Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 389

Chapter 389

After being separated from the people at the Imperial Military Academy, Ying Xingjue’s barrier shrank little by little, and the vortexes kept squeezing him. He supported the barrier alone and walked out.

Ying Xingjue’s eyes fell on these whirlpools. At first he thought the cold wave was conscious, but later he discovered that the conscious things were the things in the whirlpools.

There are living things in the whirlpool, and these living creatures are spying on his power.

Just as he was about to walk out, another cold wave broke out in the extremely cold stadium. The scope of the cold wave expanded again, and he was still trapped in it.

The barrier has been held up for too long.

In the mecha cabin, Ying Xingjue vomited out a large mouthful of blood. He touched his combat readiness bag and found that the nutrient solution in it was empty.

Without timely replenishment, Ying Xingjue finally lost strength and knelt down on one knee. He barely held on to the barrier, and the surrounding vortex squeezed in again.


Wei San, who was once again swept up by the vortex, allowed the vortex to spin herself around like garbage.

There was no gray shapeless object in this whirlpool, because Wei San couldn’t feel any prying breath, only the cold and heartless curls and spins.

The vortex of cold wave was about to sweep away everything, leaving nothing behind. After Wei San was hit on the head by ice stones for the umpteenth time, she finally moved and tried to struggle out.

As soon as she moved, the pressure brought by the vortex doubled, and Wei San had no choice but to spread out her limbs again and let the vortex continue to roll.

Wei San’s mecha head was swept out of the whirlpool. She opened her eyes firmly and looked at the cold wave outside. Suddenly she found dozens of whirlpools gathering on the opposite side.

The scene was a bit scary, and more importantly, she felt that sense of prying eyes again.

If she had to describe it, it was like dozens of star beasts gathered around and whispered, and then they all turned to stare at Wei San who emerged.

Wei San saw with her own eyes several vortexes coming in her direction.

As soon as those whirlpools came over, Wei San saw a familiar mecha through the gap.

Golden armor?

Wei San, who was once again drawn into the whirlpool, thought about it carefully. The Imperial Military Academy only had two golden armors. The one left alone should be mecha master Gong Yijue. There was no way the people at the Imperial Military Academy would let Ying Xingjue stay alone here.


Wei San followed the strength of the whirlpool, righted the mecha, drew her sword and thrust it into the ground, and stayed there. The whirlpool swept the mecha for a long time, and only brought the mecha a little distance. It couldn’t be rolled up anymore, so it finally gave up, and continued to move forward with the cold wave.

She drew her knife and stood up. Several whirlpools with gray shapeless objects were approaching again.

In the mecha cabin, Wei San changed her hands and rushed towards the opposite side.

Wei San was not afraid of this kind of thing.

Several vortexes obviously did not expect her to attack. After one vortex was immobilized by the Xumi Sword, the other vortexes showed human fear and retreated back.

Wei San didn’t miss any, and stabbed the gray shapeless object in the vortex with her knife.

The moment it was stabbed, the vortex began to dissipate, and the gray shapeless object seemed to disappear, and Wei San could no longer see it.

The vortexes still surrounding the opposite side seemed to be afraid of Wei San, but were reluctant to leave. Until she approached, these vortexes seemed to have made up their minds and formed a large vortex, sweeping towards Wei San.

Ying Xingjue saw the mecha coming from his blurry vision, and then discovered that these vortexes combined and sucked the mecha into it.

These vortex living creatures.….. he held on to his last strength and released the synthesized vortex of sensory attack.

After the attack, Ying Xingjue didn’t even see whether the mecha finally came out, so he slowly closed his eyes.

——He is a little tired.

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