
Chapter 73: the twins' analysis of events

Chapter 73: the twins' analysis of events

"BROTHER, don't you think things ended up quite anti-climactic?" Aurum whispered to Argent. People around were starting to walk out of the ballroom. Each one was talking about the events that just happened.

"What, do you expect the King to send them to prison?" Argent asked, teasing her sister a bit. 

"Yes, since they deserved it," Aurum indignantly answered.

"Silly girl, of course he wouldn't do that. They're still his children after all. He might not truly care for them or even love them, but the blood flowing in their veins is still part his. That still says something. Stripping the prince of his title and detaining the princess were the best punishment he could give under such circumstances."

"But still. I worked really hard to make that stupid prince admit that there was someone who gave him the idea of kidnapping Merissa. Yet the main culprit didn't get to be punished that much."

When Winter told Argent about how those two men - who kidnapped his mother - admitted that it was the first prince who ordered them to do it, she was kind of disappointed at first. But then she thought, based on that prince's character, there was no way he could have thought of that plan on his own. Then she remembered what happened during that disastrous tea party. The way the first princess used them to punish that Lady Therese. Argent just knew she was the type to use the hands of other people rather than take action herself. So, there's a high chance that she was also the one who put that idea in the first prince's head.

And what happened tonight only proved that.

"And what's with the evidence thing? If the King made the stupid prince use the veritas stone, then that would be evidence enough against the ugly princess," Aurum continued.

"Because the King knew she was indeed behind it. If he made the prince used the veritas stone, the truth would surely be revealed," Argent simply answered.

"So the King's protecting her?" Aurum asked, a bit confused. 

"Not really. It's more accurate to say that he's protecting the little bit of honor that the royal family still has. Based on the King's personality, having his firstborn son be disgraced was shameful enough but if his firstborn daughter was also disgraced at the same night, then that would be beyond shameful. That's why he immediately made the royal guards take the first prince away before he could even suggest to use the veritas stone. The King probably realized that the prince was not really in the right state of mind," Argent explained in length.

Aurum scratched her nose. "Yeah, I think I kind of fried his brain a little."

"And since the King already handed out the punishments, no one would dare suggest to use the veritas stone to prove that the princess was really connected to that kidnapping incident. This way, everyone could be satisfied."

"Except for popsicle, that is."

"Well, that's no longer our problem." Argent already accomplished what she wanted to do - to mess with the royal family. And what a mess it was. She no longer cared about the follow up. It's not as if anyone would easily connect her to the events that happened here tonight.

With the things that's happening right now, Argent doubted if the royal family could even focus their attention elsewhere - i.e. her family and her company. It's the best case scenario for her. 

"True. But I'm just curious about one thing. The King seemed to really want popsicle to be his heir, then why not just get rid of the ugly princess? Since, you know, she's the biggest threat to him."

"Why would he do that? Getting rid of problems for Winter would just be spoon-feeding. He would face a lot more problems in the future, if he couldn't even fight against the princess on his own, then what right does he have to be the next king? I'm pretty sure that sly king wouldn't help him in any way on that regard. Because probably, in his opinion, doing that would only make Winter useless. Winter might have his support but that doesn't mean he would do everything to solve all his problems. Well, that's only based on my opinion of the King anyway."

If Winter wanted to get rid of the first princess, then he better rely on his own ability. If he asked for help, Argent might assist. It all depended really if she could get something out of the situation. 

"I think you're spot on actually," Aurum agreed. 

"On a different note, you really did a good job tonight. So, as a reward, you can ask me of anything," Argent said, changing the topic.

"Really, Brother? Then can you make me a pet cat, you know something that could talk. Just like Black."

"Do you think of Black as a pet?" Argent teased, a bit amused.

"Of course not. I'm just making an analogy. Brother, you know what I mean," Aurum said, pouting. "Will you make me one?"

"Yes, yes, I'll make you one once we return to my lab."

"Yay! Thank you, Brother!" Aurum hugged her brother's arm. "Should we go home now?"

She saw her brother glanced at a certain direction. Aurum followed her gaze and saw that she was looking at the area where Ruby and Mishla were. 

"There's still something we need to do first." Argent leaned down on Aurum and whispered something in her ear.

Aurum's eyes rounded when Argent finished whispering to her. "Seriously?" She looked back at where Ruby and Mishla were standing, both seemed to be enjoying chatting with each other. "Are you sure, Brother?"

"Yes. She's probably still somewhere in here. Can you find her? Take Mishla with you, so you can have protection."

"Then how about you, Brother?"

"I'll deal with the problem myself."

"Wouldn't it be dangerous?" Aurum asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I won't overdo it. Let's go?"

Aurum nodded. Then the two walked over to where Ruby and Mishla were. Once they were there, Ruby immediately went and hugged Argent's arm. It took a lot of effort in Aurum's part just not to frown and pull the girl away from her brother.

"The both of you are finally back," Ruby said, smiling at them.

Aurum turned to Mishla. "Mishla, could you come with me, please? I forgot to say something to the prince."

Mishla wondered what Aurum has to say to Winter. But if it meant that he could spend more time with her, then he'd gladly go with her anywhere. "Sure, no problem."

"Should we wait for them?" Ruby asked when the two walked away.

"No. Mishla would bring Aurum back home," Argent answered.


Argent noticed her looking around until her gaze finally landed on the body of the prince of Xing who's currently walking outside the room. Argent smiled inwardly. Because that was not the first time she noticed her looking in the prince's direction, secretly observing him. This girl probably never even thought that someone would notice her actions. That's probably how much she's confident about her Gift.

If she really wanted to meet with the prince that badly, then Argent would be kind enough to fulfill her wish. 

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