Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 195 Fighting The Behemoth



The skills hit the monster's tail once again and the huge monster finally lets out a cry of pain, the damage that Reign and the others had managed to do so far was great and the pain the monster was feeling was something it had never experienced so far, it was one of the strongest monsters in the grasslands and even monsters that were equal of strength to it never attacked it simply because it was so big that killing it would be extremely troublesome, most simply looked for easier prey when possible.

That's not to say that cases of its kind being hunted down didn't exist, the grassland had fearsome monsters and some would even prey upon them, but such cases were extremely rare.

[ Lvl 40 Plated Behemoth ]

Reign and the others looked at the monster's level before smirking slightly, even though its level was high and the monster's hide was thick to break through its size was also a disadvantage, its movement was slow, and hitting it was easy. One would actually have to deliberately aim somewhere else in order not to hit it.

Swiftly the party attacked the tail a couple more times, the skin and flesh were torn from the tail as the attacks fell on it, of course, the tail itself was 5 meters long, coupled with the 10-meter long body was definitely a fearsome sight. Even though they had damaged the tail fiercely, it was still functional, the bones of the monster were harder than they expected and they hadn't managed to even make a crack on them, even after attacking it so many times.

The bones had a metallic luster to them as they shone under the sunlight, even when Reign used his katana to attack it simply produced sparks against the hard bones, for the bones to be tough enough to take an attack of a Rank A weapon so easily showed just how tough they were.

Everyone understood that their previous tactic would not work as expected, no matter how much damage they dealt with the tail if the bones were still in good condition the monster would still be able to use it to attack them, they expected the tail to be tough as it was one of the main weapons that the monster had, but not as tough as it was. The monster suddenly unleashed a thunderous roar that made Reign and the others stop dead in their tracks, their ears ringing from the loud sound as they needed a couple of seconds to gather themselves before dodging the tail that was whipped towards them.

The monster was still able to attack with the tail, the metallic bones easily crushed any trees and rocks in its way before being swung towards the party again. The tail of the monster was too tough to deal with in a timely manner, Reign and the others understood that now, even if they used all of their power it would take them a lot of time and effort to destroy it. Since that was the case then the strategy needed to be adjusted.

Reign and the others quickly scatter before charging toward the monster's enormous body, since the tail was almost indestructible then they were going to change their target, the back, the belly, the head, the neck, every other part of the Behemoth's body was a target, they didn't believe that every single part of its body would be as tough as the tail.

The attacks start and the party immediately finds out one small issue with the new tactic, the body of the monster was so large that it would take them an incredible amount of time to wound it heavily.

With a serious expression on his face Reign charges toward the monster before sliding underneath it, the behemoth's large underbelly was present to Reign who was smirking slightly, the lower part of the stomach was almost always the weakness of many monsters, and it seemed that this one was no different, the skin covering its belly was lighter in color and it was obvious that it was thinner as well.

Reign immediately attacks, he jumps with full force towards the monster as his two swords stab towards its belly, the figure of a Kirin manifesting around Reign as its horns plunge into the monster's stomach.

"Graaaww!!" An earth-shattering roar suddenly escapes from the behemoth's mouth, Reign was the focus of the roar and he got the worst of it, his head was still ringing as his eyes had lost focus a bit, the lightning Kirin around him dimming slightly, it looked like it was going to disappear any second now.

Blood drips down on Reign's face from the two stab wounds that his skill had left, the very second it had connected was when the monster roared so the gigantic beast managed to almost nullify the attack. Reign quickly recovers from the monster's counter-attack and stabs towards the belly again, even with his body falling down on the ground, but suddenly bone plates come out from the beast's stomach as Reign's attack was blocked by them.

Shadow and the others could see that eight plates from the monster's back were suddenly drawn into its body before showing up down from its belly, it was a weird and disgusting sight, but it worked as Reign's Kirin was finally blocked, Reign falling down whilst attacking was, of course, something that helped as well.

Shadow and the others continue their attacks to no avail, even though their weapons could cut through the monster's skin it was simply too large, even their skills did a small amount of damage when comparing it to the whole body of the monster. It didn't matter how many wounds they made it just didn't look like it was working, the monster was bleeding but again, compared to its huge body the amount of blood that flew out was nothing.

Wolf was still fighting at the front, he managed to hit the monster's head a couple of times, he was even able to burn a part of it, but nothing, the skull of the monster was as tough as the tail, no matter how many times Wolf hit it, nothing ever happened to it. He wasn't sure if he could break through it even with the help of his Sword of Flames, if he tried it and it failed then he would be in a huge pinch, so he was still trying to figure out if the monster had another weakness that he could exploit.

With a shout, he punches the forehead of the monster while activating his Volcanic Fist, similarly to what happened the last time flames explode as the punch connects, but this time the flames exploded from underneath the skin, charring the bones slightly while destroying the skin completely, the monster roared in pain and anger as it tried to bite Wolf while using its horns to try and skewer him, even though there was not a lot of flesh on its head and only a small part of skin was destroyed it still hurt the monster, right now it wanted to do nothing else but to completely destroy Wolf and the others.

When it came to the others they didn't need to worry about attacks so much, the monster was mostly focused on Wolf and Reign while occasionally swiping its tail towards them in a low effort to kill them. The bone plates that came out of the monster's stomach suddenly lower themselves before falling down on Reign who had his eyes opened wide in shock, the monster could even detach the bones plates and use them to attack others, that was definitely not something he or the others had expected, even the fact that it could transfer the plater from one part of its body to another was shocking enough, not to mention this.

Six out of the eight plates fall down as Reign uses his lightning body to escape them before running on them and using them as platforms to attack the stomach of the monster again, suddenly the six plates from below start flying up while the two plates sticking out from the monster's stomach fall down, 2 additional plates also exit the stomach before falling down, Reign was now in a dangerous situation, he was in the air while the bone plates were all around him, flying straight to him.

He could only imagine what would happen to him if he was hit by them all. Reign quickly puts his broken sword back into its sheath before clenching his fist tightly, with vigor he punches the air in front of him.

Compact Punch

The air in front of Reign gets blasted as Reign flies to the side, he punches the air a couple of times consecutively to avoid the plates before he falls down to the ground, his right arm hurt a bit as his muscles were hurt from the many attacks, his mana as well was a bit low, using all those skills so many times was draining.

The battle had just started and it was still in a stalemate, the monster's immense vitality and endurance were going to be hard to win against and Reign knew it was going to take them a lot of time.

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