
Chapter 74: ruby or not ruby

Chapter 74: ruby or not ruby

"THAT was entertaining. It certainly wouldn't lose to the the schemes being played at the Imperial Palace," Li Jun commented while walking. Honestly, he was tempted to add chaos to the already chaotic event. But he stopped himself. Because making the King of the country he's trying to make a treaty with irritated was certainly not the best of ideas. Then he glanced back at the general silently walking beside him. "Don't you agree, Lei Feng?"

Zhang Lei Feng didn't really care much about the events that has transpired this night. He has no interest in schemes and intrigues. That's why he volunteered to be sent to the Northern borders, because he wanted to be far away from all the schemes in the capital. If he couldn't be bothered with the imperial family of Xing, then he certainly wouldn't care with the royal family of a foreign country.

But what bothered him was the person at the helm of this particular incident was the second prince of Albion. According to An Si's earlier reports - when he still hadn't ordered him to stop his surveillance of Argent - the second prince was often seen visiting the Hanover manor. The reports said that he and the duke were somewhat friends. Based on An Si's report and Lei Feng's own observation, being friends with the current Argent was not some feat that could be accomplished by just anyone. That's why when he first came here and saw the prince, he couldn't help but observed him.

The question he has now was just how much was Argent's involvement in the things that happened tonight? Because just as everyone was watching the show of the royal family, Lei Feng was secretly watching Argent. Based on the subtle expression showed on her face, he could immediately tell that she was having fun. There was even a hint of gloating in those indifferent purple eyes.

His thoughts was cut off because of the sudden call they heard from behind.

"Your Highness," called by a familiar husky voice.

Both the prince and the general turned around and they saw the Duke of Hanover walking towards them, his partner for the night - Miss McAllister - was beside him.

"Lord Hanover, do you need something?" asked Li Jun when the young duke finally reached them.

"Yes. That talk you wanted to have, can we do it now? Because I don't think I would have another free time in the future to accomodate Your Highness," the duke said. "If you don't mind, that is."

Li Jun was pleasantly surprised when he heard that. Of course he doesn't mind. One of the things he wanted to accomplish in his trip here in Albion was to have a serious talk with the founder of Silver Corporation. The more benefits he could get from that talk, the better.

The used of sPhones in Xing was booming. Although it's only currently available in the big cities. If Li Jun could somehow partner up with Argent Blackbourne to have more sPhone shop built in Xing, that would only be advantageous to the country and also to the older brother he wanted to support. The gold coins they could get from that venture would certainly be a good addition to his brother's campaign for the throne.

"It would be my pleasure," Li Jun answered. "Where do you want to have this talk?"

"Your place of residence would be good."

Li Jun nodded. Talking there would certainly give them more privacy than doing it in a private box of a restaurant. "Do you want to ride with us, then?"

The duke grinned. "Yes, that's certainly a great idea." He looked down at the girl he was with. "Don't you think so too, Ruby?"

The girl, Ruby, smiled charmingly. "Yes, it is."

Li Jun felt a bit weird because of the interaction between the two. It's like he was missing a very big joke that he has no idea about. And that grin the duke made was not from someone who's happy but more like from someone who's up to no good.

Lei Feng had the same thought. But that didn't stop him from staring at Argent. Because that mischievous grin just made her already beautiful face even more beautiful. He immediately looked away just in case he started seeing roses around her.

They all walked towards the fourth prince's carriage. The carriage was big so having four people inside was no problem at all. Then the carriage ride started.

"Until when are you staying here, Your Highness?" Ruby asked, smiling towards the fourth prince.

"In another four days time," Li Jun answered.

"So soon? And here I thought the time of your stay here would be longer," she said, her tone a bit dejected. "Do you mind if I visit you during your remaining days here?" she asked, looking at him with hope in those big hazel eyes.

Li Jun was sure this girl was flirting with him. He doesn't mind forward women, but this particular woman was the duke's partner for the night. Was it really alright to flirt with another man in front of your partner? He glanced at the duke. Argent's eyes were closed and he seemed to not hear the conversation just now. Or it's more accurate to say that he just didn't care.

Li Jun tried to give the girl a polite smile. "I'm sorry, I'll be busy during the last few days of my stay here. I don't think I could entertain Miss McAllister."

"I see. That's too bad then. And here I was thinking I could spend time with Your Highness."

Li Jun only smiled and glanced outside the carriage's window just to end the conversation. Ruby seemed to take the hint because she no longer spoke.

After a while, Li Jun glanced back at the general sitting beside him. Then he was slightly shocked by what he saw. Lei Feng was stealing glances at the duke. Like some teenager in puberty who's afraid that their crush would discover that they were staring at them. Then Li Jun suddenly remembered that there were quite a number of times tonight that he saw the general looking in the duke's direction.

An impossible idea suddenly popped up inside his head. Could it be possible that the general was actually playing for the other team? And he was now ensnared by Argent Blackbourne's beauty? No wonder they never heard of any rumors of him and other women. It turned out that he was a broken sleeve!

Not that Li Jun mind. He's not that averse in the idea of a man loving another man. People should have the freedom to love anyone they wanted regardless of gender. But the problem here was the identity of the target of Lei Feng's affection. An aristocratic duke who needed to marry a woman so he could have an heir to pass the title. Not only that, he was also the founder of a very wealthy company. There's no way someone like that would agree to be someone's male wife.

Li Jun sighed. Maybe he should gift the general with a beautiful male courtesan once they're back in Xing. Maybe that would divert his attention from the duke.

The residence provided to the fourth prince was just near the royal palace. It was not located in the crowded area of the city. The land surrounding it was large. Once you enter the gate, you have to travel half a kilometer more before reaching the main house.

The carriage just entered the gate when it suddenly swivel to the side, as if the coachman lost control of the horses. It stopped and they heard the scream of the coachman.

Lei Feng's first thought was to protect Argent but when he looked at her direction, she was still sitting calmly. "Stay here," he told the three before going down the carriage.

What he saw made him tightened his muscles. There were ghoul-like beings starting to sprout from the ground. There were more than ten. No, maybe even more than 20. Their skins were in a state of decay, but the odd thing was, there was no smell of decay around. But the greatest mystery of all was how the hell did these things appear here? Lei Feng didn't even know that things like these actually exist in this world. He thought all mysterious beings should be lost together with the Mythos continent.

He glanced at the coachman who already lost conciousness because of shock. Then three of his dark guards appeared beside him.

"Do you know when these things appeared?" he asked.

"No, Master. They just suddenly appeared from the ground," An Si answered.

"Protect the carriage. Don't let any of these things come even a bit close from it," Lei Feng ordered.

"Yes, Master!" the three answered, immediately surrounding the carriage.

Lei Feng released his killing intent, making the atmosphere tense. And bolts of lightning just started descending from the sky.

Inside the carriage, Li Jun was not worried because he knew just how powerful Lei Feng was. This was probably an assassination attempt towards him. He was thinking of who might be the one behind this when a skeleton with decaying skin and eyes protruding out of its sockets suddenly went through the roof of the carriage.

Li Jun's eyes widened. He didn't know if he should scream or what. Then he happened to glanced at the two people in front of him. Ruby appeared as scared as he was. But the duke, he was still as calm as a waveless ocean.

Argent opened his eyes. Then the silver bracelet he had on him suddenly turned into a sword. When Li Jun thought that he would attack the skeleton, he pointed the sword instead at Ruby's neck.

"Stop whatever it is you're doing before I slash your throat," Argent said coldly.

"Argent, I-I don't k-know what you're talking about," Ruby said much more scared than earlier.

"I know you're not Ruby. So stop." Argent pressed the sharp edge of the sword on her throat, blood started dripping from it. "Because if you don't, I won't hesitate to cut off your head."

Ruby stopped shaking. Her scared expression also turned into an amused one. "You really are good." Her body was suddenly surrounded by a shimmer, then Ruby disappeared. Instead, in front of them was a woman with long black hair that reached the carriage's floor. His blue eyes were filled with banter. The smile on her face was the epitome of seductive charm. "My name is Vixen. Pleasure to finally meet you, Argent Blackbourne."

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