Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

“How much energy does your military academy still have? Evenly.” Ying Chenghe pretended not to hear and continued, “Let’s dismantle part of the mecha’s engine, remove the radiator, and let them rotate.”

Gong Yijue frowned: “You want to dismantle the mecha and use it as a heating tool?” This is not the idea that a mecha engineer should have.

Mechas are sacred to mecha engineers. What did Ying Chenghe learn at the Damocles Military Academy?

“There are no star beasts now, and the competition is terminated. We can put them back in when the time comes, and there will be no problem,” Ying Chenghe said hurriedly, “You come out with twenty engines, and we have twenty, so move quickly.”

Gong Yijue was still struggling, but over there Ying Chenghe had already brought his team to dismantle the engines.

The mecha engineers at the nearby Imperial Military Academy and Gong Yijue also felt that their views were shattered. As mecha engineers, how could they do this.…..

The engine began to rotate at high speed, and the temperature increased. Damocles closest to them were the first to enjoy this temperature.

Others in the Imperial Military Academy felt the heat faintly, and felt envious in their hearts. They couldn’t help but look at the mecha engineers in their own team.


In the end, the Imperial Military Academy produced twenty engines and placed them around to keep warm.

In the ice cave, the people from the two military schools were crowded together and barely surviving, but outside it was a completely different scene.

The white mist condenses into ice, the cold wave continues, and the ground is covered with ice and snow. Even if their mechas were outside, it was almost impossible to resist.

After Wei San came out of the aircraft, she searched for the marks left by the rescuers along the surrounding area. After finding a mark, she opened the communication and prepared to report. When she looked up, she saw a cold wave of white mist coming from the direction she came from.

Wei San immediately ran forward, trying to contact the people on the aircraft using old-fashioned communication. Sure enough, there was no reply, just constant sizzling sounds.


There shouldn’t be any trouble with such a large aircraft, Wei San comforted herself while running wildly.

Wei San took the time to turn his head to look at the cold wave coming from behind, and was startled: “Fuck!!!”

Who can tell her why there is a bulge in the middle of the white mist, which flows faster than the mist next to it.

Wei San accelerated, and the white mist behind her also accelerated, and the distance kept getting closer.

She turned around to look again, only to realize that the white mist was also a whirlpool.

A mecha was running fast on the ice field, and the vortex protruding from behind was getting faster and faster, slowly approaching.

Unable to escape, Wei San didn’t want to run away, so she braked suddenly and stopped suddenly.

The protruding whirlpool suddenly overtook her, but soon stopped.

Wei San turned her head and looked at the cold wave still behind her, and then at the whirlpool stopped in front: “.….” Damn it, is this whirlpool alive?

In the next second, the vortex in front of her spun around and suddenly rushed in Wei San’s direction.

She has confirmed it, this is a fucking living whirlpool!

Wei San cursed in her heart. She could accept mutated plants, but why could the vortex also mutate? !

She did not hide anymore, but allowed the whirlpool to suck her in.

Since it is a mutated living creature, she can resist.

The moment she was sucked in, Wei San pulled out her Xumi sword and slashed the vortex from top to bottom.


The essence of vortex flow was white mist formed by cold air. No matter how dense the gas is, it is still gas.

Wei San’s slash with the knife didn’t feel real at all.

At this moment, the vortex flow was already trying to tear her mecha apart.

In the mecha cabin, Wei San closed her eyes slightly, held the Xumi sword and stabbed the whirlpool again.

She had a feeling that vortex was laughing at her for doing useless work.

Wei San raised her eyebrows slightly, she had never used the true properties of the Xumi sword.

The Xumi sword was instantly covered with white frost from the handle to the blade. Wei San’s mind moved. Cold air that was weirder than the cold wave emitted from the blade, and the gaseous vortex suddenly began to condense into ice.

Wei San closed her eyes and pulled hard with the hand holding the handle of the knife. A closed knife was pulled out. She directly let go of the other hand and fixed the remaining closed knife on the frozen vortex. .

She immediately turned around, holding the drawn sword with one hand, and stabbed somewhere in the whirlpool.

A gray shapeless object swims in the vortex that has not yet completely condensed.

Wei San bent her knees, pulled out two daggers and threw them at the gray shapeless object, blocking its path forward and back. At that moment, she got close and sent the combined dagger in.


The gray shapeless object in the vortex screamed. Wei San pulled out another sword nailed to the vortex. The vortex began to dissipate, but before she had time to observe what the gray shapeless object was after, the vortex had disappeared.

The cold wave from behind swept over.

Wei San was once again swept away by the real cold wave whirlpool: “……”

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