Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Wei San had just swung her sword to cut, when she discovered that the vortex suddenly disappeared, and she almost failed to retract the sword.


Wei San looked around to make sure that no new vortex was formed. Then she put away her sword and walked towards the golden armor.

As she didn’t have time to look carefully now. Wei San directly controlled Impermance, grabbed the golden armor, put it on her shoulder, and walked out.

They also encountered other whirlpools along the way, but they were just ordinary whirlpools and did not have much impact on Wei San.

Fortunately, a lot of mecha energy had been replenished in the aircraft before, and there was nutrient solution around her. Wei San was relatively calm in the cold wave, but the surrounding temperature was still dropping.

She was never able to get out of the cold wave. Finally, she passed by an iceberg and saw a star beast hanging on it from the corner of her eye. It was Wei San who squinted her eyes, walked over and pulled the star beast off, only to find that it was covering the thin ice of the hole.

The star beast was seriously injured and could not make it in alive, with half of its body still outside.

Wei San carried the golden armor mecha and went in. The cave was very deep, and it was obviously the place where the star beast often lived. She turned around and picked up the body of the star beast to block the entrance of the cave.

Then she threw the golden mecha on her shoulders to the ground and sat down while controlling the mecha.

She’s not leaving for the time being.

Wei San was relieved to have a place to rest. Only then did she have the opportunity to see the protective mecha of the Imperial Military Academy.

Tsk tsk, the shell of this mecha is made of rare materials. The Imperial Military Academy is indeed rich.

Wei San couldn’t help but reach out and touch the gold-armored thigh closest to her. While touching it, she imagined in her mind what kind of mecha she would make if she had such good mecha materials.


Ying Xingjue was still connected to the mecha, and his senses were connected all over the mecha. The strange feeling coming from the mecha’s thighs was transmitted to his brain through his senses.

“What are you doing?” Ying Xingjue suddenly opened his eyes, propped up the upper body of the mecha, and flipped away the hand on his thighs.

The golden armored hand hit the back of Wu Chang’s hand, making a ‘pop’ sound.

Wei San said subconsciously: “Sorry, I just wanted to touch the mecha you designed.…..”

As she talked, she finally remembered whose voice she heard just now: “Why is it you?”

Wei San thought the person in the mecha cabin was Gong Yijue.

In the mecha cabin, Ying Xingjue raised his hand and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: “Are you alone?”

Wei San suddenly lost interest: “Aren’t you also alone.”

Ying Xingjue could keenly detect the changes in her emotions, but couldn’t figure out why.

“Did you create that synthetic whirlpool just now?” Wei San asked him. Since the person in the mecha was Ying Xingjue, there was a reason why the whirlpool suddenly disappeared. It was probably him who had done it.

Ying Xingjue never denied it, and only remained silent.

It was quiet inside the ice cave.

Ying Xingjue’s uncontrollable coughing sound emulated from inside the mecha. Even if he quickly turned off the microphone in the mecha cabin, Wei San could still hear it clearly.

“Do you want some nutrient solutions?” As Wei San said this, her heart was bleeding.

Ying Xingjue still didn’t speak.

Wei San: “……” Are you so concerned about face?

She threw a few bottles of the nutrient solution down, and the nutrient solution stretched out from the palm of Impermanence’s hand.

“I’ll give you a few first.” Wei San controlled the mecha and handed it over, but the mecha opposite still didn’t move.

Impermanence kept its hand in the air, but there was no reaction from the other side.

In the mecha cabin, Wei San frowned, finally jumped out of the mecha, approached the golden mecha, and knocked on the cabin door: “Ying Xingjue?”

No one replied.

Don’t die here, she has been carrying him for a long time.

Wei San was helpless and finally violently removed the hatch of the golden armor and climbed in. Sure enough, he saw Ying Xingjue lying there with his eyes closed, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

She picked up trouble.

Wei San crawled over, dug out the tools from her combat readiness bag, and disassembled a few parts so that she could turn around.

She approached Ying Xingjue and looked at the blood on his lips and collar, and she suddenly felt a little empathetic.

Wei San stretched out her hand to detect Ying Xingjue’s breath, and discovered that he was still alive.

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