Smash All Pots and Pans To Go to School

Chapter 387

Chapter 387

Unexpectedly, the Ying family also had a 3S mecha engineer who also applied for Damocles Military Academy. After completing the application, Huo Xuanshan and Ying Chenghe were the topics of discussion in those few months.

As a result, after school started, everyone discovered that the new class of Damocles Military Academy actually had a 3S-level commander and a local 3S soldier from Sadu Star.

The four 3S-level main teams can at least last until Huo Xuanshan graduates. Damocles Military Academy is still one of the five major military academies.

As a result, they were lucky. They still had a 3S soldier hidden, and now they suddenly had the strength to compete with the Imperial Military Academy for the championship.

“It’s a good opportunity to get out.” Huo Xuanshan didn’t look at Huo Jian. After saying that, he controlled the mecha to fly into the air ahead to explore the way.

Every year, only the strongest member of the Huo family can enter the main team of the Imperial Military Academy, and the others must enroll in other military academies.

Huo Jian is the most powerful one in their generation.

Huo Xuanshan opened his mecha wings and flew in mid-air. The temperature here was lower than the ground. He did not dare to fly too fast, otherwise the cold air would damage his wings.

He raised his head and looked up at the sky. Along the way, he didn’t see any large aircraft at high altitudes.

The situation summarized by the two military academies was that there are two cold waves rising on the extremely cold track. The aircraft over the Damocles Military Academy and the Imperial Military Academy, which are both in the center, are not expected to be very good.

They didn’t know which aircraft Colonel Li Ze was in.

Huo Xuanshan shook the mecha’s wings and frowned as he noticed that ice was forming on them faster and faster, and the white mist in mid-air seemed to be gathering again.

He flew down, and the main team members from the two military schools also stopped.

“The temperature is decreasing rapidly and the cold wind continues to increase.” Jin Ke looked at the surroundings. This situation seemed to be gathering a cold wave again. “We must find a place to hide.”

“There are so many people, where can we hide?” Situ Jia was a little annoyed. If the high-altitude aircraft landed and stopped here, they would have a perfect shielding point.

Jin Ke’s eyes fell on the area around the ice valley: “Let’s make a cave.”

“Here?” Situ Jia felt that Jin Ke was simply dreaming about how deep a hole would have to be drilled to accommodate them in such a thick ice valley.

“Just make a hole big enough to accommodate the people from our two military academies.” Jin Ke said calmly, “This is the only way.”

Their mechas can travel, but they cannot withstand another cold wave, and no one knows how long it will last.

Gong Yijue understood: “You want us to collect the mechas and enter the cave?”

When the cold wave comes, there are basically no star beasts for them to see. Everyone feels that they have been partially disconnected from the mecha, so they don’t need to feel the coldness of the outside world. They would be leaving their mecha cabin with a constant temperature system and hid in an ice cave. How could they guarantee their survival?

“Maybe you guys have a better way.” Jin Ke was also betting that the cold wave wouldn’t last long, that they could survive it, and that the teachers outside were working hard to rescue them.

Liao Runing, who was at the front of the team next to him, moved and punched the ice valley mountain directly. He retracted his hand, and the depression suddenly began to crack in all directions.

Ji Chuyu glanced at the others: “Move it.”

The people from the two military academies took turns digging holes together, and they forced themselves to dig holes into the ice valley.

The entrance of the hole is not big, but the hole inside was widening to accommodate people from the two military academies.

“The wind is still accelerating.” Ying Chenghe suddenly conveys from outside to the people in the cave.

The soldiers of the main team inside speeded up again, and the people from the school team were responsible for transporting the crushed ice out.

When not even ten minutes had passed, the cold wind outside became more and more biting, and the white mist gradually formed into strands. The white mist in the distance was thick and almost substantial, rising and elevating.

“It’s too late.” Jin Ke asked the people inside to collect their mecha, “Everyone outside, come in.”

The people from the two military academies all got out of their mechas and hid in the ice cave. They stood stiffly together because the temperature was too low.

Jin Ke did not put away his mecha. He controlled the mecha to block the entrance of the cave, blocking most of the cold air from outside the cave.

The moment the white cold mist rose up and spread like the sea water, Jin Ke’s heart sank a little more. Every time this happened, their chances of getting out became slimmer.

“If this continues, something will happen to us inside.” Ying Chenghe said in a low voice as he observed a little bit of white mist coming in from the cracks at the cave entrance.

The temperature in the ice cave was too low, and they had no mecha to resist. They couldn’t survive the passage of time.

Gong Yijue turned his head and said, “Wei San’s knife is very interesting. I didn’t realize you had this idea before.”

Ying Chenghe: “?”

At this time, he had the galls to mention the knife, Ying Chenghe admired him.

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