Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 196 Fall Of The Behemoth


Tank flies through the air before being imprinted on the ground from the powerful blow that he managed to block, the monsters tail suddenly changed directions while moving and it managed to hit him, his arms shook from the powerful blow as a small deformity could be seen on the rank B shield that he was holding.

He gets up before charging toward the monster while simultaneously using his shield rocket skill to throw the shield at the monster's side. It has already been over 20 minutes since they had started the battle with the Behemoth, all of them were running low on mana whilst simultaneously feeling incredibly tired as their stamina was low as well.

The behemoth was of course in a very bad state as well, there was no part of its body that was uninjured, most of its skin was gone and an enormous amount of blood was present on the ground below it. The flesh and muscles of the huge monster were on full display as the giant beast still fought with all it had, its tail had even gotten a couple of cracks on it as the attacks were simply too strong for the bones to completely absorb or block.

The bone plates that the monster had on its back were mostly gone, their broken parts now littered the battlefield as the remaining cracked plates were still on its back or other parts of the body, the monster used the plates to block attacks and to counter the party as well, there were a couple of times where they were in a dangerous situation thanks to them, similarly to how the monster almost squished Reign with the plates underneath its belly.

The party had used up most of their skills, only skills that gave them power-ups like Reign's power of stars and similar ones weren't used. Beast and Laura were forced to use their new rank A items for the first time during this fight. On the monster's side, there was a 2-meter wide hole that went deep inside of it. That hole was made by Beast and his new item.

[ Rank A Sun Arrow ]

Atk : 200 +

Description: An arrow forged in the flames of a star, thanks to the incredible material that was used during the forging process the blacksmith managed to keep the fierce flames and fuse them with the metal, thus creating this arrow of incredible power. The user simply needs to fire the arrow toward the opponent to activate it, the more mana the user uses however the stronger the attack will be. The item is usable once per day.

The Sun Arrow is what Beast received a couple of days ago from the diamond chest, even during their fight against the legion of demons he still didn't feel a need to use the arrow, but fighting this huge monster made him feel that he needed to use everything he had to defeat it. The Sun Arrow made a trail of fire in the sky as it was fired, the fierce power hidden inside of the arrow exploded the very moment it hit the behemoth and a bright light could be seen coming from it. In mere moments the sky had brightened up from the arrow before the bright light was gone, in its place Reign and the others could see the huge hole that Beast's attack had left, the smell of burnt meat permeating through the area.

The monster unleashed a roar louder than ever after the attack, all of the plates from its back were suddenly floating around it as it attacked them all, that was the main reason why there were now so many broken plates on the ground.

Laura was next, she was the only person other than Beast to get a Rank A item from the chest, and now she was going to use it for the first time as well. With a smirk, Laura brings her hands towards her chest as she clutches a necklace that was on her neck.

[ Rank A The Amber Seal ]

Spirit + 4

Willpower + 4

Description: A necklace that was primarily built to seal mysterious magic inside of it, after many millennia the seal and the magic had changed before finally creating a unique power that was accessible to the wearer. Once per day the user can activate the necklace and use the power, for 15 seconds the user will be able to use all skills he or she knew with no mana required.

As the necklace shines the tens of pentagrams that Laura had previously drawn on the ground also shine as she activated her skill. Scythes, Swords, Staffs … a wide variety of weapons were suddenly summoned from the portals that opened up, Laura suddenly uses her demonic energy to wrap them all up before activating them, before the 15 seconds were gone she had managed to use every single weapon out of the 48 she had summoned, usually, she would be able to summon at most 8 weapons and use them before her mana would be completely drained, but thanks to the necklace she was able to send a whole 48 attacks, the attacks clashed with the plates that the monster was manipulating while some other attacks managed to hit its body.

Chainsaw-like attacks, spear-like mana that pierced through anything, sword lights, explosions… the attacks from Laura came in many different ways and the monster was soon being pushed back by the combined efforts of Laura and the others. Laura was currently sitting down and panting heavily, even though her mana was fine it was still an incredibly stressful thing to manipulate the 48 weapons, demonic energy was a bit different than normal mana and there was a mental strain on Laura after using it for something like that.

Reign was clad in his white and black lightning as he destroyed another plate that the monster had put in front of him, while he was attacking its side Shadow was taking care of the back, with the bones in the tail cracked the tail was much weaker compared to before. Shadow was currently holding a ball of darkness as he used his other hand to hold the dagger that was put between the bones of the monster's tail. Right in front of Shadow was the part of the tail that went through the most damage, multiple cracks could be seen and he was planning on using his Darkness Implosion to destroy it, it was a hard task as he had to first get on top of the swaying tail and then find a way to stay on it while finding a good spot to fire the skill that had just now finished charging fully.

With a ferocious smile Shadow sends the ball towards the cracks, the ball explodes and a part of the bones suddenly disappears while the cracks start enlarging, the pulling force of the ball was acting upon the bones which was breaking them incredibly fast. Suddenly the cracks enlarge even further as they come all the way to the end, parts of the tail suddenly fall off before the cracks finally come together and break. More than 2 meters of the tail suddenly fall off from the body of the monster, the huge monster roared strongly for a second before suddenly receiving an attack.

Gigantic Fire Ball

A 2.5-meter wide ball of fire was suddenly sent the monster's way, before the behemoth could close his mouth the ball arrives and explodes inside its mouth. The huge sword of flames that was in Wolf's hands suddenly shines brightly as Wolf brings it high up in the sky as a vortex of flames suddenly appears around the sword, with a vigorous shout he opens his eyes before bringing the sword down. A huge explosion was heard as the attack hits the monster's head straight on, one of its horns was suddenly flying through the air before it fell to the ground.

Fire style, Sun Striker

Reign was holding his two swords crossed in front of him as he was falling down onto the monster, he had previously used one of the plates to launch himself high in the air before falling down with his eyes closed. A trail of lightning was left behind him as the white and black lightning starts coiling around his swords which were now shaking heavily.

Sword One

Reign opens his eyes as he was now about 2 meters above the monster, with a relaxed manner he cuts through the air with his sword as the lightning almost disappears, it was fully concentrated on the spot where the two swords crossed previously, a moment later a huge X mark was cut deep inside the monster's back as lightning erupts from its center, the huge monster goes down on its knees as the three attacks had arrived at almost the same time, with Reign's being the last one.

Severing Light and Darkness

The skill was something that simply came to Reign without him thinking about it too much, his previous goal was to simply use the Kirin's Rage again from the air while attacking the monster, but something bothered him about using that and before he knew it he was fully focused on channeling the Severing Sword and his lightning at the same time, the result was beyond anything he had expected.

Jack had praised him for learning Sword One so quickly but he had not taught him the next move, he told him that before he achieved high enough proficiency with the skill he wasn't going to teach him. To increase familiarity and proficiency with the skill was something only he could do and he simply needed to use the skill during fights, Jack told him that when the day when his familiarity and proficiency with the skill have grown comes, he will know.

Looking at the damage that the skill did Reign was certain that this was it, this was what Jack was talking about previously.

The monster was down, part of its tail was gone, a huge amount of blood was gushing out from the enormous wound that Reign made while part of its head was cut off from Wolf's skill, it was only a matter of time before the behemoth dies, even with them doing nothing now.

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