Hero of Darkness

Chapter 913 Planned and Executed

Chapter 913  Planned and Executed

Unexpected to all the netizens of the Nadur Empire as well as the top echelons, Kahn aka Atrus suddenly decided to proclaim his letting go of the right to become the Official Disciple.



As if there was no end to today's shocking events one after another, entire Beast Empire's citizens gasped collectively from their respective locations across the nation.

The news of Kahn's surprising decision reverberated not only within the confines of the grand assembly but also throughout the digital realm, captivating the attention of countless netizens within the vast expanse of the Nadur Empire.

From the bustling city streets to the most remote corners of the realm, whispers of disbelief and speculation spread like wildfire among the populace.

The top echelons of society were equally taken aback by Kahn's unexpected proclamation. The influential figures, the nobles, and the advisors who had closely observed the intense competition and anticipated the rise of a new leader were left astounded.

Their carefully crafted strategies and predictions now crumbled in the face of this unprecedented turn of events.

As the news rippled through the virtual networks and discussion forums, debates erupted among the netizens, each voice clamoring to decipher the motivations behind Kahn's shocking renouncement.

Speculations flourished, with theories ranging from hidden agendas to secret alliances. The unexpected twist injected an electrifying energy into the conversations, captivating the collective attention and leaving everyone eagerly awaiting further explanations from the enigmatic Atreus himself.

Even the Heavenly King of Light Haldor, Heavenly King of Water Kaida, and Empress Kaali were bewildered after the sudden turn of events.

"Why do you reject this reward?

Isn't that why you fought in the Tribal Tourney in the first place?" asked the Empress, still bamboozled.

If not to become the Official Disciple and the future Tribe Leader, what reason could there be for Atreus to stake his life at a gamble in this competition?

And for some reason, he used the words 'Renounce' and 'Forfeit' in the same sentence.

"I participated because my master asked me to win the rights to govern the elected places for the sake of Fenrirborne Tribe.

I had no intention to become the future tribe leader at all." responded Atreus.


This unexpected turn of events left not only the spectators within the arena and the broader Nadur Empire in a state of bewilderment but also the members of the Fenrirborne Tribe themselves.

The esteemed elders of the Fenrirborne Tribe Council, along with the influential clan leaders, stood frozen in disbelief, their minds struggling to grasp the sudden twist of fate.

legacy continue through Atreus. Their expressions mirrored a mix of confusion and surprise, as they exchanged perplexed glances Among those who found themselves taken aback were the disciples of Romulus, who had been training diligently under his guidance, their dedication fueled by the prospect of witnessing their master's legacy continue through Atreus. Their expressions mirrored a mix of confusion and surprise, as they exchanged perplexed glances with one another.

Even Romulus's own family, including his wife Priscilla and their children, were not immune to the shock that rippled through the arena. They stared at Romulus with a blend of confusion and concern, silently seeking answers in his eyes, longing for an explanation to reconcile this unexpected development.

In the midst of the bewildered crowd, the Heavenly King of Fire, a figure known for his profound insight and unparalleled might, did not display surprise.

Instead, a glimmer of anticipation sparkled in his eyes, hinting at a hidden understanding or expectation that lay beneath the surface.

"Let me explain the reason why Atreus used the word 'Renouce' to everyone." his domineering and regal voiced resounded.

"Although he won the matches with his own might, he never wished to become my successor. So other than the benefits for the tribe, he is relinquishing this right to become the Official Disciple." he reiterated the words spoken by his mentee.

"As for the word 'Forfeit'... there is a big reason for that." his voice turning serious.

In this crucial moment, the unfolding events revealed a carefully orchestrated plan that had been conceived between Romulus and Atreus in the depths of the previous night. Their intentions, now becoming apparent, shed light on the greater purpose behind Atreus' unexpected decision.


It had been long foreseen that there would come a day when Kahn would depart from the confines of the Beast Empire, once his training had reached its culmination and a certain unfathomably entity sought him out, as they had discussed in a conversation almost a year ago when Kahn had first encountered Romulus after his escape from the Elven Empire.

Romulus, with meticulous precision, had crafted the persona of Atreus Bellator for Kahn Salvatore and deliberately unveiled him as the formidable Shadow Disciple who would participate in the Tribal Tourney.

Simultaneously, this strategy placed immense mental pressure and imposed a strict deadline on Kahn, compelling him to train rigorously and with unwavering focus, ensuring his survival in the competition.

As a result, Kahn emerged victorious throughout the entirety of the tournament, astonishingly triumphing over his adversaries without even employing the five unique combat techniques imparted by his master, nor utilizing any of the magical skills and spells taught by Vildred.

This unparalleled feat distinguished him from the most talented and prodigious combatants within the Beast Empire, all of whom had already achieved the esteemed rank of 5th stage saints.

Furthermore, Kahn achieved these victories while masquerading as a Brawler Class saint, a status he had attained a mere few months prior. Astoundingly, he never resorted to utilizing his Harnessing, Conceptualization, or even his Dimensional Law abilities, yet he triumphed over the future powerhouses of the Nadur Empire.

Now that their initial objectives had been successfully accomplished, the time had come to establish a compelling reason for Kahn to break free from the confines of the Beast Empire's laws and traditions, providing him a route to bypass them.

"Because even though he won rightfully… Atreus does not meet one of the conditions that are stated in our ancestral laws of the Tribal Tourney." he revealed a hidden secret.

"What reason is that?" queried the Empress.

Romulus nodded and then gave a signal to Atreus through his eyes.

With a nod of confirmation from Romulus, a silent communication passing between them, Atreus discerned his master's unspoken directive. Without hesitation, he extended his right hand, retrieving a gleaming dagger from the depths of his space ring.

The audience held their breath, their eyes fixed on Atreus as he brought the blade to his palm, drawing it across the flesh with a controlled precision. A thin line of crimson appeared, seeping forth from the wound.


The collective gasp that escaped the onlookers echoed through the air, mingling with a mix of curiosity.

Atreus's stoic expression remained unchanged as he held his bleeding palm aloft, the blood slowly trickling down his fingers.



As Atreus's blood dripped onto the polished floor of the arena, a collective murmur spread among the empire's populace.

The Heavenly Kings, known for their insight and wisdom, exchanged curious glances, attempting to decipher the true meaning behind Atreus's shocking display.

The Empress, the embodiment of authority and sagacity, observed the scene with a mix of intrigue and anticipation, her sharp gaze piercing through the veil of mystery.

Each drop of blood that fell carried an untold narrative waiting to be unveiled. It was clear that Atreus had a profound intention behind this act, a revelation that he intended to disclose through his own blood.

[Do you think it will work?] he asked Romulus telepathically.

[It should. I originally had different plans but ever since you met Hero of Nature and the Empress by coincidence, this is the only method left for us to keep your secret well hidden.] responded the red wolfkin.

[And if my guess is correct… then she is already very suspicious of your identity ever since the day you two met.

So it is better for us to use this upper hand to our advantage before she makes a move of her own to expose you.] said Romulus.

Their telepathic conversation only took a second in the real-time of Vantrea and the very next moment in the arena…


As the blood from Atreus's palm mingled with the polished surface, an unforeseen phenomenon unfolded before the astonished eyes of the onlookers.

A sudden surge of energy, in contrasting shades of ethereal white and profound black, erupted from the pooling blood, casting an otherworldly glow that enveloped the arena.


"This… How can it be…?" stuttered the Heavenly King Kaida with utter shock.

"This has never happened before. This shouldn't be possible!" clamored the Heavenly King Haldor with bewildered eyes.

"This is…"

And in the wake of Atreus's awe-inspiring revelation, it was the Empress herself who bore the brunt of the profound shock.

Her regal composure shattered, and her entire being trembled uncontrollably with a mix of astonishment, disbelief, and a touch of trepidation.

The magnitude of what she had just witnessed had left her speechless, her usually poised demeanor crumbling before the overwhelming truth that lay before her.

With the unexpected and unforeseeable revelation in front of her eyes, the Empress finally revealed the cause of such an intense reaction in front of the whole Beast Empire…

"The Basilisk Bloodline!"

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