Hero of Darkness

Chapter 912 The Proclamation

Chapter 912  The Proclamation

Forced to relinquish his seething rage and unyielding killing intent, Jaro, the indomitable Heavenly King of Metal, found himself with no alternative but to declare that neither he nor the entire Black Panther tribe would seek vengeance against Atreus, the blue Fenrirborne responsible for the gruesome demise of Dahaka—a spectacle witnessed by the entire Beast Empire.

Bound by the unyielding shackles of the Ancestral Laws, Jaro's hands were tied, leaving him no recourse but to relinquish his vengeful desires. The weight of these laws loomed large, their consequences threatening to engulf not only him but his entire tribe and the affiliated clans that stood under their banner.

Though ruthless and unforgiving, these ancient laws were the foundation upon which the Nadur Empire thrived, ensuring order and equitable treatment for its populace. Even the Empress herself was not exempt from their jurisdiction, let alone a Heavenly King, the second-highest authority within their social hierarchy.

The obsolete laws of the Nadur Empire, while not necessarily favorable to the individuals involved, had served as the backbone of their civilization, ensuring stability and maintaining a delicate balance of power.

As Jaro reluctantly bowed to their uncompromising demands, he recognized the gravity of the situation and the potential consequences that would befall his tribe should he dare to defy these long-standing traditions.

Overwhelmed with a sense of resignation, the Heavenly King of Metal and his son, accompanied by the saints from their tribe, gathered Dahaka's corpse and slowly departed from the arena.

Each step carried the weight of Jaro's vow, his solemn promise to uphold the decision he had made in the presence of the entire Beast Empire.

Although their hearts still burned with grief and the desire for retribution, they recognized the irreversible consequences that would befall their tribe should they dare to break their promise. Reluctantly, they turned their backs on the scene of the battle, leaving behind a sense of unresolved tension and unspoken resentment.


As they made their way out of the arena, the onlookers watched in a mix of awe, sympathy, and lingering apprehension. The Beast Empire bore witness to the display of honor and restraint demonstrated by the Black Panther tribe, as they chose to abide by their leader's solemn pledge, even in the face of tremendous loss and seething anger.

[Phew! So this is how it feels like being in power, huh?] wondered Kahn.

Despite maintaining a seemingly unaffected demeanor as Atreus, Kahn couldn't help but release a deep sigh within the recesses of his mind. The turn of events had brought about a significant shift in his circumstances, one that carried both relief and a sense of newfound power.

In his second life, this marked the first occasion in which Kahn had publicly taken the life of another being... However, what set this particular instance apart was the protection and backing he received from formidable powerhouses, namely the three Heavenly Kings and the Empress herself.

Their presence, acting as his unwavering bodyguards, stood as a testament to the ancestral laws that governed their society.

Unlike his previous encounters in the Rakos, Vulcan, and Zivot empires, where he had to navigate the intricate webs of power and acquiesce to influential figures even after rightfully emerging victorious, Kahn now experienced a different reality.

The weight of their support and the absence of any immediate ramifications for his actions served as a profound revelation. He found himself truly comprehending the influence wielded by those in positions of power, surrounded by the unwavering backing of the strongest individuals in their society.

In this moment, Kahn couldn't help but acknowledge the significance of his newfound standing. The strength and support displayed by the Heavenly Kings and the Empress, coupled with his lawful victory without any immediate consequences, opened his eyes to a new realm of understanding when you had absolute authority.

In a sense, he almost felt like he was a Royal Prince who would be untouched regardless of whose life he took.

"Atreus Bellator is the new champion!" the announcer declared with great excitement.


His zealous proclamation was not met by excitement nor celebration as even now, all the audience across the arena and the empire were simply silent.

"Woo hoo!! All hail Lord Atreus! All hail the Fenrirborne Tribe!"

As the news of Atreus's actions spread throughout the Beast Empire, a wave of disapproval and criticism surged among the netizens and general populace. The sacred lineage that held a revered place in the hearts of the empire's inhabitants.

brutality and uncouth demeanor displayed by Atreus had left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of the people, tarnishing their perception of him.

Other than the 30 million members of the Fenrirborne Tribe, no group of masses celebrated this victory.

One of the key factors contributing to the widespread disapproval was Atreus's blatant disrespect towards the descendants of Godbeast Baihu. This act alone had struck a nerve among many, as it showcased a lack of reverence and disregard for the sacred lineage that held a revered place in the hearts of the empire's inhabitants.

Furthermore, the manner in which Atreus had tortured Dahaka during their match sent shockwaves throughout the populace. Even those who typically relished in battles and savored displays of strength found themselves unsettled and disturbed by the extreme lengths to which Atreus had gone.

His actions had crossed the line of acceptability, pushing the boundaries of what was considered honorable conduct on the battlefield.

In a society where strength was revered and respected, Atreus had failed to embody the virtues and character expected of a great warrior. The lack of honor, glory, and noble conduct in his actions left the netizens and the people of the empire disillusioned and unable to find any aspect of his behavior to idolize or admire.

The disapproval echoed through the virtual realm as the netizens voiced their dissatisfaction and disappointment, highlighting the stark contrast between Atreus's raw power and his flawed character.

Despite the rising anger and resentment among the masses, Atreus remained unperturbed by the public opinion, displaying a complete disregard for the backlash he received.

"Hmph! Weaklings acting like they have the right to complain against the strong." said Atreus condescendingly.

In a brazen display of arrogance, he openly dismissed the opinions of those he deemed weak, considering them inconsequential in the face of his own strength. His words, dripping with disdain, only served to further fuel the ire of the people who felt marginalized and belittled by his callous attitude.

This unprecedented turn of events marked a significant departure from the usual celebration and adulation bestowed upon the champion of the Tribal Tourney. Instead of being hailed as a hero and revered for his prowess, Atreus found himself inundated with a barrage of abhorrence and abuses voiced by the public.

The anger that emanated from the masses stemmed not only from his brutal actions within the arena but also from his blatant disregard for the sentiments and values cherished by the Beast Empire's population.

In the end, even the weak masses did not like being told that they were weak and their lives didn't matter compared to the strong and elites of the society.

The netizens and citizens of the empire, once filled with anticipation and excitement, now channeled their frustration and discontent towards Atreus.

They expressed their disdain, condemning his character and behavior, denouncing his lack of empathy and his disdain for those who lacked power. The champion of the Tribal Tourney, who was meant to embody the ideals of strength, honor, and heroism, had instead become the target of their collective scorn.

As the public vented their anger and disappointment through various platforms, the atmosphere surrounding Atreus remained charged with palpable animosity.


The Empress's commanding voice reverberated through the grand hall, casting a hush over the entire gathering. Not a single soul dared to break the solemnity by uttering even a single word.

"As the victor of this arduous competition and as a formidable Shadow Disciple under the tutelage of the revered Tribe Leader of the Fenrirborne Tribe..."

Her voice, laced with authority and grace, filled the vast space, leaving no corner untouched by its resonance.

"I hereby proclaim Atreus Bellator as the Official Disciple!"

"After the Fenrirborne Tribe Council bestows their official seal of approval upon him, he shall ascend to the esteemed rank of Romulus Lykaios's rightful successor." she announced, her words resounding with a majestic fervor that commanded unwavering attention.

"As his position entails, from this moment on, Atreus Bellator is the future tribe leader of the Fenriborne Tribe." she declared in a majestic tone.

"And the final and predetermined reward... Atreus shall now choose the regions for the Fenrirborne Tribe to acquire and manage for the next 20 years as per the laws." she proclaimed.

Ultimately, the Tribal Tourney had been orchestrated for precisely this purpose. For the Shadow Disciples, the ultimate prize lay in securing the prestigious title of Official Disciple, a coveted status that symbolized their future as the next Tribe Leader. However, for the tribes themselves, the true allure lay in the rewards and lands they would gain the privilege to govern, oversee, and reap bountiful harvests from.

True to his master, Romulus' guidance, Atreus meticulously selected the choicest regions across the Nadur Empire to rule under the Fenrirborne Tribe's authority.

The repercussions of his decisions left a bitter aftertaste in the mouths of rival tribes, as well as those within the Imperial Rule. These territories represented the most lucrative and desirable spoils that had been fervently sought after by all participants throughout the duration of the Tribal Tourney.

However, just as the dust was settling and the competitors and onlookers alike anticipated the fruits of Atreus's triumph, a sudden turn of events unfolded, shocking the entire Beast Empire.

Atreus suddenly pulled in all the broadcasting artifacts using his saint pressure and now faced the populace of the Nadur Empire, his voice carrying the weight of a solemn proclamation.

"I, Atreus Bellator..." Kahn's voice rang out, commanding attention and stirring a ripple of curiosity among the witnessing masses.

"Hereby renounce and forfeit my right to become the Official Disciple."

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