
Chapter 71: it was all her fault!

Chapter 71: it was all her fault!

THE WHOLE ballroom was suddenly filled by an almost heavenly voice. Every person who heard it felt like their spirits have been uplifted. They couldn't help but want to listen for more. They wouldn't mind if this voice would sing for them for the rest of their lives. That's just how beautiful it sounded. But not all were mesmerized by such a voice. Some have a completely different reaction.

One of them was the King.

Arthur clenched the goblet of wine he was holding. His grip was so hard that the cup he was holding showed signs of breaking. All his attention was focused on the woman currently singing on the stage, he didn't even notice that the wine inside the cup was starting to turn into ice. Showing just how flustered he was.

How could he forget this voice? This voice was the reason why he allowed his pristine image to be besmirched by a scandal. That he allowed himself to be entranced by a simple country girl. Even forgetting who he was and fighting over anyone who would dare stop him from seeing her. Those days he drowned himself in her sweetness were probably the happiest he'd ever been. Her every smile, her every move, her every touch - he treasured all of it. He protected her, gave her everything she could possibly need, alleviated her standing in society, but what did he get in return?

She ran away from him.

It was like Arthur just took his eyes away from her for a second and then she was gone. He mocked himself for his stupidity. The girl he considered a treasure just threw away everything - including him. As if he didn't matter. That everything that happened between them was just nothing.

So he did the same. If she could do it, then why couldn't he? He burried all his memories of her in the deepest part of his mind. Almost forgetting that he was once enchanted by a girl with heaven defying voice. He knew that she must have ran because he wanted to get rid of their unborn child. Knowing how naively kind she was, he should have known that she wouldn't agree to that. But none of that mattered. The only thing Arthur cared about was the fact that for her that child was more important that what they had.

And then he heard about the boy. It's like he was given an excuse to look for her again. So, he took it.

Arthur went to the small village where she and the boy lived. He secretly observed them. She was drying some sheets under the sun and the boy was helping her. They were wearing the simplest of clothes, even their home was just a small cottage. But she was happy. They were both happy. And it just broke everything inside him.

All his memories of her surfaced in his mind. And all he could feel at that moment was anger. Of what? He wasn't even sure. But one thing was certain, he didn't like the fact that she could be happy without him. So he took the boy. And put her in one of his private estates. Completely shattering the happiness she built.

He thought that was enough. But he was greedy. Always has been. He wanted to take everything from her. Her attention, her pride, her own self-respect, and even her love. But everytime he visited her, she couldn't even be bothered to give him a single smile. So he took it by force.

It was fine that way. She could just remain in that golden cage he built for her. Never able to leave. Forever remaining by his side. But then, two years ago, she disappeared again. And again, he did not look for her. Because if she left even with him threatening her with their son, then nothing could really hold her back.

Knowing her, she wouldn't just appear here without a reason. Especially if she still cared about Winter. Showing herself here, in front of almost all the aristocrats in Albion, it would only remind people of Winter's origin. It took years for them to erase the stigma of him being a bastard. If this was that brat's plan, then he would only sacrifice all the hard work they made. But for what purpose would Winter do something like this?

Did the brat somehow find her in Gaul? But that was impossible. Once Arthur heard of that rumor of her singing again, he immediately sent someone to check it. But that was all it was, a rumor. So how did Winter find her?

Arthur heard Callista chuckled, interrupting his thoughts.

"Ah, to once again hear that annoying voice, it sure does bring back memories." Callista gave Arthur a mocking glance. "Bringing his whore of a mother here, looks like your favorite son is not so obedient after all."

Of course, Callista remembered the owner of that voice. How could she forget? Those two years when Arthur did not even bother to hide his affair with that woman were the most humiliating years for her. Everyone - from the lowliest servants to the highest ranking aristocrats - knew about that affair. That the King prefered his mistress over his Queen. It's like everyone in the kingdom was watching her joke. And the most hateful part was she couldn't even do anything to the b*tch.

When she suddenly disappeared, Callista thought that that would be the end of that. But then six years later, Arthur brought back his bastard. Even adding him to the succession line. And if that wasn't enough, she also knew he took the b*tch to one of his private estates. Yes, he was no longer public about it. But that didn't lessen the humiliation Callista felt. Because once again, Arthur showed to her how much he prefered that b*tch over her.

And now, she even dared to appear here. The only satisfaction Callista felt was the fact that Arthur seemed to have no idea that the b*tch would be here. She was happy as long as he's uncomfortable.

When the song ended, a deafening applause sounded inside the ballroom. Then there was a buzz in the crowd. The younger generations might now know who the woman was, but the older ones do. She could be no other than the long-gone Madame La Chanteuse! Was the rumor of her singing again true then? But that was not the most important matter now. Because Madama La Chanteuse was not just an opera singer. She was the former mistress of the King and the mother of the second prince!

The second prince walked towards the stage and raised his hand. The singer's red lips evoked a gentle smile before putting her hand on his palm. Then they both walked towards the dais where the King and Queen were.

The woman made an elegant curtsy. "Your Majesties."

None of the two answered. The Queen gave her a condescending look while the King turned to the second prince.

"What's the meaning of this?" the King asked, anyone could hear the barely controlled anger in his voice.

"Father, I'm here to ask for justice for what has been done to my mother," Winter answered, his cold gaze unwavering.

The Queen's laughter rang in the room. "Justice? Are you sure that... mother of yours has the right to ask for that?" Callista asked, incredulously.

As an answer, the famous opera singer slowly removed the mask on her face. And almost everyone let out a horrified gasp when they saw her face. Half of it was filled with horrible burn scars. Her former beauty no longer there.

Winter closed his eyes in pain. He didn't want to parade his mother's scars in public like this. But Argent said that showing people his mother's scarred face would have more effect than showing them a beautiful unblemished face. Because of that, his mother insisted on going through the plan without her face being healed. Though he could see the point of that, it didn't mean that he has to like it.

Then he felt his hand being squeezed gently. He turned to his mother. She gave her a reassuring smile, as if silently telling him that everything's going to be fine. As if she was not the one under the judging gaze of these people. And once again, Winter was surprised by her inner strength.

Arthur's pupils tightened when he saw what happened to her face. He didn't even notice that the cup of wine he was holding already shattered like a block of ice. Seeing her face like this, it was like his heart was being cut by a thousand knives. How could this happen? What did she experience for her to end up in this state?

"Who did it?" he asked, his voice almost a snarl.

Argent, who was watching everything at the side together with Aurum, raised her brow when she saw the King's reaction. She smiled inwardly. Well, it looked like things would go much easier than she expected.

Merissa took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She could do this. For Winter. Then she lifted her gaze and looked straight at the eyes of the man she once loved. "I was kidnapped two years ago by two men. They wanted to use me as a leverage against Winter. With me as hostage, he wouldn't dare fight for the throne. I fought them, then one of them used his fire Gift and the place they were holding me burned. I narrowly escaped with my life and this was the result."

There was a deadly calm in the King's pale blue eyes. "These men, where are they?"

"Oh come on, Arthur, are we seriously doing this right now? Since when did a birthday party turned into a judiciary?" Callista said with impatience.

Arthur glanced at the Queen. "Shut up, Callista."

Whatever else the Queen has to say was stuck in her throat. That was the first time Arthur looked at her like that. As if he wouldn't hesitate to turn her into ice if she continued speaking. She bit her lip, her heart full of unwillingness. She glared at the b*tch. It was all this woman's fault.

The King returned his gaze to the second prince. "Answer my question."

As an answer, the door of the ballroom opened and a muscular blond entered pulling a man with chains on his hands and feet. It was Aspen and the man who caused the burn scars on Merissa's face. The man almost looked lifeless, as if all the hope has been extinguished inside him.

"Is this him?" Arthur asked, looking at the man as if he was looking at an already dead person.

"Yes. But before anything else, I ask that Father provides a veritas stone while questioning him. That way, no one would doubt that he is telling the truth."

Arthur already had a hunch. There was only one reason why Winter would ask for that. His expression darkened even more at the possibility he thought of. He turned to the courtier at his side and ordered him to bring a veritas stone at once. The courtier immediately obeyed. And soon, a square transluscent stone was brought in front of the man in chains.

Aspen put the man's hand on the stone.

Then Arthur started questioning the man. "Did you kidnap this woman two years ago?"

"Yes," the man answered and the stone turned green, indicating that he was telling the truth.

"Why?" the King asked again.

"Someone paid us to do it. We heard that the woman would be used as a leverage against the second prince who was already starting to gain influence back then." Once again, the stone turned green.

"Who paid you to do it?"

The crowds anticipation rose because of the King's last question.

"The first prince - Jasper William di Albion."

The stone turned green.

Everyone turned to the direction of the first prince who was now backing away towards the exit. Because of the attention of everyone, he stopped moving. He has no choice but to defend himself. "Father, it's all lies! I've never seen that man in my entire life! That's right, Winter must have put him up to this! He hates me so he's doing this!"

Callista abruptly stood up, she could no longer keep her calm. This was her son they were accusing of kidnapping and attempted murder. He might act unsatisfactorily, but no matter his faults, he was still her son. She couldn't just sit around and do nothing!

"Jasper is right. Arthur, you couldn't possibly believe the word of some man with obvious unsavory background! Especially since your bastard brought him--"

"Enough!" Arthur bellowed.

His insides were quivering with so much rage. Everytime he heard the answer of the man, his anger just continued to increase. If Callista continued to yap around him like some annoying bird, he wasn't sure that he could stop himself from hurting her. He looked at Merissa's serene face and those scars. His anger just grew even more. Then he turned to his firstborn.

Jasper's knees shook when his father looked at him as if he was just an ant he was about to crush. Why? Why would he look at him that way? Because of that bastard's mother? But Jasper was his son! He's not just some stranger. Was he really that unimportant to his father?

Then a sweet voice suddenly rang inside his head.

[Just tell them the truth. Tell them it was not your idea. Your father would surely understand if you do. He would certainly not punish you. He would punish the person at fault.]

Yes, that's right. This was not his idea. It was hers!

Then, as if out of control, the first prince blurted in front of everyone, "This was not my idea. It was Icelyn's! It was all her fault!"

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