
Chapter 72: comeuppance

Chapter 72: comeuppance

"THAT'S right! It was all Icelyn's idea! She told me that if I kidnap that bastard's mother, I could use her to make him give up the throne. That she was his weakness. As long as I have her, I could make that bastard do whatever I wanted! Icelyn even told me where to find that woman. She was the one who told me her location two years ago! So, you see, Father? Everything that happened is not my fault. It's hers!" Jasper shouted hurriedly, as if he couldn't wait to tell everyone all the contents of his brain.

Everyone with a speck of brain, as long as they heard what the first prince said, could tell that the first princess only probably used him. So, in the possibility that everything might went south, the first prince would take all the blame. Leaving the first princess scathe free. But as things went right now, that would be highly doubtful.

A new round of murmuring buzz appeared in the crowd.

"The first princess was really behind such a nefarious scheme?"

"But how could that be? This is the first princess we're talking about! The most loved princess of the people!"

"Hmph! I knew that gentle act she's been showing was just a facade to hide her dark mind."

Li Jun who was beside the said princess was watching all these with interest. The princess in question who still appeared to be calm but the increasing coldness in her eyes just told him otherwise, the first prince who's acting like a hysterical degenerate, the Queen who seemed like she would blow her gasket at any second, the King with a dark expression on his face, and the second prince who's watching his family members as if he was watching a joke.

He shook his head. And here he thought his family has problems.

Callista felt like her head was about to blow off. Just what was this stupid son of hers thinking? It's bad enough that he was being accused of something like this, does he really have to implicate his sister as well? "Jasper, shut up!" she shouted before Jasper could say anything more incriminating.

"Why? I'm only telling the truth, Mother! Do you think she's not capable of that? Hah! She's capable of everything! She--"

Jasper suddenly stopped talking. Not because he wanted to but because he couldn't. His insides just felt that it was slowly being frozen. He glanced at Icelyn's direction. She was looking at him and her eyes were full of warning. Like if he continued to speak, she wouldn't hesitate to freeze him right there and then. Because he has no doubt that it was her who was doing this to him right now.

Then he noticed their youngest brother walked towards Icelyn. He whispered something to her as if trying to calm her. After that, the freezing feeling Jasper felt suddenly disappeared.

Icelyn walked calmly towards the dais where the King and Queen were. She ignored all the gazes of the people. Her face didn't even show a hint of panic.

"Father, Brother is obviously not in his right state of mind. He would probably say anything that could get him out of this. Even involving an unrelated person," she said, her gentle voice was laced with just the right amount of grievance. Making people unknowingly want to pity her.

Argent sneered when she heard what Icelyn said. This first princess really was good. She didn't outright defend herself, but instead questioned the state of mind of the first prince. It didn't only discredit the prince, it also helped in lessening the suspicion people had on her. But it wouldn't matter even if she didn't receive any punishment. That was never her goal in the first place.

The button camera on her suit already recorded everything that happened here. Once they go back, Argent would ask White to post the video on the [Jiffy] accounts of every citizen in Albion. With that alone, the first princess' pristine image would no longer be so pristine. The good reputation she worked so hard to build would finally have a crack. And that crack was enough to make the people doubt her.

"Lies! You clearly told me--"

"Jasper, I told you to shut up!" Callista shouted, cutting off whatever it was Jasper was about to say. She stood up and walked in front of Icelyn. Then she turned and looked at the King. Whatever might happen tonight, she needed to at least make sure that Icelyn wouldn't be implicated in any way. "I agree with Icelyn. Jasper is obviously distraught and doesn't know what he's saying. You know Icelyn, she's not capable of something like this."

Arthur does know this daughter of his. Because out of all his children, she was the most similar to him. That's why he knew she could do something like this if it meant achieving her goal.

"And Jasper is just being Jasper. He didn't know what he was doing. You know how he could be childish sometimes. He's probably just jealous of all the attention you've been giving to Winter that's why he did this. I'm sure he never meant any harm," Callista continued, trying her best to defend her firstborn.

Arthur stared at the Queen. He should probably aplaud this woman for even trying to salvage the situation. But they all knew this night couldn't end without anyone getting punished. He turned to Winter who was standing beside his mother in a defensive posture. He was also staring at him, as if waiting for his decision.

If this was the brat's plan all along, then he must admit that it was indeed a very good plan. Accusing his brother of kidnapping his mother might not yield any result if he did it in a private manner. But doing it in a room full of people would certainly bring the result he wanted. Because this was not just a simple case of kidnapping. Now Arthur wasn't sure if he should be proud or angry.

Arthur was blatantly endorsing Winter as the next heir to the throne and everyone in the upper circle of Albion's society knew that. All that was lacking was a proper ceremony to announce him as the heir. Kidnapping the mother of his chosen heir to use against the said heir was clearly a conspiracy against the throne. If Arthur ignored what Jasper did, then that would only make him appear like a joke to everyone. Something that he could never allow.

He stood up, his decision already made up. "As everyone is my witness here, I hearby stripped Jasper William di Albion of his title for the act of conspiring against the throne. And he would henceforth be detained in the royal estate located in the southern region. The first princess would also be detained in the palace while being investigated of her involvement in this conspiracy. She wouldn't be allowed to leave until her name is cleared or until proven otherwise."

"No, Father! You can't do this!" Jasper shouted hysterically. Everyone knew there was nothing but barren lands in the southern region. What could he possibly do in that place? Was stripping him of his title not enough? Was he about to be cut off from the world too?

Arthur signalled the courtier beside him. The courtier walked out and soon a couple of royal guards entered the room. They took the first prince who was thrashing around and refusing to leave. Two others went to the first princess. Icelyn gnashed her teeth but soon retained her calm expression. She went outside the ballroom on her own, her chin high up.

Callista watched as her two children were taken by the royal guards. How could something like this happen? She knew she could no longer convince Arthur to take back the punishment he gave. Not when he said it in front of all these people. That would be the same as going back on his words. Which would only make him look bad in front of everyone. But it didn't mean that she could stay calm just because she knew that. Especially when there was someone she could blame for everything that has happened.

Callista's gaze landed on Merissa. Yes, everything was this woman's fault. If it's not for this b*tch, her children wouldn't go through something like this. Why couldn't she just die?

At that thought, the Mana surrounding her became unstable. But before she could even make a move, that woman's bastard son put her behind his back. As if telling her that if she wanted to do something to the b*tch, she had to go through him first.

Then her arm was suddenly pulled back. Callista looked up and saw Arthur gazing coldly down at her. Then he pushed her, in a not so gentle way, towards one of the courtier nearby.

"The Queen is tired. Escort her back to her chambers," he announced.

After saying that, Callista no longer has a chance to say anything back. So she followed the courtier, her heart full of anger and unwillingness.

Arthur turned his gaze to the mother and son standing in front of him. "I hope this was enough justice for you," he said to Winter.

No, it would never be enough. But Winter only said, "Yes, Father. I would like to escort my mother back. If that's alright with you, Father."

Arthur looked at Merissa who also looked back at him. That moment when their eyes met felt like he travelled back in time. Back to that instant when he first saw her. "I will send a royal healer with you, to heal your mother's scars."

"There's no need. I already contacted a healer to heal Mother."

This brat. Arthur was certain he doesn't want him to interact with Merissa. Well, now, let's see if he has the ability to stop him.

Merissa looked at the man she once loved. The man who tormented her for years. She could no longer feel anything. Not even a speck of anger. There wasn't even hate. All there was, was indifference. "Goodbye, Your Majesty."

With those words, she completely let herself be free from the chains tying her to the past. Now, she could finally freely moved on. From now on, she would live her life with her son and be the best mother for him. She would never allow anyone to separate them again.

And with that, the second prince's birthday party ended.

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