Star Eater

Chapter 374 - 374

Chapter 374: Chapter 374

Allen Harlow's Point of View

Dwardew Palace

When I returned, I immediately pointed to some of my men. "Arthur is back in his room resting. Make sure no one bothers him." They quickly nodded before taking off.

The Priestesses room was connected to the main area where we were staying. It was considered the Lestranian Ambassador's suite. So, several rooms for multiple people. Naturally, Arthur refused to stay in it and asked for a separate room. Looking back, it was likely because he would be needed to act quickly without worrying about us.

As I sat down, many men sat around while a few Elves stood guard for the Priestess. Kheri eventually exited the Priestess's room and saw me. Before closing the door, I saw Elincia and Typhon sitting down, talking with their new bandages. The Zugal General moved across from me and sat down with a sigh.

"How're you holding up?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "We've taken some hits since we got here. Morale is low," General Naset began before looking out the terrace. "Well, it was. Most of us are in the dark, but I'm guessing the Demons have been pushed back for the moment."

Shaking my head, I replied. "They've been completely wiped out. Arthur turned that incredible force into a defunct wreck." Her eyes widened at that. "He's sleeping now, but he said only that Wraith was left. I think he's resting, so he's ready before it comes back."

"..." Her fingers thoughtfully caressed her lips. "Did Arthur look different at all?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you saw him," She gestured to me before continuing. "Did his arm look different, or was he acting weird?"

Returning her uneasy look, I answered. "His arms were fine, but he did seem a little off." My head hung slightly as I remembered his eyes. "Arthur's gaze was more intense than I'd ever seen it, and he was releasing this pressure... Almost like he was waiting for something..."

Kheri folded her fingers together. "But he said that the only thing left was the Wraith?" I nodded.

"How's the Priestess?"

"She'll be fine. Once her magic returns, Priestess Elincia will heal instantly and likely start helping with the recovery as well." Kheri Naset answered.

"Does it not disturb you that our Priestess, who are supposed to be all powerful, is sitting in there with broken bones while Arthur is unaffected?"

Her eyes darkened as she looked over her shoulder at the door before turning back to me and leaned in. "I saw Arthur get ripped in half." Kheri told me, and my eyes snapped open at that. "Literally torn in two with only a small portion of skin and muscle keeping him together. He was more pissed than anything else and had me help him hold his body together. Helped him heal faster."

I leaned in to match her. "Do you think the Priestesses could do that?"

She immediately shook her head. "I never hope to find out, but if I'm being honest, no." Her eyes darkened as her fingers tightened against each other, as her knuckles turned white. "To be torn in two and be nothing more than irritated? Ripped in half and rejoining a battle far beyond the imagination only moments later..." Kheri's body seemed to shake slightly. "It is not a thought I want to dwell on."

"We should tell the men, Ty, and the Priestess." I told her. "They're in the dark, and they'll be happy to hear that the enemy forces have been taken care of. Arthur also said something about a festival or victory banquet."

General Naset scoffed. "It's amusing to me because he likely doesn't truly care. If he mentioned that Wraith, that's what he'll be focused on. That, or he's hiding something."

I quirked a brow at that. "What could he possibly be hiding?"

Giving me a similar look in return, she spoke sarcastically. "What could a man who was ripped in half a healed in a few minutes possibly have to hide, right?"

"It's not my business. Besides, my men and I knew what we were signing up for." I told her. "Arthur saved us from the Leviathan, and he saved us here. Granted, we volunteered for this one, but at least he's trying to do something about all these Demons." My eyes glanced toward the Priestess's door. "Seems he's about the only one from what I've heard."

"Careful, Captain." She warned me with narrowed eyes. "Remember who you pledged your loyalty to."

Standing, I stretched slightly and responded as I looked down at her. "Lestrania. Same as you." Then I moved toward everyone else. "I'm going to let the men know the good news. Arthur's student is likely waiting to hear about him as well." Was what I left her with.

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