Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 197 Rewards From The Behemoth


The giant monster breathes out as it looks at the people in front of it with hatred in its eyes. The Behemoth was close to death, its humongous body that once walked through the grasslands with no care in the world was now riddled with wounds as a lake of blood had formed beneath it. Its tough skin that couldn't be penetrated by normal attacks was cut and torn in many places while its strong bones were fractured at multiple locations.

The ground was littered with its rocky plates that once adored its powerful body, the plates were broken and now only served as decoration for the grassland. One of its horns that could penetrate through rocks with ease was broken and lay in the grass while the right side of its face had a hideous wound from which no blood was flowing, the strong flames from Wolf's sword had burned the flesh immediately and cauterized the wound.

Reign and the others were panting while sitting in front of the beast, they had used a large amount of their strength in order to bring the beast down, its resiliency and defense were equal to a boss and its destructive power was something anyone would fear, unfortunately, its huge body and slow speed were the reason why the party was able to defeat it while suffering only light injuries, of course, their stamina was drained and they were almost left with no mana.

Greenie was the most unfortunate amongst them all, his weapon and skills were an incredibly bad matchup against the huge monster and he dealt the least amount of damage to it, only near the end was he finally able to prove his use against the monster's bone plates and bones. His body took the biggest amount of damage as well as the Behemoth's tail managed to hit him square in the chest during an attack.

They decided that they would recuperate a bit first, the stench of blood and the mana that the behemoth was exuding together with theirs was enough to keep any enemy at bay. If they continued launching attacks at it they would just drain the mana they had left and they could be in a potentially dangerous situation if any enemy attacked them after that. If the behemoth was still alive after they recovered enough then they would kill it, if it died before then so be it.

The party spent the following half an hour near the behemoth while recuperating they were also being alert at their surroundings, they didn't want a monster to come and sneak attack them or the behemoth. The reward one would get would decrease if a third party was involved in a fight after all. At the 15 minute mark, the behemoth had closed his hatred-filled eyes, his final breath came out as it entered an eternal slumber.

[Battle has been concluded, distributing experience...]

-          Lvl 40 Plated Behemoth killed, 10 000 exp gained

-          Rank A Malevolence, Bruiser of Heroes

-          Rank A Skeletal Ebony Piercer

[The players have earner 10 000 exp and 500 S coins, distributing …]

[The player has earned 1 667 exp and 83 S coins ]

[Battle has been concluded, distributing subordinate experience ]

-          Lvl 40 Plated Behemoth killed, 2 000 exp gained

[ Subordinate has killed 1 monster, 2 000 exp earned ]

[Battle has been concluded, distributing pets experience...]

-          Lvl 40 Plated Behemoth killed, 3 000 exp gained

[Your pets have killed 1 monster, 3 000 exp points earned.]

" Two Rank A items, yes!" Shadow jumps in happiness as he looks at the rewards, as they had previously thought, the giant monster didn't give them a lot of exp, but the rewards more than made up for it. Before they could check the items however the system sounded out again, surprising them greatly.

[ Congratulations players, you are amongst the first players to successfully take down a "Behemoth" class monster. ]

[ Players are given the title "Behemoth Hunter" as a reward ]

Behemoth Hunter

Damage against enemies far bigger than the player +5%

Description: A title given to players that have managed to successfully defeat a "Behemoth" class monster by themselves, the title will help the players in their future fights against any similar type of monster.

Everyone widened their eyes in surprise, they hadn't thought that killing such a monster would give them a title, one has to know that so far they had only gained 3 titles, each one was helpful and nobody would complain about getting another one.

"I guess this is a nice bonus to getting two rank A items, anyway should we go?" Wolf suddenly says as they all pick up the items, they would check the items later, they were still in the grasslands and nobody wanted to stay any longer, even them hanging around to recover from the battle was a risky tactic, now that the Behemoth was dead there was a possibility that some strong monsters would come to check the area out.

The party made their way through the grassland, even though their strength was enough to defeat pretty much any monster they came across, they made sure to go stealthily this time as they didn't want to fight anymore for today, their stamina was still quite low and their mana wasn't at an optimal state either, fighting would just be reckless now.

After some time they finally managed to arrive at the town. There were still only a small amount of orcs present and Reign and the others decided not to bother them right now, the orc chief was planning something and they didn't want to spoil his plans, they had Magokur who would tell them when the plan started and they would be the ones with the element of surprise then.

They entered the territory as the people of the city looked at them with a concerned gaze, it was quite a rare sight to see them in such a state, their armors were dirty as dried blood was on it, their hair disheveled while they walked slowly as they were tired. After greeting some players and telling them that everything was fine they finally managed to get to their building.

It took some time as most players were concerned about them, after learning that they simply fought against a strong monster that managed to hold on quite a long time before dying they slowly eased up a bit. Since Reign and the others managed to win against the monster in the end then everything was fine, they were still curious as to what exactly the party went up against as everybody knew their strength now, even the horde of high-level demons was still unable to win against them, in the eyes of the players Reign and the others were unbeatable.

After entering the building they greeted the players that were sitting in the living room, the players had the same reaction as the others in the city, but it took a lot less to calm them down as they knew that Reign and the others were going to fight against some incredibly strong monsters today, seeing them in this state was still surprising, but not too much.

There was still some time left until training time and everyone went up to shower and rest, they all gathered in the dining room to have a meal before sitting in the living room and inspecting the two items they had gained after their fight against the Behemoth.

[ Rank A Malevolence, Bruiser of Heroes ] – claws

Atk:  80

Strength + 4

Agility + 6

Vitality + 2

Description: Claws that were used a long time ago to fight against the heroes of a realm. Both the wielder and the weapon enjoyed great infamy in the whole realm and the story of his fights would later become a thing of legends. By using the ability hidden inside the claws the user will be able to gain a part of that person's power whilst unlocking the full potential of the claws for a limited time.

[ Rank A Skeletal Ebony Piercer ]

Atk: 80

Agility + 6

Strength + 5

Description: A Longbow made from the bones of a strong monster. The monster's bones were incredibly hard and all the strong knights and heroes of the kingdom banded together to defeat it, after days of battle the monster was finally killed, but it also took down half of its attackers. In order to defend against the other kingdoms that were now looking at the weakened kingdom as prey, the king ordered for the bones to be used in order to make weapons and armors, as the monster was gigantic its bones and fur were more than enough to create a large amount of them, all of the knights and heroes that fought against the monster were given a suit of armor and a weapon by their choice, while what was left was used to arm the army, with that the kingdom managed to not only defend itself but to also conquer the neighboring kingdoms and eventually it became an empire. This bow was one of the custom-made weapons for a knight that fought against the monster, both her power and the monster's power are hidden in it, the user can use mana to activate the skill hidden deep inside of it.

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