filled the room, as did a horrible cracking sound. The rune shone brighter than normal for another second while Cass's body shook violently from the pain. After another moment, it started to rise back up and become flush with the skin before it stopped shining altogether.

"Cass?" I called out to her. "Are you okay?"

Her body was lined with sweat, and I moved to the side to try to see her face. Cass's hair was matted to the sides of her face as it hung and covered any expression she might have. I studied her as her breathing was heavy, as she seemed to be calming down slightly.

"We cannot stop now, Cass. I need to administer the next rune since we have only done one portion of your back." There was no response. "This may be a little more painful, but I plan on doing a few more runes at a time." Still no reply. "You may want me to do all of them, but they heal rather quickly once they are placed. The pain will remain for a bit, and your back will be tender."


I sighed. "If I do all of them, I am afraid you might not survive, so I will use my best judgment in this scenario."

Without further waiting, the diagram pulled her taut once more as I prepared another two runes that hovered over her back. They quickly interlocked with the first rune I had placed, and the process began again. Cass's body tightened again as sweat poured onto the floor below her, along with blood from the first rune that dripped down her back. When the screaming began again, I closed my eyes. It was going to be a long night.

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