I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 56: The Duel (4)

Chapter 56: The Duel (4)

A fierce power surged wildly from within. It was not Dales own strength but one forcibly taken from another.

Therefore, it couldnt be sustained for long.

Yet it was sufficient. Dale moved and returned to the arena.


Kristen furrowed his brow. He felt that something about the turn of events was amiss.

Clearly, his plan had been to push Dale to his limits and make him attack the spectators.

And then in the ensuing chaos,

Kristen would intervene at just the right moment to slay the evil heretic knight and save the citizens. It was a flawless plan.

A few people might die or get injured, but what did it matter? It was all for the sake of his own reputation.

However, the situation was unfolding strangely.

Dale did not attack the spectators even though his body must have been pushed to its limits.

He should have sought out life force by instinct.

He restrained himself?

Could such a thing even be possible? When people starve, they are capable of anything. What about an undead then?

Yet Dale had endured.

A phrase Kristen had once heard suddenly flashed through his mind.

It seems your opponent might be described as rather strong, or perhaps unique. In any case, this is someone you should not let down your guard against.

Kristen couldnt hide his astonishment.

Yes, he truly is unique.

Dale took steps towards him, each one resonating in the deathly silence that had befallen the area.

Despite the presence of over ten thousand people, not a single one could utter a word.

The intimidating aura emanating from the dark knight, the atmosphere he exuded, overwhelmed everyone.

Kristen felt a similar sentiment. The foe approaching him now was different from before.

The distance between them closed.

Kristen met the eerie glowing gaze from within Dales helmet.


Involuntarily, he took a step back.

And then he was struck with astonishment.

Did I just feel fear?

He could not accept it.

Born as the third son of the proud Grail family, he was endowed with talents that could earn him the label of a prodigy.

But life was far from easy.

His two older brothers who were jealous of his talents kept Kristen in check at every turn.

There were numerous occasions when assassins came for him in the night and his food was often laced with poison.

These were blatant acts yet no one stood by his side. This was partly because he had lost his mother at a young age.

To survive, Kristen had no one to rely on but his own talents.

He practiced with his sword every single day and put in effort as if it were a matter of life and death.

And so, Kristen had made it to this moment.

Therefore, Kristen was not afraid. He could not afford to be.

After he forced himself to calm down Kristen spoke to Dale.

It seems youve resorted to some cunning trick. But youre well aware of the clear difference in our skills, arent you?

Dale agreed on this point. He could not win in swordsmanship.

Thats why Dale let go of his sword.


Kristens expression hardened at the sudden action. And Dale stared into the shining eyes within the helmet.

The condescending gaze from above. Dale decided that needed to be addressed first.

He tensed his legs.


The ground sank under his force. In the next moment, Dales figure blurred.

Kristens eyes widened.

So fast! No, it was beyond mere speed

Damn it!

Kristen quickly regained his composure and drew his sword. Dales fist was already hurtling toward his chest.


With a sound too heavy to have come from a fist, Kristen was sent reeling backward.

What strength!

Despite bracing his lower body firmly, he couldnt withstand it.

Kristen hurried to regain his balance as he had been taught in swordsmanship.

But Dale didnt just watch. He followed up and started launching a flurry of punches.

The punches were swung wildly just like those thrown by street thugs. They were lacking any form of elegance or the aesthetics of martial arts.

Yet when backed by sheer power and speed, these undisciplined blows transformed into attacks more devastating than any sword strike.

Kristen grunted as he was pummeled with a barrage of fists and was unable to defend himself and was forced back.

There was no longer any trace of calm in his eyes. He had descended to Dales level, harboring hatred towards him as an opponent.

Dale muttered,

Thats more like it.

Kristen clenched his teeth in response,

To think a mere undead would dare!

His magical power surged even stronger, and the light in his eyes intensified.

To keep up with Dales speed, he pushed his magical power to its limits, enhancing his body beyond its normal capabilities.

He might have to suffer from the aftereffects for a while after that, but he must overcome this situation first. Survival was paramount.

Just like it had always been for him.

Before long, the two charged at each other and started clashing tumultuously.

The spectators witnessed an exchange of blows at speeds beyond what their eyes could follow.

A fist struck Kristens head. A sword shattered Dales ribcage. A punch hammered into the chest. A blade sliced through a shoulder. Fist and sword. Sword and fist.

In the final moment, Kristens sword tore through Dales armor and lodged itself into his side.

Got him!

Kristen couldnt help but cheer inwardly. Despite Dales sudden increase in strength, he was confident in his superior skill.

He could win this fight!

But Kristen didnt know. The most dangerous thing is when you think you have won.

Dale knew this all too well and knew how to exploit it.


From the eye sockets of the helmet, the joints of the armor, and the wounds inflicted by the sword, darkness flowed like blood from every opening in Dales armor.

Not merely a black mist, but a darkness more viscous and dense.

A sense of alarm surged within Kristen.

I need to get away

But how? The distance between them was minimal and his weapon was still embedded in Dales side.

In his hesitation, Kristen missed his last chance to escape.

In the next moment, darkness enveloped everything around them.

Kristens eyes snapped open. No, he couldnt tell whether his eyes were open or not.

An overwhelming feeling of silence where all noise and sight were blocked.

It was a horrific space.


You must die.

Wh-What is this?

Suddenly, voices whispering curses began to flow into his ears.

The air grew so cold that frost began to form on his armor.

Kristen tried to struggle.

But he couldnt.

The solid ground he was standing on had turned into a swamp that was now swallowing him.

His body sank deeper into the swamp below.

It was a swamp that embodied death itself.

Kristen flailed and tried to escape, but the colder and darker swamp only consumed him faster.

He barely managed to regain his sanity. Desperate to break the silence, he shouted deliberately.

An illusion! Yes, an illusion! The ground cant possibly turn into a swamp! You vile heretic! Such tricks have no effect on me!

In the moment he shouted, something in the darkness revealed its face in response.

It was people, but their form was distorted, each one twisted in some way.

One was cut in half, and another was headless.

Wh-What are you creatures? Get away from me, monsters!

Kristen did not know.

That these monsters once had names. Hasina, Hakim, Miles, Abaph, the Black Serpent Brotherhood, the Magic Towers slave soldiers, mercenaries, and more. Each had a title they were known by.

But now, nothing remained. All had been consumed, leaving only monstrous husks.

And Kristen was unaware.

That he was destined to share their fate.

The monsters soon flocked to Kristen and opened their mouths. They were drawing in to consume his life.


Kristen screamed in agony while writhing in pain.

No! This pain is also an illusion! I just need to endure it with willpower! I must not break!

Kristen shouted frantically but the monsters paid him no heed and continued to tear him apart.

Curses continued to whisper past Kristens ears, urging him to die and give up his resistance.

Kristen clenched his teeth. Just this one. If he could overcome just this one trial.

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

Give up. Let go and find peace.


It was a voice he longed for, one he desperately wanted to hear.

He knew it was an illusion, a fabricated voice.

But then,


The fragile thread holding Kristens spirit snapped.

The swamp completely engulfed him.

Both the monsters and Kristen sank into its depths and towards death.

In his final moments, Kristen gazed upward as if he was lost in thought.

This is the power of the dark night. This is

It was dangerous. That dark knight was growing a dangerous monster inside him.

The others must not be deceived. This truth had to be shared with the outside world.

But he had no chance to do that anymore.

Death had fully consumed him.

Dale gazed indifferently below him. The darkness had lifted before he knew it. There lay Kristen on the ground, no swamp in sight, no monsters around.

Only a pallid corpse remained.

Could it be due to the magic protecting his body?

Despite being ravaged by the darkness, the corpse was relatively intact.

His eyes too maintained their shape.

His eyes were wide open and empty, just like someone who was suffocating in his last moments.


Dale thrust his hand into Kristens neck. After clutching it firmly, he absorbed his life force.

His opponent had been strong.

As proof of that, an immense surge of life force and soul force flowed into him.

Dales battered body rapidly healed.

The dented and torn armor was restored and the body regained its original form.

The thirst subsided.

The murky impulses clouding his mind also vanished completely.

It felt like being reborn.

After he absorbed all the life force Dale stood up. Until then, the square had been as silent as a grave.

The people were unable to comprehend what had just occurred.

Dale spoke to the dazed head of the Jophis family.

The outcome is decided. Announce the end of the duel.


It was only then that the head of the Jophis family came to his senses and hastily exclaimed.

Th-The victor is Sir Dale! Therefore, as initially declared, Elena Vymen is acquitted of all charges!

Dale had won but there was no uproarious applause as one might expect to leave the square.

And that was only natural.

Kristen who was thought to be invincible had been defeated, and the supposed villain had emerged victorious.

Only those who had gambled on the unlikely outcome and won manifold were pleased.

And Harkin was among them.

Kuhahaha! I always believed in you, Sir Dale! Imperial knights or whatever they claim to be theyre nothing well, not exactly nothing, but certainly no match for you, Sir Dale!

But Esther focused on a different aspect.

Yo-you broke the ring. Such an item should not be used in that manner! The soul of the hero that resided within it

Its gone now.

Gone now, you say

Fraud and Eirek also approached and started making a fuss.

Good heavens. This was the most spectacular duel I have ever witnessed!

Haha! Well done! You fought splendidly! We must celebrate grandly tonight!

Finally, Elena placed her hand on Dales armor and spoke.

Thank you. I will make sure to repay this kindness.

Dale glanced down at Elena and then bluntly said,

Make sure you do.

Eh? Yes, yes

Dale then walked away.

The victor of the duel left quietly without sharing any thoughts on his victory or savoring the joy of it.

As if it were nothing out of the ordinary.

His departure left a deeper impression on the people. They quietly watched Dale as he walked away.

Among them were two figures shrouded in cloaks and masks that concealed their identities.

Among them, a woman of seemingly lower rank spoke up.

What do you think, Master No, Captain.

The man addressed as Captain smiled.

Hmm. Quite impressive, indeed.


The woman couldnt help but ask in surprise. The Captain she knew rarely praised anyone.

And it was even rarer for him to wear such a satisfied smile.

Its been a while since Ive seen something worthwhile. Dark knight Dale, was it? Hes worth remembering.

Is he that remarkable? The fight was indeed worth watching, but

I doubt Im the only one who thinks so.

The captain scanned various sections of the spectator stands.

The duel had been the talk of the town.

They were not the only ones who had come to watch the duel from the upper sections.

Notable high nobles, influential figures of the city, and members of knightly families were all secretly watching with their identities concealed.

Despite the distance, the captain could read the astonishment in their eyes. He also discerned the interest and greed directed towards Dale.

The woman beside him inquired.

Do you think the magic tower will just stand by? Theyve had their plans thwarted.

The captain chuckled softly.

Those folks have their pride to consider. Taking revenge immediately after the duel would not save face. And I doubt its as you think.


Didnt you see during the duel? This dark knight has not only skill but also fortune on his side. Hes a variable through and through. If I were a mage, Id rather ignore him than meddle unnecessarily.

The woman nodded her head, albeit reluctantly.

The captain then turned briskly and said,

Lets head back.

The woman caught up to him.

Ah, Captain. What about Sir Kristen?


He wasnt formally a member yet, but he was supposed to join us, wasnt he?


The captain asked while stroking his chin with his hand.

Kristen, you say? Was there such a man?

The woman met his gaze and then shook her head.

No. There was no such person.

Right. A loser in my knight order? Impossible.

The captain flapped his cloak as he moved forward. He was continually glancing back at Dale as he walked.

Something had been bothering him since earlier.

Perhaps it was an inexplicable sense of dj vu.

Even though hes wearing a helmet Its strange, his face seems familiar. When have we met before?

But no matter how much he racked his brain, he couldnt recall.

It was unsettling. It felt immensely important, yet the fact that he couldnt remember made him wonder if it might not be important after all.

Eventually, he leaned toward the latter thought.

Lets head back. There seems to be trouble in the east again.

Yes, Captain.

With the many trivial matters at hand, the position of the captain of the Imperial Knights was far too demanding.

After one last glance over his shoulder, the captain cocked his head and then proceeded forward.


On the roof of a tall building, far removed from the square.

A section of the rooftop slid aside as if curtains were being drawn.

And then from within the distorted space, an old man emerged.

An unremarkable old man that could be seen anywhere. What stood out about him was the large crystal ball he held in his hand.

Blue eyes were sparkling within the crystal ball.

These eyes gazed absently at the square where the duel had concluded. It was quite a distance, but it wasnt a problem at all.

The old man raised his bony arm and held up the crystal ball so that the eyes inside could see the square.

After watching intently for a while, the eyes finally murmured in satisfaction.

I failed. If the royalty of Vyman had fallen into the hands of the Magic Tower, the destruction of this city would have been one step closer.

Yet there was no hint of regret in those eyes. Instead, there seemed to be a trace of delight.

But theres no rush. I can simply prepare for the next move slowly. After all, it was you who taught me the virtue of patience.

Those eyes then captured the image of Dale who had become as small as a grain of rice in the distance.

At that moment, sweat began to bead and trickle down the forehead of the old man holding the crystal orb.

This sweat was not merely due to the weight of the crystal ball. An unseen force was drawing near to him.

Hmm. Is it already time?

The space folded like curtains once more before concealing the old mans figure.

When the space returned to its original state, there was nothing left.

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