Hero of Darkness

Chapter 911 Ancestral Laws

Chapter 911  Ancestral Laws

Unleashing a horrendous and bone-chilling spectacle upon the entire empire, Atreus pronounced the individual who held the power to determine Dahaka's destiny.

The ultimate judge would be none other than Atreus's own master, Romulus Lykaios, the esteemed Heavenly King of Fire.

As per the rules, the match would only conclude with the death of one of the combatants, even if the defeated party surrendered.

However, there existed a clause within the ancient laws. In the climactic finale, if one party yielded and a reigning Heavenly King exercised their vote to spare the life of the vanquished, they could be granted mercy.

This rule had faded into obscurity over time, as it was an exceedingly rare occurrence in the annals of tribal tournaments for the victor to extend clemency to their defeated adversary.

The previous night, Kahn and Romulus had engaged in a private conversation, delving into the intricate details of the matter. During their discussion, Romulus revealed Dahaka's true origins and the potential ramifications of his demise, considering he was the son of Jaro, the Heavenly King of Metal.

Throughout the match between Atreus and Dahaka, Romulus maintained a stoic silence, his countenance reflecting deep contemplation as he weighed the gravity of his impending decision.

And at this pivotal moment, Atreus boldly proclaimed that Romulus would wield the final authority, casting the spotlight upon his master for the ultimate verdict.

"According to Act 3, clause 39 and section C of the Tribal Tourney Laws, I can act as the interim adjudicator since I am the winner's mentor as well as a Heavenly King." declared Romulus as he stood up from his throne.

Billions of people who had no idea what these laws were then told by the announcers about the laws of the tribal tourney, enlightening them about the ancient rules.

"I will follow your decision, Master." spoke Atreus loudly.

If Romulus opted to spare Dahaka, he would be hailed as the ultimate victor, triumphing without resorting to the pantherkin's demise.

A collective gasp escaped from the millions of onlookers, rendering the atmosphere pregnant with anticipation.

The preceding spectacle of brutality and the extreme humiliation inflicted upon Dahaka had managed to evoke sympathy even from those who had initially relished the prospect of witnessing one of the combatants meet their demise.

Romulus scanned the various pavilions, his gaze eventually settling upon Jaro. The Heavenly King of Metal appeared visibly distraught, his labored breathing and pleading countenance silently beseeching for his son's life.

[What is your counsel in this matter?] Romulus inquired of Kahn, assuming his Atreus form, seeking his Shadow Disciple's honest opinion on this matter.

Kahn responded with unwavering confidence...

[Make a judicious choice, one that takes into account the potential consequences of both decisions, and whether we possess the means to confront them or not.]

Meanwhile, the Empress and the two remaining Heavenly Kings nodded in agreement, signaling their alignment with Romulus's impending verdict, in accordance with the age-old ancestral laws.



With measured steps, Romulus stood up from his throne and advanced, capturing the attention of all the broadcasting devices and the individuals present within the arena. Every eye turned towards the Heavenly King of Fire, their collective hopes yearning for a merciful resolution.

Finally, Romulus directed his gaze to the heart of the arena, where millions of spectators watched intently, witnessing Atreus relentlessly trampling upon Dahaka's back.

In a pivotal moment, Romulus raised his right palm, holding the power to shape the destiny of Dahaka, and locked eyes with Atreus.

His piercing gaze met Atreus's, their silent exchange laden with significance.

Then, with deliberate intent, Romulus made a subtle gesture with his fist.

A collective gasp of shock rippled through the billions of individuals witnessing this defining moment—the ultimate decision of the Tribe Leader of the Fenrirborne tribe.

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In a scene reminiscent of gladiatorial arenas, where the Emperor's decree held supreme authority, Romulus delivered a fateful verdict with a simple gesture of dissent.

"No, wait!!" shouted Jaro with utter disbelief and Dahaka had his both eyes widen in bewilderment.


However, before the father and son duo could even process the shocking turn of events, an even more gruesome sight unfolded before the eyes of the entire Beast Empire.

With barely a moment's pause after Romulus pronounced his decree, Atreus sprang into action with lightning speed, acting swiftly and mercilessly.

And now, in his outstretched hand, Atreus held Dahaka's ripped out head along with the entire spine.

In a way, this was a trophy of Kahn's victory.

"NOO!!!!" bellowed Jaro in pain and sorrow while billions of netizens of the Beast Empire were simply shaken at this sudden phenomenon.

Contrary to their previous expectations… Romulus chose to give Dahaka the death penalty.

"You!!" roared Jaro and the very next moment, he appeared in the middle of the arena, directly facing Atreus.


As the sight of Dahaka's decapitated form registered within the depths of his being, an overwhelming surge of intense and heaven-shaking saint pressure burst forth from Jaro.

His aura erupted with an unprecedented display of unfathomable fury and wrath, rattling the very foundations of the arena. The air crackled with an electric charge, and a palpable tension settled upon the onlookers, who found themselves in awe and trepidation in the face of such raw power.

The unleashed wrath of a Heavenly King reverberated throughout the Beast Empire, leaving an indelible mark upon the collective consciousness of all who bore witness.




In the very next moment, Haldor, Kaida and Romulus appeared in the arena. The 3 Heavenly Kings meddled in mere moments.


As the Empress observed the grisly scene, her countenance shifted, and she made a decisive move to directly intervene and appeared on Atreus' side.

With a commanding presence, she approached Atreus, her gaze fixed upon the dangling head and spine of Dahaka.

The pantherkin's lifeless body writhed on the ground, akin to a headless serpent, while his vacant eyes held a ghastly and terrified expression. Dahaka had met his demise in a state of sheer shock and fear, his last moments consumed by a horrifying realization.

Simultaneously, the remaining Heavenly Kings, stirred by the unleashed fury of Jaro, united their strengths and released their formidable auras.

Their combined powers surpassed even the oppressive force emanating from Jaro, effectively cornering him in a seemingly helpless predicament.

The clash of auras created an intense struggle, each force vying for dominance, as the fate of Jaro, the Heavenly King of Metal, hung in a precarious balance.

"I, Empress Kaali Adishesha of the Nadur Empire declare Atreus Bellator as the final victor of this year's Elysium Tribal Tourney!"

The Empress' grand and majestic voice resounded throughout the entire empire as she declared Atreus as the winner of the competition.


All people could do was gasp in bewilderment, many still unable to absorb what just transpired here.

"Atreus has rightfully won the tourney. And the Imperial Rule accepts this verdict.

However given the situation… if the Black Panther tribe and you as their Tribe Leader decide to retaliate to this decision and kill Atreus now or in the future because he killed your son…

As per the laws of the empire… All the 12 Tribes and the Imperial Force will have to band together and slaughter your entire tribe.

So make your decision wisely, Heavenly King of Metal." declared the Empress.

In the midst of the unfolding chaos, a crucial law came to the forefront, one that protected the Shadow Disciples who emerged victorious in the competition. This law served as a safeguard against those harboring deep grudges, preventing them from seeking revenge and eliminating the victors for slaying their representatives.

Jaro's eyes burned with an all-consuming fury, his face etched with an overwhelming thirst for revenge. The murderer of his beloved son stood a mere meter away, within his reach, and Jaro possessed the capability to end his life if he so desired.

Yet, he faced a grim and agonizing choice—one that would determine the fate of his entire tribe, comprising 35 million individuals. Should he succumb to his seething rage and impulses, the consequence would be the complete annihilation of his people.

Warriors, men, women, the elderly, and even innocent children, including helpless infants—all would be subject to obliteration should he allow his fury to consume him.

This was the brutal reality governed by an archaic law within the depths of the Beast Empire, one capable of eradicating Jaro's entire tribe from the face of the world. The weight of responsibility and the dire consequences hung heavily upon Jaro's heart, as he grappled with the choice between personal revenge and the preservation of his people.


In a moment of profound significance, another Pantherkin emerged from the shadows, revealing themselves to be a 6th-stage saint. Towering over even the Heavenly King himself, this individual possessed an imposing stature and an air of authority.

It became evident that he was none other than Jaro's Official Disciple and his eldest son.

"Father… please restrain yourself. As much as I want to kill this Fenrirborne…

You carry the fate of our entire tribe on your shoulders at this moment." he implored his father to not make a rash decision.

But in truth, he was one of the happiest people here since Dahaka was vying for his position by winning the tourney. Yet, he put up the act of a grieving and enraged elder brother in front of everyone.

While the tension mounted and the stage was set for a clash between Jaro and Atreus, the latter maintained an unnerving silence. His countenance exuded an unwavering fearlessness as if he harbored no trace of trepidation in the face of the fearsome Heavenly King of Metal.

Jaro's body quivered with an overwhelming surge of wrath, his every fiber resonating with unimaginable killing intent. The desire to unleash his fury and exact vengeance consumed him, threatening to plunge him into a maelstrom of impulsive action.

Yet, in the midst of his seething emotions, the words of his eldest son resonated deeply within him, serving as a grounding force.

The weight of responsibility pressed upon Jaro's consciousness. The lives of millions of his tribe members hung in the balance, their very existence dependent on his singular decision.

With this realization, Jaro fought against the overwhelming tide of his own rage, compelled to consider the consequences of his actions with utmost care.

The primal instinct to retaliate clashed with the weight of his duty as a leader and protector.

As Jaro struggled to regain control over his tumultuous emotions, the fates of his tribe members rested in the balance, their lives intertwined with the impending judgment that would shape the course of their collective future.

"I, the Heavenly King of Metal and the entire Black Panther tribe…" spoke Jaro and with great reluctance, he made a vow in front of the entire empire.

"Shall not seek Vengeance."

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