Hero of Darkness

Chapter 881 The Shellshock

In Vantrea at the present moment…



A man jolted awake in the wee hours of the morning, his entire body drenched in sweat.

He took a moment to catch his breath and surveyed the room he found himself in, which was akin to a majestic abode fit for a king.

Despite the grandeur of his surroundings, an inexplicable sense of misery permeated the air, and his ghastly countenance betrayed the terror that plagued his mind.

In an attempt to calm himself down, the man made his way over to the window, dressed only in his trousers, which revealed his impressive shredded and endomorphic physique. 

Standing at a staggering 2 meters tall, he could easily be mistaken for a professional bodybuilder, yet thanks to the standards of this world, even his height fell short compared to some of the towering humans who reached even 3 meters tall.

Gathering his composure, the man muttered under his breath...

"That dream again? Even after eight years in Vantrea, I can't seem to shake off these nightmares of that dreadful battlefield."

The man in question was none other than the current Hero of Nature, chosen by the God of Nature to protect the empire and its inhabitants.

Little did anyone know that the Hero of Nature carried with him the vivid memories of his last battle in his own world.

Despite the passage of time, the memories of that dreadful day continued to haunt him, refusing to let go. The thought of the comrades he lost, the battles he fought, and the overwhelming sense of despair that engulfed him all came rushing back, like a floodgate that refused to be tamed.

As he gazed out of the window, lost in thought, he couldn't help but wonder if he was truly worthy of the title bestowed upon him.

He had been chosen as the Hero of Nature, yet he couldn't even protect those closest to him, let alone the entire empire. It was a weight that he carried with him every day, a burden that only grew heavier with each passing moment.

Though he had sacrificed his life to save his kingdom and giave them enough time they needed to regroup and attack with full force the following day... the outcome was far beyond his expectations. 

As the hero watched from the afterlife, shown by the God of Nature, he bore witness to the horrors that befell his people and his fellow soldiers.

The royal family had been captured and offered to the empire, breaking the chain of command.

The commoners were left defenseless, with no one to protect or fight for them as the strongest warriors had already joined the empire, lured by promises of a brighter future and rare resources to become even stronger.

While the honorable soldiers fought valiantly on the battlefield for the sake of their families, friends, and loved ones at home... the hyenas known as Politicians and Nobles had already sold their motherland to the highest bidder.

The traitorous ministers and feudal lords who already sold out the kingdom to the enemy forces got a reward for their betrayal, they received even more lands and positions in the imperial administration. 

The empire then decided to make an example out of this war, laying waste to his entire kingdom in their conquest.

The wounds of failure and the fall of his entire kingdom scarred the Hero of Nature mentally, giving him nightmares even in this new world where he had been chosen as a hero. The memories of his failure continued to torment him, a constant reminder of the consequences of his actions and the price he had paid despite his heroic sacrifice. 

The Hero of Nature had always been a soldier, a warrior who was willing to lay down his life for his people and his country. Despite being an intermediate 5th-stage saint, he knew that no amount of power or wealth could heal his wounded soul, and the hollow ache that had taken root in his heart after watching everything he had fought for crumble to ruins.

As a result of his experiences, the Hero of Nature developed Shellshock, also known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a condition that plagued him with flashbacks, nightmares, and anxiety.

Because the memories of his past haunted him, he struggled to find a way to move forward and heal from the trauma he had endured.

This nightmare he just woke up from wasn't the first time and it definitely won't be the last either.

Yet, despite his sorrow and regret, he knew that he had to carry on and fight for the land that had given him a second chance.

Despite his struggles, he knew that he had to keep fighting, not just for himself, but for all those who had suffered and died because of the actions of others just like people of his kingdom.


Over time, the Hero of Nature began to find solace in his role as a hero in this new world, using his powers to protect the innocent and fight against those who would seek to do harm. He knew that he could never forget the past or the pain he had endured, but he also knew that he could use his experiences to make a difference and help those in need.

Within the confines of the Nadur Empire, a longstanding animosity had divided the human and beast races. The scars of an ancestral war and the memories of enslavement at the hands of humans had left deep wounds within the hearts of the beast empire's inhabitants.

Consequently, when the Hero of Nature, a human, arrived in the Beast Empire, his presence was met with disdain and suspicion from both the general populace and the imperial rule.

The masses, as well as those in power, could not easily overlook the historical grievances that had shaped their perspectives.

However, they found themselves at an impasse when faced with the undeniable truth that their God had chosen and sent this human hero to their lands. They were forced to reconcile their prejudice with the divine will that brought him among them just like the previous times when human heroes were summoned.

Years rolled by, and the Hero of Nature found himself subjected to constant supervision and stringent restrictions. The wary eyes of those around him, including his own party members, who were no different than an enemy spy... Every move he made was scrutinized, his actions weighed and measured.

Yet, despite the challenging circumstances, the weight of responsibility he had willingly undertaken kept him steadfast. The God of Nature had entrusted him with the task of slaying the Demon God, a burden he could not shirk. And so, he endured the relentless partiality and constraints, for he understood that the fate of the world rested upon his shoulders.

Slowly but surely, the Hero of Nature began to regain his sense of purpose, his heart filled with a renewed determination to fight for what was right. He may have been scarred by his past, and his entire existence might not have been pleasant to others... but he was also stronger because of it. 

'A hero forged by the fires of war and the horrors of betrayal.'




A few moments later, a demihuman soldier, a foxkin to be precise, appeared outside the Hero's door and rapped on it urgently.



The tall man quickly opened the door and inquired, "What is it?"

"Lord Hero, we have an emergency!" the foxkin soldier exclaimed.

"What has happened?" the Hero inquired, his voice laced with concern.

The soldier swiftly relayed the news...

"A mythical rank monster has appeared 200 kilometers away. It has launched an attack on the nearest city, which is home to approximately 15 million people.

A Saintess from the Fenrirborne tribe has been leading the military in battling the creature, but she has requested assistance as the monster surpasses her in power."

Realizing the gravity of the situation, the Hero's eyes narrowed with determination.

"And I am the closest available saint." he declared.

The soldier nodded, his expression filled with urgency.

"That is correct, Lord Hero. You are needed immediately."

"Say no more." the Hero responded resolutely.

With a swift motion, he summoned his legendary armor, adorned with intricate designs, along with a massive shield and a greatsword of equal rank.

The Hero of Nature ordered the soldier, confirming his readiness for battle.

"Point me the direction." 

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