Genius Club

Chapter 202: Friends

“Yes,” Lin Xian admitted, not hiding anything. Gao Yang had already shared so much, so there was no point in denying it. To prevent Gao Yang from revealing more, Lin Xian quickly took over the conversation, explaining his visit to the psychologist:

“Back then, our company was launching a new product, and the Rhine Cat brand was under a lot of pressure. I was extremely stressed, dealing with sleepless nights and constant headaches. Out of desperation, I agreed when Gao Yang suggested seeing a psychologist.”

“My sleep eventually got better, and things started to normalize. But I don’t think it was the psychologist who really made the difference. It was more about our MX company’s product succeeding and Rhine Cat getting a positive response. Once the pressure lifted, my sleep improved too.”

Lin Xian’s explanation made sense, and Gao Yang, having known him for years, understood Lin Xian’s reluctance to discuss the psychologist. So, Gao Yang quickly changed the subject:

“People tend to forget how good their doctors were once they feel better. I pushed you to see a psychologist because I was genuinely worried about you. You were overworking yourself, getting dark circles under your eyes just like Ji Lin. If you kept losing sleep, it would’ve really hurt your health!”

“Ji Lin, you should also try to reduce your late nights. Your dark circles are pretty noticeable. I’ve known friends who died young from overwork. You have so much life ahead and money to enjoy—it’d be such a waste to lose that.”

Chu An Qing jumped in, “Hey, it’s a birthday party, why are we talking about such grim stuff? That’s bad luck!”

“Enough already… Look, the candles are almost gone. Ji Lin, make a wish and blow them out!”

Everyone’s attention shifted to the cake as they noticed the candles were about to burn down completely, prompting Ji Lin to make his wish. With a swift puff, Ji Lin blew out the candles, and the gift-giving began.

Gao Yang was the first to present his gift—a men’s belt. Lin Xian knew Gao Yang’s primary reason for attending was to impress some female university students, making the belt a convenient choice, more of an entry ticket to the party. However, Ji Lin didn’t mind. He enjoyed the celebration, unwrapping Gao Yang’s gift and holding up the belt. His smile was genuine as he thanked Gao Yang:

“Besides the books Xu Yun gave me as a kid, this is the first real birthday gift I’ve ever received.”

Gao Yang felt a twinge of guilt. “If I’d known, I wouldn’t have gone first…” he muttered to Lin Xian.

Next, it was Chu An Qing and the other girls’ turn. They presented a variety of delightful items, some even handmade, which Ji Lin deeply appreciated. Several were immediately treasured and found spots in his room.

Chu An Qing handed over a high-end neck massager, explaining, “Your slight hunchback might be from all that writing and reading. This should help.”

She had initially planned to give a sketch and watercolor painting she discussed with Lin Xian. However, Lin Xian had recently told her he was too busy to draw, so they settled on separate gifts.

In truth, Lin Xian’s relationship with Ji Lin was a façade. Beneath the cheerful surface, a dangerous game of cat and mouse unfolded. Lin Xian couldn’t bring himself to create art for a murderer.

Moreover, Ji Lin was responsible for the deaths of Xu Yun and Tang Xin. No matter how friendly their interactions seemed, to Lin Xian, it was all a pretense, a means to seek justice for Xu Yun and Tang Xin.

“This is for you,” Lin Xian said, offering his gift—a small box containing a unique Rhine Cat keychain. Ji Lin’s eyes widened in surprise. The Rhine Cat keychain was styled in a gothic fashion. The petite, adorable Rhine Cat wore a black top hat, adorned with stars and teardrops painted on its face, making a whimsical expression. It was dressed in a witch-like black outfit, complete with black-and-white striped candy socks.

“This version isn’t for sale,” Lin Xian smiled, looking at the quirky Rhine Cat. “It doesn’t fit with Rhine Cat’s brand image, so it’ll never be released. It was handmade by a team member who loves crafting Rhine Cat fan art. I thought you might like it, so I secured one just for you.”

Ji Lin chuckled softly, not saying much. He picked up the gothic Rhine Cat for a closer look. Truth be told, he wasn’t a fan of the gothic style. He had only mentioned it during the New Year’s party to get closer to Lin Xian, as a way to analyze Lin Xian’s artistic style. It was merely a ruse. Yet unexpectedly, Lin Xian had remembered.

“Thank you,” Ji Lin murmured quietly. He stood and placed the unique gothic Rhine Cat keychain on the high TV cabinet. “I’ll treasure it.”

After the gift exchange, everyone indulged in the cake, engaging in lively conversations and laughter. Ji Lin had underestimated Gao Yang. The cake, sourced from an obscure but skilled baker, was a masterpiece, and Gao Yang ate with gusto, devouring a substantial portion of the three-layer cake and living up to his reputation as a glutton.

Once everyone was satisfied, it was time for games. Ji Lin had prepared several board games, and the fun was contagious. After completing one game, Chu An Qing spotted an intriguing game box.

“Let’s try the guessing game!” she suggested excitedly. Everyone seemed interested.

The box contained buzzer buttons and an assortment of trivia cards. This was something new. Their curiosity peaked, they opened the box, each taking a buzzer button. With Chu An Qing acting as host and scorekeeper, the guessing game officially began.

“First question! What song by Wang Xinling, released in 2004, became popular again in 2022?” Chu An Qing read from the trivia card—


A quick-thinking girl pressed her buzzer, “Love You!”

“Correct, one point!”

“Next question! How do you say ‘pyramid’ in English?”


Ji Lin was quickest, “Pyramid.”

“Correct, one point!”

The competition quickly heated up. The initial questions were easy, allowing everyone to participate. The challenge was in who could buzz in the fastest. Even Gao Yang managed a few correct answers.

As Chu An Qing sifted through more trivia cards, the questions grew tougher, ramping up the pressure. Everyone struggled to keep up, but Lin Xian and Ji Lin were in their own league, responding quickly and accurately.

“Next question! Which asteroid, discovered by a German astronomer, is named after the Greek god of love?”


Lin Xian was fastest, “Eros.”

“Correct!” Chu An Qing beamed at Lin Xian and added a point to the scoreboard. Lin Xian’s wide knowledge impressed everyone.

“Next question… What is the oldest known written language in the world?”


Ji Lin was quickest this time, “Sumerian.”

“Correct!” Chu An Qing added another point for Ji Lin.

Watching Lin Xian and Ji Lin trade answers, Gao Yang and the female university students were in awe.

“Wow… Lin Xian and Ji Lin are incredible. Their knowledge is so vast.”

“These questions are getting harder, and we can’t keep up! If I get one more wrong, I’m out!”

“They’re geniuses. They know all this obscure trivia!”

“They should be on a quiz show. But then again, they’re already successful; they wouldn’t bother with that.”

As the game neared its end, Chu An Qing was down to the last three trivia cards. Except for Lin Xian and Ji Lin, all other participants had been eliminated. Everyone watched the scoreboard intently. Their scores were tied, and neither had missed a single question.

“Next question!” Chu An Qing read from the final trivia card, “In a certain Japanese anime, there is a notebook that can kill people if their names are written in it. What is this notebook called?”


Ji Lin buzzed in, turning to Lin Xian and softly said, “Death Note.”

“Correct!” Chu An Qing moved to the penultimate question, “What was the first Hollywood film introduced to China?”


Lin Xian buzzed in, “True Lies.”

With only one trivia card left, Gao Yang and the nearby girls were sweating with nervous anticipation.

These two must be prodigies!

Chu An Qing glanced at the last trivia card and chuckled nervously, “This final question is much simpler than the rest… It’s all about who’s quicker.”

Gao Yang and the others leaned in to peek. They all exhaled in relief.

“Indeed, it’s too straightforward. Even I know this one.”

“No challenge at all, given the hints.”

“An Qing is right; it’s purely about speed.”

Everyone turned their attention to Lin Xian and Ji Lin, seated at the table. Their scores were even, and this last question was simple. Whoever pressed the buzzer first would win the trivia game!

“Question!” Amid everyone’s anticipation, Chu An Qing read the final card, “There’s a term that generally refers to two people who share a deep, like-minded relationship. It’s also the title of a famous song by singer Zhou Huajian and the codename for the antagonist in the renowned manga ’20th Century Boys.’ What is this word?”

Everyone widened their eyes in shock. Where’s the buzzer sound? Such an easy question, almost spelled out, how could they not know? Zhou Huajian’s most popular song! A karaoke staple! How could anyone not know?

But! Lin Xian and Ji Lin sat motionless, staring at the buzzers as if frozen, not moving a muscle. Everyone was bewildered. Impossible? These two, seemingly omniscient, how could they falter at such a straightforward question?



With Lin Xian still unmoved, Ji Lin slowly reached out and pressed the buzzer.

“You lost, Lin Xian,” Ji Lin said softly, not looking up, his gaze fixed on the leftover cake crumbs on the table. “Though I’ve never heard Zhou Huajian’s songs, I’ve watched ’20th Century Boys.'”

“Tomodachi,” he whispered, “in the film, the antagonist’s codename is pronounced that way. And when translated, it means…” He turned to Lin Xian and softly said, “Friend.”

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