Genius Club

Chapter 203: The Ace Up His Sleeve

Lin Xian remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor. He knew the answer to the riddle, of course.

Back in middle school, whenever he and his friends hung out at karaoke, they always sang this particular song. As a movie buff, he had naturally seen 20th Century Boys, a true cinematic gem. Naturally, the answer was on the tip of his tongue.

Yet, he refrained from hitting the buzzer and revealing the answer. Especially not tonight, not during this crucial moment when the cat was about to confront the mouse face-to-face and their true identities would be revealed.

“Ah, looks like Ji Lin wins again!” Chu An Qing chirped as she added another point to Ji Lin’s score on the scoreboard. Ji Lin was now leading by one point ahead of Lin Xian. The two of them were far ahead of everyone else, signaling the end of the guessing game.

The lively games had not only energized the atmosphere but also brought everyone closer. Gao Yang, usually more reserved, had finally clicked with the college students. In a burst of excitement, they even opened a vintage bottle of red wine that had been stashed away in the villa.

This bottle was evidently expensive and well-aged. Ji Lin, however, seemed unbothered by its value; he simply wanted everyone to enjoy themselves.

Gao Yang, now discussing Freud’s theories on the subconscious with the students, was undoubtedly becoming a hit. Lin Xian thought to himself that Gao Yang should send a thank-you card to Dr. Liu, the psychologist, whose social media post had skyrocketed his popularity among the college crowd.

Glancing at the wall clock, Lin Xian noted it was already 10 PM. The party showed no signs of winding down, with everyone thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Seated comfortably on the couch with a juice in hand, Lin Xian pondered whether Ji Lin would make his move tonight. According to the strategy he and Chu Shan He had discussed, tonight at precisely 00:42 was when Ji Lin and his team were likely to strike. Lin Xian had been extra cautious lately, avoiding late-night outings and leaving no room for their typical ambush tactics.

To lure him out at midnight, they needed a convincing pretext. Ji Lin’s birthday party provided the perfect cover. If they missed this chance, it would be challenging to draw Lin Xian out again under such circumstances.

Adding to his concerns, Chu Shan He had recently discovered that Ji Xin Shui had returned to the country at this peculiar timing, likely connected to Ji Lin’s scheme. Lin Xian was convinced of their collaboration. Sadly, there were no entry records for Zhou Duan Yun, complicating any future attempts to apprehend him.

But for now, the immediate problem was that Chu An Qing and her classmates couldn’t stay past 11 PM due to a curfew. Despite the fun, they would soon have to leave.

Once they departed, only Lin Xian, Gao Yang, and Ji Lin would remain. Knowing Gao Yang, once the girls left and he had his fill of wine, he would probably see no reason to stay and would likely urge Lin Xian to leave with him.

As Lin Xian set his juice down and leaned back, he was still puzzled over Ji Lin’s next move. How exactly did Ji Lin plan to keep him until 00:42? What tricks did he have up his sleeve? Lin Xian couldn’t pinpoint it, which unnerved him. He had thought through every other aspect, but this one eluded him.

He would have to adapt on the fly.

As the clock struck 10:40 PM, Chu An Qing and her classmates began gathering their things to head back to school. Chu Shan He’s driver was already outside, engine running, ready to drive them back to their dorms.

“Alright, Lin Xian, Ji Lin, Gao Yang, we’re heading back now,” announced Chu An Qing at the doorway.

Ji Lin stepped forward, smiling warmly. “I’m really glad you all could make it to my party. I had a fantastic time tonight.”

“Hehe, we should be thanking you for hosting us!” Chu An Qing responded brightly. “Let’s plan to celebrate our birthdays together again next year! Maybe then, Lin Xian and I can give you something really special. We wanted to this year, but just ran out of time.”

“That’s a shame; I was looking forward to your gift,” Ji Lin replied with a playful grin.

“No worries, there’s always next year!” Chu An Qing said optimistically, undeterred by the delay. To her, another year was just around the corner—a short wait of 365 days until they were sophomores. In her eyes, nothing would change; everything would remain the same.

With a final wave, Ji Lin watched as Chu An Qing and her classmates piled into the car and drove away.

Once the girls had left, the conversation between the three men shifted to more mundane topics. Gao Yang was focused on finishing the bottle of expensive wine. As the wine level dropped, Lin Xian felt the tension rise, anticipating the moment of truth.

Finally, Gao Yang finished his last glass with a satisfied burp. “Ah, that hit the spot! Great food, great wine, and great company! Ji Lin, if you throw another party like this, count me in! I’ll bring Lin Xian along!”

“Absolutely,” Ji Lin smiled, his eyes twinkling. “I’m thrilled to have met you guys. This has been the best night in a long while.”

“Lin Xian, should we head out too?” Gao Yang asked, rubbing his belly. “It’s getting late; we shouldn’t keep Ji Lin up. He looks like he could use some rest.”

Lin Xian nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it’s almost midnight. Time to go.”

They stood up, collected their coats, and walked toward the door.

“Goodbye, Ji Lin,” Gao Yang called out as they reached the gate. “We won’t stick around to help clean up, sorry about that.”

“No worries, the housekeeper will handle it,” Ji Lin replied softly, following them out to the courtyard.

Gao Yang hummed a tune as he walked ahead, already through the gate. Lin Xian followed more slowly, stepping off the porch. Ji Lin lingered in the doorway. Lin Xian felt a twinge of doubt. Had he been wrong? Was their plan not set for tonight?

“Lin Xian,” Ji Lin suddenly called out. Lin Xian turned to see the slender, pale boy illuminated by moonlight.

“What is it?” Lin Xian asked, his curiosity piqued.

Ji Lin gazed at the moon, silent for a moment before speaking softly, “There’s something I’ve always wanted to ask you.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve been investigating my parents’ deaths for years. Even though the 00:42 serial killer has been caught, there’s still no lead on who killed my parents. I often wonder, who would have a motive to kill two mathematicians like them?”

“It’s been frustrating,” Ji Lin’s eyes shifted from the moon back to Lin Xian. “But I did find a small clue. You’re brilliant; you solved the 00:42 case. I value your opinion.”

“What did you find?” Lin Xian inquired, intrigued.

Ji Lin squinted, his gaze intense. “Lin Xian, have you ever heard of… the Genius Club?”

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