Hero of Darkness

Chapter 880 Chivalry And Valor

Suddenly, the Knight warrior decided to stab himself in the stomach as the raging troops of enemies charged through the destroyed walls, causing gasps of shock and disbelief to ripple through the remaining defenders. 

The knight quickly began to chant an ancient spell, invoking the formidable powers of their world.

"Oh, the old gods and the new... I offer my life in exchange for power." he spoke, his voice resolute despite the pain.

"Use my life force to create an impenetrable wall that protects my home." as his words echoed across the battlefield, the air crackled with energy.

The knight's life force surged forth, intertwining with the incantation he had spoken. A vibrant green aura erupted from his body, expanding outward and enveloping the fortress.

In a breathtaking display of magic, a massive wall materialized, encasing the fortress within its protective barrier. The enemies were thrown back by the sudden surge of power, their attempts to breach the fortress halted by the impenetrable barrier.

The remaining defenders stood in awe, their hearts heavy with both gratitude and sorrow. Because the sacrifice of the Knight had ensured their safety, but it had come at a great cost.

"Lieutenant Gladius!" shouted one of the soldiers, his voice heavy with emotion.

Theirs was a small kingdom, nestled on the border of a powerful neighboring empire. As tensions escalated, the fortress stood as the last line of defense, protecting the kingdom and its people.

However, amidst the chaos of war, politics and betrayal reared their ugly heads.

The ministers and feudal lords, consumed by their own ambitions... had betrayed the kingdom to secure their positions in the eyes of the empire. When the enemy forces launched their attack, no reinforcements were sent to bolster the defenses of the fortress. The kingdom and the normal citizens were left to fend for themselves.

Amidst this dire situation, the knight warrior, serving as the lieutenant of the troops, valiantly fought on the front lines. Surrounded by enemy forces, he stood as a beacon of courage and resilience.

And now, in a selfless act of sacrifice, he was giving his life to the gods of their world, pleading for the protection of the fortress and the precious time it would provide.

The knight understood the weight of his sacrifice. He knew that by offering his life, he would buy valuable moments for the citizens of the kingdom to escape the horrors of an impending massacre.

It was a heavy burden to bear, but he bore it willingly, driven by the love and duty he felt towards his people.

As the knight's life force surged forth, intertwining with his plea to the gods, his purpose was clear. He was fighting not only for the survival of the fortress, but for the millions of innocent lives that awaited their fate within the kingdom's borders.

"So this is my end? Is that all there is to my story? 

At least, my subordinates will live to fight another day. 

My people will have a chance to survive. My kingdom will keep on fighting." he spoke with a sense of relief.

The knight knew that his sacrifice would only impede the enemy for a single day, until the protective wall dissipated on its own. Yet, in his heart, he believed that even a single day could make a significant difference. The lives that would be saved, the opportunity for the kingdom to regroup and rebuild... it was all worth the ultimate sacrifice he chose to make.

He was doing what every soldier dreamt of doing for their country… Protect and Serve.

With a serene smile gracing his face, the knight spoke with unwavering conviction...

"One day, the peace will prevail and...

The sun will shine on us again."

His words carried the weight of hope and determination, resonating with those who stood witness to his noble act.

Closing his eyes, he embraced the inevitable death as he lost his ability to speak and move, his warrior's spirit unyielding until the very end. In that final moment, the knight's sacrifice became a testament to the indomitable will and unwavering loyalty that defined him.


But in the very next moment... the world around the warrior vanished, and he was enveloped by blinding white light.

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely different dimension of reality.

The air felt different, charged with an otherworldly energy, and the colors were more vibrant than anything he had ever seen before.

As the warrior looked around, he saw that the landscape had changed too. He was no longer standing on the battlefield, but in front of him appeared a vast and unending expanse of a transcendent being.

This being had a humanoid appearance but with a mixture of all the elements of reality such as water, earth, metal, wood, wind, and fire; leaving many others he could not even recognize. It was like looking at a living embodiment of the world itself.

The eternal being sat in a meditative pose, its eyes closed as if lost in thought.

The warrior estimated that it was several hundred kilometers away, yet it felt as if the being was right in front of him. He felt a sense of awe and reverence wash over him, as if he was in the presence of something truly divine.

For a few moments, the warrior stood there, unable to move or speak. Finally, he found his voice and asked...

"Who are you? And why have you brought me here?"

"I am Termeszet." spoke the divine being, its voice carrying a soothing quality that put the warrior at ease.

"In my world, I am known as the God of Nature."

The warrior listened intently as the being continued...

"You died heroically in your world." it said.

"But before your body completely perished and your soul was dispersed, I pulled you into my realm and cured your condition."

The warrior felt a mix of confusion and gratitude.

However, the impact of watching his comrades and those who served under him being brutally massacred right in front of his eyes was still vivid and imprinted on his mind.

"There's a reason why I preserved your life, child." revealed Termeszet in a benign tone. 

The warrior waited with bated breath to hear what the God of Nature had to say next. 

"I want you to become my chosen Hero."

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