Is this really a Game?!

Chapter 194 Back To The Grassland


The last hobgoblin hits the tree as a javelin impaled him firmly on it, Elijah and his team had finished fighting against the final group of enemies for today, amongst the monsters they had fought there were hobgoblins, gnolls, lizardmen, and more.

With the two hours that Reign and the others had agreed upon coming to an end, the party slowly made their way back to the forest entrance, Laura had healed them all and there were no visible wounds on them, but the pressure they had to endure when fighting against stronger monsters took a huge mental toll on them and they planned on spending the rest of the day resting.

Elijah had performed remarkably, purely based on fighting instincts and capabilities he was probably above Adam, his biggest weakness was the fact that he still hadn't activated his ability, Reign and the others were quite fond of the young man, he and Adam would be the cornerstones of the special group they were planning on creating, for now, they only had 10 members but they were certain that they would have more in the future.

As long as Elijah manages to uncover his ability then his fighting prowess would soon catch up to Adam, having two players that would constantly try to be better than the other was a good thing as their rivalry would definitely bring out the best from them.

Elijah's class was Skirmisher, Skirmishers were known in history as light-armored troops whose role was to engage the enemy army before the main army arrived, armed with javelins, slings, or bows they would release a quick volley to disrupt the enemy before retreating, their light armor allowed them for higher mobility compared to most troops and they were a key role in the Peloponnesian War.

Elijah acted just like the skirmishers from the past, he would quickly attack the enemy with his javelins or axes before the other players arrived, during the battle he would move around the battlefield while throwing his weapons at the enemies, most of the time his weapons were enough to heavily wound if not kill the opponent. If an enemy attacked him and managed to arrive close enough to start a close-quarters fight then he would find out that his opponent was not as vulnerable as one would think.

Using his axes or javelins for close-quarters combat was not ideal, but they were still effective and Elijah could hold his own against the enemy, sometimes even defeating the enemy by himself.

Soon they were at the entrance of the forest, Reign and his team arrived a couple of minutes after them, Adam and the others looked a bit worse to wear compared to Elijah and his squad, their clothes were ripped in many places as bloodstains could be seen on them.

Elijah chuckles after seeing Adam in such a state, it seemed that Reign really went all out with finding strong opponents for them. Adam glares at Elijah angrily as the latter simply smiles back gleefully at him, slowly they make their way towards the territory, Just to be certain that nothing unexpected would happen Reign went with them, with his speed he should be able to get back and regroup with the others quickly after making sure that Adam and the others arrived safely at the territory.

And of course, that was what happened, Reign escorted the players who successfully arrived at the warehouse before going down to the territory while Reign used his ability to run towards the grasslands where he managed to regroup with Shadow and the others. They made their way deeper inside the grasslands compared to last time, their strength had improved and they wanted to see exactly how strong the monster here can be.

The only time that the party had fought here was against the elk and the lion that Beast ended up taming. There were a lot more different monsters that they could take on here, not to mention that the lowest level of the monsters here was 30 which was a good thing since the monsters now gave less exp if they were 5 levels lower than you.

The parties of hyenas that patrolled the grassland were one of the most usual monsters that one could find, their levels ranged anywhere from level 30 to level 33, with some packs having larger hyenas mixed in them, those were usually elites or variants of a higher level.

The hyenas were of course not a problem for Reign and the others, their speed, strength, and battle capabilities were not even worth mentioning when faced against them, the hyenas would quickly be taken care of before they would continue on their way. They planned on attacking the dinosaur looking monster that walked through the grassland by itself, the giant monster seemingly had no enemies in the grassland as all the monsters simply ran away after seeing it, even when coming across others of its own species they would just continue walking, acting as if they never even noticed the other.

Since the monster was incredibly large then they would definitely need a lot of time and firepower to take it down, everyone was excited however as fighting against such a huge opponent wasn't something they often did, the last time they fought one was the Earth Eater in the town square. Of course, compared to this monster the Earth Eater fell a bit short.

Slowly they approached the monster, it looked similar to a stegosaurus with its four rows of bony plates running along its back. Its long tail ended with spikes and it looked as if it could pierce through anything with them. The powerful four legs of the monster left deep imprints in the ground with each step it took as its 10-meter long body moved through the grassland.

Its hide was incredibly thick and normal attacks would simply not work on it, its jaw was close but its sharp teeth could still be seen poking out of its mouth. The monster's head was large, much larger compared to a stegosaurus, two long, curved horns could be seen coming from its head as the monster walked forward.

Reign and the others decided to try and destroy its tail first, their tactic was to use their skills in an attempt to either cut off or crush the tail so it cannot be used for the remainder of the fight. Quickly they charge the monster and attack, all of them use some of their best skills immediately and attack the tail. The monster was taken by surprise, after all, it had no predators in the grassland and all the monsters generally avoided coming in contact with it, to actually be attacked by these small creatures behind it was definitely not something it ever expected would happen.

Before the monster could even respond to their attacks they had managed to hit it. Its tail was the main target for the first attacks and all of them focused on it, the strong spikes that could be seen at the end of the tail broke as lightning and fire flashed in the surroundings while exploding arrows exploded right on top of it. The tail was battered up and many parts of it were cut off, the bone spikes were almost all gone as they were broken by the party's initial salvo of attacks.

Still, this was not what they were expecting, Reign and the others used a fair bit of their power in those attacks, they had honestly expected the tail to be either fully severed or completely crushed by now, to actually see it move normally even as blood continued to flow from its wounds was above their expectations. The tail, however, has truly stopped being a threat, the spikes were all destroyed and the tail looked awful, a couple more attacks and they were certain that it would be completely gone, they launched another salvo of attacks at the tail but the giant monster swiftly turns around before using the plates on its back to block the attacks, almost nullifying them.

"Tch." Wolf clicks his tongue as he charges at the monster with his greatsword, huge enemies such as these were definitely the worst ones to face off against, the battle would always turn into a slouch fest as you needed a great amount of time to kill them. Smaller enemies were easier to kill, of course, their speed and danger level would sometimes be higher than these kinds of monsters.

Wolf's flames blaze around as he dodges the horns of the monster before slashing down at its head. The monster however manages to turn his head around and attack Wolf with the horns yet again, the horns and the sword connect as a resounding metallic sound echoes around. Wolf manages to stay in place as he uses all of his strength against the monster's head, unfortunately, the giant wins in the end as Wolf was pushed back by its enormous strength.

Wolf however managed to fulfill his role, while he was busy with the monster the others quickly went behind the monster and attacked its tail once again.


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