I Became the Dark Knight in the Game

Chapter 58: Northbound (1)

Chapter 58: Northbound (1)

The person that entered the inn was a woman with beautifully waved green hair.

Her black eyes glittered, reflecting the indoor lighting, and the thin shawl draped over her clothes accentuated her voluptuous body.

What to say?

She was a woman who knew her charm and how to use it.

Of course, what surprised Dale wasnt merely her beauty.

He had seen this woman before inside the courtroom. At that time, the woman was standing next to the other judges.

That meant one thing.

The woman was a member of the council.

When she stepped into the inn, a group of men who appeared to be her subordinates followed suit.

Fraud stood protectively as if to shield Elena who was quietly reading a book, and Harkin who had been dozing off quickly approached Dale.

A-A big shot has arrived, a council member.

Do you know who she is?

Of course, I do. Rebecca, the head of the Outer District Merchants Guild. A living legend who started her own business at a young age and who started it from nothing. Is there anyone in the city who doesnt know her?

As if she was enjoying the attention, she walked in leisurely and did not come straight to Dale but sat down in an empty seat.

Then, she called out to Kayla who was standing there blankly.

When you visit a store, you ought to buy something, right? Its only polite. Bring me some food and beer.

Kayla asked,

What would you like to eat?

Rebecca smiled at Kaylas question. It was a smile that might be described as one reserved for a cute junior.

Of course, to Kayla, that smile felt somewhat annoying.

Understanding the customers needs and providing accordingly. Thats the basics of being a merchant. You cant become big by just doing as youre told.

Will beer with sausage and onion soup do?

Rebecca didnt reply.

Taking that as a yes, Kayla shook her head and went back to the kitchen.

Silence followed.

The inn was filled with people yet not a single one dared to break the silence.

Rebecca had clearly come seeking Dale for some matter, but she did not rush to speak.

She understood the power of silence and knew how to dominate the atmosphere.

Dale, for his part, saw no need to speak either.

It was as if they were starting to compete in a battle where whoever opened their mouth first would lose. The silence continued inside.

The silence was eventually shattered by Kayla.

Carrying a tray filled with plates, she placed the dishes in front of Rebecca and her men.

Rebecca speared a sausage with her fork and took a bite, savoring the rich meaty flavor that filled her mouth.

Hmm. The foods quite decent for the look of the place. The beer, though

After a sip of beer, Rebecca tilted her head in confusion. And her subordinates mirrored her actions.

It seemed like further critique would follow so Dale finally spoke up.

Did you come here just to give advice?

Only then did Rebecca turn her gaze to Dale.

And then she spoke with the confident expression typical of a successful merchant.

Ah, my apologies, Sir Dale. Seeing the younger generation always brings back memories and encourages me to offer advice.

You certainly have a knack for meddling.

Well, I didnt expect to hear such a comment from someone who readily steps into other peoples duels.

Rebecca said this with a light smile.

Dale tapped the table lightly with his finger.

He was not fond of this type of person.

Her attitude of trying to teach, her condescending look, and her roundabout way of getting to the point.

Nothing about her was to his liking.

I would prefer we get to the core of the matter. Im not fond of beating around the bush.

Ah, I see you prefer a direct approach. But, before that, shall we introduce ourselves properly? After all, theres a process and order to everything in this world, isnt there?

Rebecca uncrossed her legs, then crossed them the other way as she spoke.

Im Rebecca. Because Im an orphan, I dont have any parents names to name, but now Im running a business named after myself. I also lead the merchant guild of the outer districts.

The reason she was emphasizing that she was an orphan was probably because it was a source of pride for her to have come so far from such a position.

Dale responded briefly.


Okay Dale. I have a feeling we could become good friends, dont you think?

Dale felt otherwise but kept the thought to himself.

Instead, he steered the conversation back on track before it could diverge.

I heard from Garland that you have a request for me?

Thats right. Youre about to be promoted to the next rank, arent you? This task is perfect for that.

Rebecca then reached out to one of her subordinates sitting beside her. Dale thought she was about to pull out something important.

But it wasnt what he expected.

In Rebeccas hand was a cigarette, which her subordinate promptly cut the end off and lit with a magical tool.

Each item was evidently expensive.

She took the cigarette in her mouth and inhaled the smoke.

There was ostentation permeating every action of her. For a merchant, showing off ones wealth is a virtue.

Dale approached Rebecca with purposeful strides as she smiled at him.

Ah, would you like to try one too? Theyre quite good. Favored by nobles and mages alike. I could give you one as a gift if you like

Dale abruptly grabbed the cigarette from Rebeccas lips, yanked it away, and flung it aside.

The cigarette traced an arc through the air before plunging into one of the subordinates beer glasses.

I said I dont like to beat around the bush. And, theres a child here.

Dale pointed towards Elena who was sitting behind him. Smoking indoors in the presence of a child was unacceptable to him.

Rebeccas face flushed red with embarrassment at Dales action while everyone else in the room was taken aback.

One of Rebeccas subordinates reached for his sword as he stood up.

You cur!

Are you going to draw?

Dale also moved his hand to the hilt of his sword. And the moment when they were about to draw their swords at each other.

Rebecca opened her mouth.


She brushed her hair back as if to calm her flustered emotions and said,

Alright, Sir Dale. I see what kind of man you are. Shall we then move on to discussing the matter at hand?

I would appreciate that.

It was a welcome turn in the conversation. Dale returned to his seat.

Rebecca took a moment to catch her breath before she began to speak.

Do you know what responsibilities the head of the Merchants Guild in the outer districts holds?

I dont know.

We handle various tasks, but our main focus is on supplying the front lines with provisions. Its an important role.

It wasnt just any important task.

Theres a saying that logistics are half the battle.

Even the strongest soldiers cant fight on an empty stomach.

To be precise, its more of a supporting role in supply efforts. The majority of the work is managed by His Majesty the Emperor and the nobles of the upper districts. You might say my role is to facilitate and smooth the process.

However, this does not diminish its importance.

This time, were planning a supply run for the 4th Legion in the south. And for that

You want to hire me as an escort?

Yes. You would only need to accompany them as far as Castle Kaelum, which is the halfway point.

Rebecca pulled out a map to show the distance to Kaelum. It would take about two weeks at a slow pace.

Ill give you four gold coins as an advance payment, plus six silver coins per day. When the job is done, Ill add another six gold coins. Should there be any battle, youll receive a bonus, and naturally, any spoils of battle are yours to keep.


Dale pondered over Rebeccas offer.

The terms were not bad. In fact, they were quite good.

To think of earning ten gold coins upon successful completion of the task was remarkable. Considering that even one gold coin was a substantial sum for the average person, this offer was quite generous.

Harkin who had been listening in widened his eyes in surprise and murmured to himself,

Even just taking the advance payment and running away is already a profit

Dale who was still contemplating asked her,

Isnt this a lot of money just to hire a mere iron-plaque mercenary?

Surely youre joking? After witnessing your duel with Sir Kristen, who would regard you as merely an iron-plaque mercenary? The opportunity to forge a connection with someone of your caliber is worth more than a few gold coins, dont you think?

When Rebecca spoke with a smile on her face, Dale nodded his head.

It was a request with very good conditions.

And beyond money, forming a connection with Rebecca like this could only be beneficial, with no foreseeable drawbacks.

It was probably for this reason that Garland hinted as much.

Indeed, after just one duel, good requests seem to find their way to me.

As Dale remained silent, Rebecca seemed to guess his thoughts and smiled knowingly.

I told you, didnt I? I think we can become good friends.

Her tone suggested she was certain he would accept.

All that was left was for Dale to verbally agree and the deal would be sealed.

But Dale kept his mouth shut.

He just kept tapping thoughtfully on the table while lost in thought. He was silent. But his eyes were fixed on Rebecca.


Rebecca, who was confused as to why Dale wasnt answering, soon understood his intention.

Hes returning the gesture in kind.

The power of silence.

He was merely reciprocating the behavior she had exhibited upon her arrival at the store.

Rebeccas expression momentarily hardened as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

Are there any terms not to your liking? If you wish to negotiate, I must inform you that I have already given you the best I can offer.

Dale shook his head.

No, the terms are more than sufficient as they stand. In fact, they might even be considered excessive. Thats what arouses my suspicion.

Suspicion you say?

Are you hiding something from me?

At first glance, it might seem like an attempt to curry favor with Dale. As if she was offering a significant sum of money to establish a favorable relationship with him.

But perhaps it was too overt.

Even considering everything, the amount was too good.

And Dale knew that the merchant class he was familiar with never intended to make a losing deal.

This was true regardless of whether the merchant was inept or capable; there were no exceptions.

Especially not for the woman before him, who had carved out a success story for herself. She was not one to be easily taken advantage of.


Rebecca couldnt help but let out a sigh of admiration and a spark of genuine interest lit up in her eyes.

She asked with genuine curiosity,

Why do you think that?

If youve been handling such large-scale supplies, it seems likely youd have a standing force already employed. Relying on mercenaries for each supply run introduces too many variables and complications.

Thats correct. We have our own private soldiers; warriors who can hold their own against most mercenaries. So, whats your point?

Dale continued,

If you already have a complete force, then I am an extra at best, And the sum offered to an extra seems excessively large to me.

Ive told you before, I want to be good friends with Sir Dale.

Do you usually buy your friends with money?

The dark knights emotionless eyes met with the calculating eyes characteristic of a merchant.

After a moment, Rebecca shrugged her shoulders.

Phew. I thought it was just Garland making a fuss again, but it seems I was wrong. Alright, Ill be honest with you. In a way, Sir Dale, you are a form of insurance.


Rebecca nodded her head in agreement.

Ive heard rumors of demon worshipers hiding near Kaelm Castle. The churchs heresy inquisitors have already set out there, but I cant afford to ignore even the slightest possibility.

It was not uncommon for the heads of the merchant guilds in the outer districts to lose their heads.

This was not just metaphorically, but literally.

Supplying the front lines was a responsibility of grave importance.

Ive heard that Sir Dale previously fought and defeated a demon servant called Hasina. So, I thought you would be of great help should we encounter those fiends.

So, Im insurance.

There was also a bit of a test involved. If Sir Dale proved himself, I was considering investing a great sum to recruit you on a more permanent basis.

Rebecca shrugged as she spoke,

Ive laid all my cards on the table. So, what will you do now?

What will I do?

Dale responded.

It seems I must negotiate again, not as an extra, but as an escort to counter those demon worshipers.


After a lengthy negotiation, Rebecca left the inn.

Although she did not show it in front of Dale, she seemed to be in quite a good mood, like a child who had found a glittering stone in the dirt.

Rebeccas right-hand man asked her with a sullen look on his face.

Are you pleased? It seems like were just going to end up paying more money.

Rebecca nodded without hesitation.

Of course, Im pleased. Its not often you meet someone you can actually talk to. Where did Garland find such a person?

Her subordinate took a quick glance at her and said.

It seems youre quite taken with him?

Rebecca nodded her head in affirmation.

Most of the knights I know are blockheads. Good-for-nothing blockheads who are only good at killing people. If I even try to strike up a conversation, theyd be all How dare a lowly woman speak to me? Even the ragged ones with nothing to their names act like that; can you believe it?


But you saw how he just spoke, right? Thoughtful, cautious, and sharp. So what if hes a heretic?

The praise heaped upon the other made her subordinates face grow even more sullen.

But it seems that very person doesnt particularly like you, lady. He even rudely removed the cigarette from your mouth.

It was because of the child, you know that. More importantly, how are the preparations coming along?

Although it was a sudden question, her subordinate responded immediately.

Well, yes, everything has been perfectly prepared. Honestly, I think we wouldnt have any trouble even if those demon worshipers were to show up.

After hearing the report, Rebecca furrowed her brows.

Dont say its perfect.


Rebecca spoke while looking at the waning moon ominously hanging in the night sky.

Whenever we think something is perfect, thats exactly when problems seem to arise.

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