Hero of Darkness

Chapter 879 Losing Battle

In an unknown world and unknown era… A castle was under siege, and the gates had been breached.

The clash of weapons, armors, shields, and the sight of bleeding bodies echoed in the battlefield as two human armies faced each other in a death battle. Detached limbs and intestines were strewn across the bloody ground, and the screams of horrified men could be heard across the battlefield.

However, their screams were quickly suffocated and muffled under the battlecries that followed them.

"Hold the line! Hold the line!!" roared a spearman, his voice booming above the sound of clashing weapons as he and his comrades defended the vanguard, despite facing a platoon of shield warriors.

Suddenly, the air was pierced by a loud bang, as a spikey mace collided with the head of one of the soldiers. The force of the blow punctured holes in his entire face while cracking his skull, killing him instantly.

Despite the loss of their comrade, the soldiers fought on, determined to hold the line and defend their castle from the invading army. The clash of swords and shields continued to echo across the battlefield as the battle raged on, with neither side willing to yield.


The sound of spears clashing against shields filled the air as a fully geared soldiers in red and yellow armor deflected yet another attack from the spearmen soldiers in white and blue armor.

In the following moments, the red and yellow soldier bashed his heavy shield against his opponent, causing the latter to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

"No!" the other soldiers shouted as they saw their comrade fall and the shield warrior charging towards him. But before he could even grab his spear...


There was a loud bang, as the shield warrior bashed the fallen soldier's head, cracking it open and spraying the red and mushy brain matter onto the ground.

Suddenly, another large troop of attacking soldiers barged through the breached gates, and the tide of the battle started shifting in favor of the attacking side. The defending forces were losing their men at a rapid pace, and the situation looked dire.



Amidst the chaos, a whooping 2-meter-tall Berserker warrior with a battleaxe entered through the gates. His presence alone was enough to bring the remaining defenders to their knees. The Berserker was covered head to toe in scaly armor, and his eyes glowed with a fierce determination as he charged towards the remaining defenders. 


The defending soldiers tried to hold their ground, but they were no match for the Berserker's strength and ferocity. His battleaxe struck down one soldier after another, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. The once proud defenders of the castle were now reduced to a mere handful, desperately trying to hold off the invading army.



With a single slash of his massive baatleaxe, he cut three soldiers in half.

"Surrender or die!" he shouted.

The Berserker warrior, a captain of the invading army was a fearsome warrior, leading his troops through sheer might and overwhelming force. He was a towering figure on the battlefield, striking fear into the hearts of his enemies with his imposing presence.

One after another, hundreds of defenders fell to the enemy forces as they swarmed through the gates and took down all means of defense. The captain himself had a lion's share in the massacre, cutting down anyone who dared to stand in his way with his sharp sword and brute strength.

His imposing figure brought dread and death on the battlefield, and the sound of his battle cries echoed through the air.

"Die, you insects of the kingdom!" he bellowed as he charged towards a group of soldiers, breaking apart their defensive formation with ease. His sword sliced through the air, leaving a trail of blood and gore in its wake.

The defenders fought valiantly, but they were no match for the overwhelming force of the enemy army. The captain led his troops with ruthless efficiency, crushing anyone who dared to oppose them.

He intently glared at a soldier that barely managed to evade his attack and…


The soldier in white and blue armor struggled to get up after being knocked down by the enemy captain.

But before his battleaxe cut down the soldier…


The massive battleaxe clashed against a shield that perfectly absorbed the impact.

Just as he was about to be finished off, an imposing figure appeared before him. The newcomer was just as big and intimidating as the berserker warrior, but he was on the side of the defenders.

"Lieutenant!" the soldier screamed, relieved to see a friendly face.

The newcomer approached the fallen soldier and helped him to his feet. "The captain is dead." he said grimly.

"It is up to us now to defend the border until our people can escape. So stand up and fight!"


With a mighty shove, the newcomer pushed off the enemy captain and took up his shield and greatsword. He moved with a fluidity and grace that belied his massive size and the weight of his equipment.

As he fought his way through the enemy forces, the defender revealed himself to be someone comparable to a Guardian Knight in Vantrea, a warrior class known for their unmatched prowess and unbreakable spirit on the battlefield.

He marched forward without fear, determined to protect his allies and repel the enemy forces at any cost.

His greatsword flashed in the air as he struck down one enemy after another, his shield deflecting blows and protecting his allies from harm. With each passing moment, the tide of the battle began to shift in favor of the defenders.

The Knight continued to fight with all his might, piercing the neck of the enemy captain with his sword and turning the tide of the battle decisively. But just as the defenders began to gain ground, disaster struck.

Multiple cannons rained down fire on the fortress, destroying the walls and making it impossible to defend the fortress with their dwindling numbers. The Knight and the remaining soldiers fought on, undeterred, but the situation was dire.

"We must retreat." said one of the soldiers to the remaining defenders.

"We cannot hold this position any longer."

The war was in an unfavorable situation and people on their side kept dying.

But instead of retreating, the Knight's determination burned brightly.

He reached into his armor and pulled out a blue glowing dagger. With all eyes upon him, he made a bold and sacrificial decision.

Without hesitation... he plunged the dagger into his own gut.

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