Hero of Darkness

Chapter 914 The Background Story

Chapter 914  The Background Story

As the Empress unveiled the truth behind Atreus's bloodline, the impact of her revelation rippled through the airwaves, reaching not only the Beast Empire but also every corner of the Nadur Empire where citizens were tuned in to the momentous broadcast.

In an instant, a collective hush fell upon the viewers, their bodies immobilized by a shock that coursed through their very cores.

The powerhouses, the esteemed figures occupying the upper echelons of the empire's hierarchy, found themselves rooted in place, their faces etched with disbelief and astonishment.

The implications of Atreus possessing the Basilisk Bloodline, a lineage that carried with it an ancient and formidable legacy, struck them with the force of a thunderbolt.

It was a revelation that shattered preconceived notions and challenged the very fabric of their understanding.

Not only the powerful individuals, but also the ordinary citizens who watched in awe, were paralyzed by the revelation. They had been unaware of the depths of Atreus's heritage, unaware of the intertwining forces that flowed within his veins.

The revelation that the white aura symbolized Fenrir's bloodline and the black aura represented the mighty Basilisk's bloodline sparked a surge of realization and comprehension.

In this moment, the Nadur Empire collectively grappled with the enormity of what they had witnessed.

"How is this even possible? This has never happened in the history of our empire.

Such anomaly… I have never heard of it." spoke the Empress.

The revelation of Atreus possessing both the Fenrir and Basilisk bloodlines sent shockwaves throughout the Nadur Empire, for it was a phenomenon previously deemed impossible. The Empress herself was privy to this knowledge, as she hailed from a lineage of Kukulkan, the bloodline with the highest purity of the Godbeast Basilisk among the True Descendant tribes.

Although the Empress's own bloodline held a greater degree of purity than that of Atreus, the astonishing truth remained unchanged: Atreus possessed a concentration of both the Fenrir and Basilisk bloodlines that far surpassed even the most revered clans within the Basilisk Tribe.

In the immemorial era when the Three Primordial Species and the First Walkers still roamed, Fenrir and Basilisk were not inherently enemies.

However, due to the immense power and distinct attributes of their respective bloodlines, a deep-seated incompatibility and rivalry emerged, mirroring the ancient enmity between the Draconian and Basilisk bloodlines.

[Is this the reason why I sensed a form of kinship with him that day when I went to save Maximus and killed that Superior Dragon?] she asked herself, questioning her previous assumptions.

This shook all the Heavenly Kings because this was not supposed to be possible.


Romulus then took a deep sigh and continued with a crestfallen look.

"Atreus is the son of Augustus Constantine and Theresa Agrippina." his voice resonated across the empire.

"What?!" exclaimed the Empress in bewilderment.

The other 2 Heavenly Kings and all the members of the 12 Tribes were also bemused.

Those 2 names had a history known only to them because it was a huge deal to many who still lived in those times.

"For those who do not know…" spoke Romulus somberly.

"Augustus Constantine and Theresa Agrippina were actually the Shadow Disciples of the previous Tribe Leaders of both the Fenrirborne and Basilisk Tribe." he openly declared.

"And they were also the people who had broken the sacred law of the 12 Tribes…

To love someone who belonged to a different tribe of a rival True Descendant family." he revealed the dark past that was unknown to common people of the empire.

"As per the laws of the 12 Tribes, you are forbidden to love or marry someone from a different species, a true descendant bloodline and tribe with the bloodline of a different Godbeast.

And both of them committed that very crime." his gaze turn heavy.

This well-guarded secret of the 12 tribes was now left bare open in front of the entire Nadur Empire.

Among the masses, there was no restriction on loving and marrying someone from a different clan. However, the 12 Tribes, many of whom were part of the True Descendant families, forbid it.

However, the commoners never knew that if you broke this law… You'd get killed for it.

Right then… another bewildered voice echoed…

"What the hell are you talking about?!

You said you found me in a jungle… That I was abandoned by my parents and left to die in a monster-infested area!" Atreus spoke full of disbelief as if he heard it for the first time as well.

Romulus shook his head.

"That was to protect you given the identity of your parents.

Besides, if I told you that your parents were killed instead… you would've grown up to be a resentful and vengeful person.

You would not have trained so hard under me for the past 80 years if I didn't give you a reason of creating your own identity and make your parents regret abandoning you.

For that, as your Master… I'm truly sorry." He spoke in an apologetic and remorseful voice.

"My entire life… You have been lying to me!" roared Atrreus in rage but at the same time, a defeated and sorrowful expression appeared on his face with eyes full of tears.

The fierce roar of Atreus reverberated through the arena, carrying with it a tumultuous blend of anger, betrayal, and a deep sense of sorrow.

The conflicting emotions etched upon his face, a battleground of rage and heartbreak, stirred a collective empathy among those who bore witness to this dramatic revelation.

The people of the empire, now caught in the crosscurrents of Atreus's emotions, grappled with their own conflicting sentiments.

The realization that Romulus, his revered mentor and father figure, had been concealing the truth all along shook the foundations of trust and understanding that had been built over time.

It was an act born out of love, a desperate attempt to protect and fortify Atreus, but the cost of this deception had left deep wounds within his soul.

Atreus's journey, from his upbringing as an orphan, through the relentless pursuit of strength and the attainment of his current stature as a formidable 5th-stage saint, resonated with the hearts of many across the empire.

Yet, in this moment of revelation, the very foundation of Atreus's identity had been shaken to its core.

The pain of growing up without a family, the sacrifices made in the pursuit of strength, and the heavy burden of expectations now mingled with the bitterness of deceit.

Tears welled up in Atreus's eyes, a poignant reflection of the profound inner conflict that raged within him.

As the people of the empire witnessed this clash of emotions, they, too, found themselves torn between empathy and bewilderment.

Unbeknownst to the billions of people in the Beast Empire, whose teary eyes and heavy hearts were captivated by the unfolding drama, a secret lay concealed behind the curtain of deception.

Kahn and Romulus were just improvising their acting skills on the spot, crying in front of the viewers as both shamelessly and hysterically laughed in their minds.


Romulus then revealed another history page…

"Your father was my benefactor when I was only a Peak Grandmaster. He saved my life from a monster tide.

In a sense, we had become friends over the years." Spoke Romulus and then explained his connection to Atreus' parents in front of the empire.

"But one day…

Augustus and Theresa showed up at my home, riddled with battle wounds.

In Theresa's hand… was a newborn." he let out a deep sigh.

"He gave me his son to safeguard it for a few weeks.

But only a few days later, I heard the news of Augustus and Theresadied while fighting a monster. I did not understand the story behind it back then… but they were obviously killed by their respective tribes." he looked in the sky, his countenance heavy with loss.

"To repay the person who saved my life back then… I decided to look after Atreus.

And ever since then, I have been raising him in secret.

It was also during those times I was scouted by the previous Fenrirborne Tribe Leader who met me a couple of years later after I had just become a saint and then I became his Shadow Disciple." he connected the dots and recounted the things of the past that many were aware of.

"But I still couldn't reveal Atreus to anyone, not even my former master." he iterated solemnly.

And then Romulus' gaze turned to Empress Kaali.

"Atreus is a natural oddity that shouldn't have been born.

He is 80 years old. Same time as their death and my recruitment." he spoke in a stoic tone.

The timeline's chronological order here was perfect.

"He has Fenrir bloodline prominent while his Basilisk bloodline is still dormant because they will make him go mad due to imbalance.

In the fight against Sobek, many of you saw him use an Illusion technique on his opponent who is of the Basilisk Tribe." he recounted the happenings of yesterday's match.

"We all know how Hypnosis and Illusion techniques are attributed mainly to the saints of the Basilisk Tribe due to their bloodline.

Unless one is a mage studying illusion arts like the ones practiced in other empires even before they become a grandmaster, no one can be as effective as the mastery showed by Atreus in that match." he shed light on already known facts to the masses.

These words made everyone recall the fight between Atreus and Sobek just yesterday.

Back then, many people were puzzled and shocked to see that Atreus could use illusion techniques just like Sobek. Yet they attributed it to his hidden talent.

But now that Romulus explained it… It made sense that Atreus could use the powers specialty of the Basilisk Tribe members such as Sobek who spent close to a century perfecting them.

[This… So this was the reason?] thought the Empress.

At this moment, the Empress had an ugly countenance.

Because Sobek himself raised this question yesterday night when she summoned him to her accommodations.

He too said that Atreus might not even be a Fenrirborne since he could use the illusion skills and was unfazed by Sobek's natural venom.

And according to what Romulus explained, it made perfect sense.

[Damn it! I was going to use this as an excuse to interrogate and imprison him in the future, to find his origins, using the excuse that his birth was not registered in the True Descendant families.] cursed the Empress Kaali Adisesha.

She looked at Romulus while hiding her killing intent. Her future plans had been thwarted by the Heavenly King of Fire after he revealed this fact in front of the whole empire.

Now, she had no justification to imprison or even interrogate Atreus since his origins were now public knowledge.

What she didn't know was that Kahn intentionally used that Illusion Techniuqe skill named Lucid Reality during his match against Sobek Slytherin.

This was also something Romulus had told him to do yesterday morning as he was already creating a perfect way to reinforce Atreus' background.

"Atreus is now a 5th-stage saint and can't be killed indiscriminately even if the 12 Tribes oppose his existence." spoke Romulus and the very next second…


His unrestrained killing intent arose and the entire Beast Empire saw the fiery maned wolfkin's tyrannical countenance.

"He is my, the Heavenly King of Fire's disciple. Anyone who touches him will be my enemy.

And I do not care if I have to attack an entire tribe and burn them to cinders should they dare to harm Atreus." his deathly glare shook the hearts of everyone in the Beast Empire.

With the strongest Heavenly King, the 2nd strongest being in the empire backing him, who would even dare to raise a finger against Atreus let alone kill him?

"Atreus has to become at least a 7th-stage saint to use and control both of his bloodlines.

However… Only a Pureblood is allowed to become the Tribe Leader as per the laws agreed by all the 12 Tribes since our Ancestors founded this empire.

But due to his origin, he is unqualified to lead the Fenrirborne tribe as per our tribe's laws."

Romulus had already prepared the backstory of Kahn's origin as Atreus and now they had a perfect and logical justification for him to not be bound by tradition and become the next successor to the Tribe Leader's position.

The plotline was so perfect that...

Even his fake background story had a fake background story.

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