I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 57: Changes

Chapter 57: Changes

The fervor of the duel that had heated the city cooled down as quickly as if it were a lie.

It had been an interesting topic, but life in the outer districts and slums was too busy and harsh to dwell on it for long.

Those caught in the search as dangerous elements were brought to trial which was a summary trial rather than a formal one.

About half were found guilty and sentenced to death while the others were acquitted.

People were surprised by these outcomes.

It had been assumed that everyone taken to prison would be executed.

Even if there were a few wrongful convictions, sacrificing them for the citys safety had always been the norm.

People speculated that perhaps the captain of the guards Kadal had experienced a change of heart due to this incident.

Despite much controversy, the search operation was generally regarded as a success.

Afterward, the threats to the city vanished as if they were a lie.

Was it a temporary retreat to avoid further conflict or the calm before a storm?

In any case, the city was soaking in a peace it hadnt experienced in a long time.

Dale on the other hand. was facing changes of his own.

Are you really living in a place like this?

Elena was visibly shocked while looking around Kaylas inn. Her expression seemed to say, Can people actually live in a place like this?

Im worried that the roof might collapse.

It wont collapse!

Kayla retorted with a hint of annoyance which caused Elena to flinch before turning to Fraud.

I cant believe an inn waitress would interrupt me like this. She must be uneducated.

Im not a waitress, princess. I own this place.


Elenas surprise was evident, and Kayla glared at her.

Dale then asked Elena indifferently,

So, why did you come here?

Ahem. I came to repay the favor and to make a generous offer.

An offer?

Elena placed her hands on her hips and straightened her back.

Gone was the fear from moments ago and her posture was replaced by the dignity of royalty.

Elena extended her hand toward Dale.

Sir Dale, I would like to bestow upon you the title of Captain of the Blue Lion Knights.

Dale was dumbfounded by her attitude as if she were offering him a grand position.

Fraud who was standing by couldnt contain his excitement.

The Blue Lion Knights are among the most prestigious in the Kingdom of Vyman! At one time, His Majesty Karl himself held the position of captain. Do you understand what this means? You would be the most distinguished knight in the Kingdom of Vyman!

Frauds eyes sparkled with what seemed like envy.

Dale asked,

First off, who else is in this knight order besides me?

I am also a member of the Blue Lion Knights! And just so you know, I am the vice-captain!

Is it just you then?

For now, yes!

Fraud nodded his head vigorously. Dale furrowed his brows.

Can it really be called a knight order with just two members?

Dale had already made up his mind.

I decline.



Elena and Fraud both widened their eyes in surprise.

Frauds reaction was so intense that one might have worried his eyes would pop out.

Elena was flustered as she asked,

Wh-why would you turn down such an honorable position?

Because it offers nothing but honor.

He doubted even the honor part but he didnt voice that thought.

Dale waved his hand dismissively.

If youve seen all you wanted, you should leave. And try not to run into any wizards on your way out.

Elena shot Dale a glare before firmly sitting down on a chair.

Sir Fraud.


Ive decided to stay here.

Fraud was taken aback by the sudden decision and he asked her,

Um Are you sure? Isnt this place too shabby and dirty?

When I escaped from the kingdom, I had to camp in places without even a roof. I can handle this.

Im sorry that its shabby and dirty.

Kayla grumbled from a distance but Elena and Fraud ignored her.

And wouldnt the safest place be where the Knight Captain is?

Im not doing the Knight Captain thing.

Yet there was truth in her statement.

The safest place for Elena right now would undoubtedly be by Dales side.

If Dale had no intention of going to the mansion where Elena was staying, it made sense for her to move to his location.

Dale wasnt too happy about the noisy elf accompanying Elena, though

Oh? So, we have another long-term guest?

It was only then that a smile finally spread across Kaylas face.

She was so pleased that she even hummed a little tune.

She couldnt help but feel good as guests began to fill the inn which was on the verge of collapse before.

Though it seemed odd that all the guests were somehow connected to Dale

Just then, a heavily drunk Harkin burst through the door.

Im here, Sir Dale! Huh? Whos this little boy and the eared one?

It seemed the alcohol had rendered him oblivious to his surroundings.

Without a moments hesitation, Fraud was about to draw his sword when Dale stopped him.

Were going to be seeing a lot of each other, so try to get along.

Since Sir Dale says so, Ill let it go this time.

Elena also seemed displeased but she gave in to Dales words.

Ill restrain myself to just a minor lightning strike.

Dont do that.

Whether Harkin was aware of the tense atmosphere or not, he drunkenly addressed Dale.

Thanks to you, Sir Dale, Ive made a tidy profit this time. So, I treated myself to some expensive liquor No, thats not what I wanted to talk about. There was something important I had to say. What was it?

I can jog your memory if you want.


Ah! I remember now! Garland asked me to tell Sir Dale to come to the guild if youre looking for him.

Is that so?

Then there was no reason to wait.

As Dale walked past him, the heavily drunk Harkin staggered.

Fraud held onto the staggering Harkin and said,

Off you go. Ill take good care of this curly-haired friend here.

Eh, whats this tugged ears talking about?

Fraud flashed a refreshing smile.

Dale was about to say something but then held himself back. If you speak badly about someone, you should pay the price.

Harkin needed to learn a lesson.

Just dont kill him.

Ha! What do you take me for?

After Dale nodded his head in approval, he left the inn.

Soon after, sounds resembling a beating and what could be assumed to be Harkins screams echoed out.

Dale ignored them and continued on his way.

Harty who had been sitting on the ground yawning lazily followed behind Dale.


When Dale returned to the mercenary guild, it was quieter than usual. With major requests wrapped up and their pockets heavier, many mercenaries were taking a break.

Only a few diligent mercenaries who hadnt participated in the search or were eager for work loitered about looking for requests.

When Dale entered the place, all eyes momentarily focused on him.



There was no one who failed to recognize Dale.

While it might have been a different story before the duel, after the duel Dale had become one of the most famous figures in the city.

Ignoring the gazes fixed on him, Dale walked towards the counter to speak with the receptionists.

Just then one of the mercenaries blocked his path.


Was this a challenge? It seemed a bold move for a mercenary. Dale was about to raise his fist and tell the man to back off.

But before he could the mercenary spoke with unexpected politeness.

Good to see you, Sir Dale.

Uh, right.

Dale was perplexed as he was taken aback by the mans courteous demeanor. Courtesy was hardly a word that suited mercenaries.

I watched your duel. Honestly, it was impressive. To think you defeated a member of the imperial knights.

To be exact, he was a knight scheduled to join the order, but such details were of little consequence to most.

As a fellow warrior, I was in awe. I just wanted to say that.

It seemed that was all he wanted to say. The mercenary quickly stepped back and cleared the way.

Dale detected a sense of respect in the eyes of the mercenary looking back at him.

Dale turned his head and noticed that the other mercenaries harbored similar sentiments.

These mercenaries who led rugged lives tend to admire and aspire to the strength in others. It seemed that Dales recent display had made quite an impression on them.

No, its not just that.

What could it be?

Putting aside any hostility, it seemed the fear that once surrounded Dale had significantly diminished.

Dale tilted his head in confusion before he moved past the mercenaries and approached the reception desk. The receptionist greeted him with a smile that seemed more genuine than before.

Yes! How can I help you?

I heard Garland was looking for me.

Thats right, the branch guild master has been expecting you. You can go up right away.

Dale nodded his head and ascended the stairs to Garlands office.

Before he could even knock, a voice from inside called out,

Come in.

When Dale opened the door, he was greeted not by a mere pile of documents but by a real mountain of paperwork.

Garland who was buried in paperwork seemed to have pulled several all-nighters, with dark circles prominently settled under his eyes.

Darker skin can still show dark circles, it seems.

This somewhat irreverent thought crossed Dales mind as Garland gestured for him to sit.

Please take a seat. Lets see

Garland forcefully shoved aside a pile of documents and created a space for Dale to sit as papers cascaded down.

Garland spoke with a hint of embarrassment,

Theres been a lot to sort out after the search operation.

You look quite tired.

Times like these make me miss my active days. Those days when I rubbed shoulders with the greatest heroes Ah. I dont have much time, so can we get straight to the point?

The mountains of paperwork strewn about made it clear that time was of the essence.

Indeed, for Garland to carve out this moment was a significant gesture of goodwill.

What message do you have for me?

A decision was reached at the higher-ups meeting of the guild. It was agreed that you, Sir Dale, could be promoted to bronze rank.

This was unexpected.

A bronze plaque?

Its an unusually rapid promotion, but considering your accomplishments, its not surprising. After all, its just a promotion. It wouldnt have been odd even if it had happened sooner.

Dale pondered Garlands words before responding.

This seems quite sudden. The recent matters are unrelated to the guild after all.

Protecting the residents of the underworld was a favor for Eriel. And the duel with Kristen also had nothing to do with the guild.

So why the sudden decision for a promotion?

Because the higher-ups have changed their opinion of you, Sir Dale. From an untrustworthy half-undead to a somewhat trustworthy one.

And why is that?

Why? Because youve demonstrated restraint! Honestly, I didnt think you could hold back.

During his duel with Kristen, Dale had been pushed to the brink of death.

Yet even in such a state, he didnt harm those around him.

This restraint was highly valued by the guilds higher-ups.

It wasnt just the guilds higher-ups.

Dale recalled how the fear and hostility had vanished from the mercenaries he had encountered earlier.


More people than he had anticipated might have started to see Dale in a new light.

It was, in any case, welcome news.

With the bronze badge, Dale would now gain access to upper districts. This means more opportunities will arise for Dale.

Dale asked,

When can I expect to be promoted?

Well, according to guild regulations, once your achievements are accounted for, you must complete one more difficult request appropriate for the higher rank in order to be promoted.

Dale scratched at his helmet.

Ive never heard of such a rule before.

Ha, Im sure you havent. It was introduced three years ago by the Mercenary King, who felt the mercenaries standards were too low and created the rule himself

The Mercenary King. That annoying name was mentioned again.

Dale was about to ask a question when Garland preempted him.

Anyway, youll just need to undertake one request. One suitable for a mercenary of your upcoming rank.

Hmm. In that case, do you have any recommendations?

There happens to be someone looking for you, Sir Dale They will likely seek you out soon. You can hear them out and decide then. Now, if youll excuse me, I must attend to my duties; Im quite swamped here.

Having said that, Garland buried his face back in the documents.

Dale felt it would be too bothersome to strike up further conversation, seeing how engrossed Garland appeared in his work, so he quietly left the office.


Who could it be, and when would they come looking for him?

Due to a lack of information, Dale had no choice but to stay in the inn and wait.

And there was nothing to do at the inn.

Out of habit, Dale took out a cloth and began to polish his weapon.

Fraud who was sitting next to him also took out his sword and hand axe and started wiping them down with a cloth.

Kayla who was passing by muttered,

You two act so alike.

Dale paused and glanced over at Fraud, who was meticulously cleaning his sword.

He suddenly remembered where this habit of constantly polishing weapons might have come from.

Fraud also raised his head at Dales gaze.

And as if interpreting that gaze in a different way, he proudly raised his sword and axe.

Haha! Arent they splendid weapons to behold? They are my pride! The name of the sword is Vito, and the hand axe is called Daren. Impressive, isnt it?

Fraud chattered away without anyone having to ask him and Dale responded with lackluster interest.

A very elf-like names. Odd names, though.

I named them after my parents.

No wonder.

Isnt this usually the moment when you apologize?

Dale indifferently lowered his head again as if he was intent on finishing the polishing of his weapon.

But soon, he had no choice but to look up again.

Someone is coming.

And not just one person, but quite a few.

Given that Kaylas inn was known for its bad beer, it had to be the person Dale was waiting for.

Soon, the door to the inn swung open.

Dale caught sight of the face and was puzzled.


An unexpected person had arrived.

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