Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 198 Adam's Past

A sleek ebony longbow that was about 2 meters long was currently in Beast's hands. The bones from which it was made were completely smooth, there was a leather strap nicely put on the bow for the wielder to have a firm grip on it. The bowstrings were made of a material that was unknown to Beast, their light red color accentuated the ebony color of the bow nicely while they were harder to pull compared to Beast's previous bow.

Beast pulls the bowstring back to their utmost, the bow arced back before he released it, a gust of wind was blown through the living room from its power, Beast's eyes were opened wide as he marveled at the bow's strength, the power his arrows would have when released from this bow would be almost double compared to his previous bow.

He took the quiver afterward, it was gray in color with white lines going along it, and the strap was made from the same leather that was present on the bow. The bone-white arrows inside of it numbered about 20 which was more compared to the other quivers that Beast had. With this in his hands, he felt that his power had grown by a good margin as his arrows would be able to deal more damage without him using skills or powering them by mana every time.

The claw on the other hand was useless to Reign and the others, even though it was a rank A weapon and its value was tremendous they were going to present it to the players downstairs, if someone wanted it they would give it to them, of course, it wasn't free, the player would need to pay Reign and the others the cost of the claw after some time, it was a benefit that not a lot of players enjoyed from them.

Unfortunately after going down and showing them the class all the players, although tempted, decided not to take them, none of them used a weapon that was even similar to claws and they were certain that trying to learn to use something like that now would simply make them weaker in fights until some time passes. It was true, Tank was the prime example of that, even though his proficiency with the scythe had increased greatly over the course of 1 month, he was still more skilled when using a mace or axe.

He didn't know what he would do if they managed to find one, the skill that the scythe gave was simply too powerful and it saved their asses a couple of times, especially his during the trials. Nonetheless, they decided that they would auction it to the other groups in the city, first, they would contact the top four squads, they had shown their tremendous potential and strength previously during their invasion and as such, they deserved some benefits, such as being able to buy a high ranking weapon first.

Wolf went out to find the squads, when it came to close-quarter combat he and Reign were at the top, with Shadow and Tank trailing behind them, as such he didn't really need to train that much and skipping a part of the training wouldn't be a big deal. Beast was showing the long-range players how to properly aim and use their bow and crossbow while running, it was an essential skill for long-range players and it could one day save their lives. Elijah was being taught by Reign, compared to the others he was the one that used throwing weapons the most and he recently managed to get his throwing proficiency up.

[ Throwing Weapons Proficiency B- ]

Even though the proficiency wasn't high and Elijah actually had a higher one, Reign's input was still helpful as he could spot small mistakes that Elijah would make while throwing, the positioning of his feet, the way his muscles acted when in throwing motion…

Even though the help was minimal it was still better than nothing and Elijah was grateful for it, thanks to Reign's higher level and strength he was able to spot multiple mistakes that Elijah would make when throwing his javelins or axes, thanks to that Elijah was slowly improving.

Adam on the other hand was fighting against Shadow, his spear was stabbing at Shadow tens of times as the latter simply dodged the attacks while giving Adam pointers on what to do and how to attack more efficiently. The boy's talent was good but he was a bit too hasty when attacking which would often lead to his teammates coming in later to help him out whilst he was fighting against the monsters.

His ability allowed him to retreat and attack enemies quickly but he needed to learn to control himself a bit better, everyone had noticed that as more time passed Adam became a bit too "wild". That, of course, had to do with his past, he had previously sat down with everyone when they came to live in the building the first time, everyone had tragic stories, and most of the solo players hunted solo simply because someone made it almost impossible to trust others.

Others were simply broken inside, Adam was someone close to that. When the game started his house was unfortunately among the first to be attacked, two giant orcs were suddenly transported next to it, with a swing of the hammer one of the orcs destroyed half of his house, his mother was crushed underneath the rubble while his father tried to save her. He failed, the orcs grabbed him before he could do anything, they tried to catch Adam as well but that was when his ability was activated, seeing his parents dead left a deep trauma, the ability teleported him over a kilometer away and he was suddenly in a safe zone near the border of the city.

The safe zone there was different compared to others, it was firstly much smaller, its size was the same as an average bedroom, not to mention that it was quite hidden as well and most people would never find it. Inside Adam managed to find some food and water, but that only lasted him for 3 days, he was still in shock over what had happened but he knew that he needed to go out in order to find food.

Leaving the small safe zone was risky but he still decided to do it, he took a metal pipe on his way out and brought it with him before trying to scavenge the surroundings, there were a couple of grocery stores and markets around, but after looking at his surroundings he soon realized that trying to go there had certain risks, goblins and hobgoblins patrolled the streets as trespassers would be quickly hunted down and killed or taken to their hideouts.

Seeing the many corpses and blood on the streets Adam was frightened, the game had just started back then and he did manage to understand its aspects a bit while hiding in the safe zone, he knew he had an ability as well but no matter how hard he tried to use it, it never activated. With his pipe in his hands he decided to go into the forest first, the forest that now surrounded the city should be safer right?

These monsters were probably only occupying the city and it should be safer for him to go in the forest, of course, his illusion was shattered the moment he entered the forest, the forests name was presented in front of him via the system and he clenched the pipe as he went further inside the forest with careful steps. He was afraid, he was just a young boy back then that never really fought. In the forest he was in the end attacked by two goblins, luckily for him he had a pipe and he managed to kill them after a long fight, the goblins had managed to scratch and bite his body multiple times and he was bleeding.

It wasn't until a long time that he would finally leave the safe zone that he used as private heaven, he was amongst the last people to enter the territory, the only reason was that his safe zone had disappeared as well and he had no other choice. He was skeptical at first, but after seeing how everyone was living together in the safe zone he grew fond of it over time, his level had stagnated before the invasion because he had decided to rest a bit, not to mention that there was not a lot that he was able to do in the past, he barely had any weapons and even the spear that he was using during the invasion was something he finally managed to buy 3 days before that.

His greatest wish was to find the two orcs, if they were still alive he was certain that he would be able to recognize them immediately, he wished they were alive so that he could kill them himself. That was the main thing driving him now and he wasn't going to stop before he managed to achieve it.

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