Genius Club

Chapter 204: The Time Has Come

Dark clouds blanketed the moon, casting shadows across the entire sky. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as Lin Xian stood motionless, his gaze locked on Ji Lin.

Until this moment, Lin Xian had played out numerous scenarios in his head, imagining various reasons Ji Lin might want him to stay. However, Ji Lin’s next words caught him completely off guard.

“Have you ever heard of… the Genius Club?”

Lin Xian’s mind spun with questions and theories. How did Ji Lin know about this extremely secretive organization? What was his connection to the Genius Club? Could Ji Lin, Ji Xin Shui, and Zhou Duan Yun be members?

No, that couldn’t be right.

Lin Xian remembered a particularly tense night in Zhao Ying Jun’s office when Yellow Finch had ominously warned him: “Even if you don’t seek trouble, trouble will find you. Your cat-and-mouse game has begun. I’ll be waiting for you in the Genius Club.”

At the time, those words were a puzzle to Lin Xian. Now, though, the pieces were coming together. The “cat-and-mouse game” must be related to Ji Lin and his crew. Clearly, Yellow Finch wasn’t on their side—otherwise, she wouldn’t have issued such a warning. So, Ji Lin couldn’t be a member of the Genius Club.

But why bring it up now?

Lin Xian had to acknowledge Ji Lin’s cunning; he had chosen the perfect bait to keep him intrigued.

The Genius Club.

His knowledge about this shadowy group was scant, gleaned mostly from his dreams, with the only real-world link being a counterfeit invitation. If Ji Lin could offer even a sliver of genuine information, it could be a game-changer, particularly since Yellow Finch had hinted that the quickest path to solving his mysteries was through an invitation to the Genius Club.

Could Ji Lin provide a clue about how to join?

“Lin Xian!” At the villa gate, Gao Yang called out, patting his belly. “What are you doing? Hurry up!”

Snapped out of his reverie, Lin Xian gave Ji Lin a non-committal answer, “I’ve never heard of that name.”

It felt safer to feign ignorance. Plus, it wasn’t unusual for him to be unaware of such a secretive group. His denial kept the conversation straightforward and pressured Ji Lin to disclose more compelling details about the Genius Club, especially since Ji Lin needed him to stay until 12:42 AM. If Ji Lin wanted him to linger, he’d have to share something worthwhile.

Lastly, whether it was a trap or not, Lin Xian was prepared to play along. Ji Lin and his associates had plans for him at 12:42, and he planned to turn the tables on them. Both needed to buy time until then, so Lin Xian was ready to engage.

“You haven’t heard of it? That’s normal, as it’s very secretive,” Ji Lin replied, his tone casual. “I know little myself. But I think you might find them interesting; they could be behind the deaths of Xu Yun and Tang Xin.”

Ji Lin’s smile was inviting as he gestured toward the brightly lit, luxurious living room. “Shall we go inside and talk?”

Nodding, Lin Xian then called out to Gao Yang, “Go ahead, I’ll stay here a bit longer.”

“Why don’t I wait for you guys?” Gao Yang suggested, belching slightly.

“No, no, go on ahead,” Lin Xian insisted, knowing it was best to keep Gao Yang out of this conversation. Although Gao Yang knew of the Genius Club from prior discussions, he saw it as nothing more than a harmless fantasy. Now, with Gao Yang slightly tipsy, he might inadvertently reveal too much.

“Alright then,” Gao Yang agreed, a hand on his ample stomach as he departed. “You guys chat. I’ve got work tomorrow, and I’m not waiting.”

With the doors shut, Lin Xian and Ji Lin returned to the dining table. Ji Lin opened a new bottle of juice, poured two glasses, and pushed one towards Lin Xian.

“What is the Genius Club?” Lin Xian asked directly, deciding to cut through any pretense.

Ji Lin hesitated, then shook his head. “I don’t know much, but I’ve always suspected that the real killers of my parents aren’t from Sam Sergeant’s group but the Genius Club.”

“Why do you think that?”

“Remember your analysis?” Ji Lin leaned in, his voice low. “You said there might be two groups of killers: Group A, who kill randomly, and Group B, who prefer staged car accidents.”

“You described Group B, Sam Sergeant’s group, as clumsy imitators of Group A. Their method—staged, time-specific accidents—is too obvious unless there’s a compelling reason. It’s almost like they’re flaunting their plans.”

“Yes, it’s foolish,” Lin Xian agreed, nodding thoughtfully.

“So, Group A could be the Genius Club, and Group B could be Sam Sergeant’s group, trying to mimic them?”

“Exactly. But why mimic at all? What’s the necessary reason?” Ji Lin pressed, his smile thinning.

Lin Xian saw through Ji Lin’s tactics. The next twenty minutes were crucial. Ji Lin needed to keep him engaged with valuable information, or risk Lin Xian walking out, foiling their plan.

“I have no idea,” Lin Xian stated flatly.

“My theory is… Sam Sergeant’s group might be trying to prove something,” Ji Lin pondered aloud.

“To the Genius Club?”

“Possibly,” Ji Lin conceded. “That’s why I’m telling you this. If they aren’t the killers of my parents, then it’s likely Group A. I need your help to figure it out.”

Lin Xian sipped his juice, his mind racing. Ji Lin was clever, blending truth with deception. Sorting out the facts was challenging, but Ji Lin didn’t know how much Lin Xian already understood about their situation and the existence of the Genius Club.

Group B included Ji Lin, Ji Xin Shui, Zhou Duan Yun, Sam Sergeant, and Dr. Leon, attempting to emulate Group A—the Genius Club. Their ultimate goal? Lin Xian recalled Big Cat Face’s ambition: “My ultimate goal is to get an invitation to the Genius Club!”

And Yellow Finch had been clear: “The simplest way to find all the answers is to get a real invitation to the Genius Club.”

“What is the Genius Club, really?” Lin Xian asked again, his curiosity peaking. What kind of organization could hold such sway, driving everyone to such desperate measures for an invitation?

“You’ve already asked that, Lin Xian,” Ji Lin replied with a sip of his juice, his smile tinged with frustration. “If I knew, I wouldn’t be so troubled. I’d have avenged my parents by now. Unfortunately, I don’t know what the Genius Club is, where they are, or what my next steps should be.”

Lin Xian twirled a silver fork between his fingers, pondering. The secrecy surrounding the Genius Club was almost legendary, powerful enough to mark their presence on the moon yet remain unseen for centuries. That Ji Lin even knew their name was significant.

So, if Ji Lin knew, did Ji Xin Shui also know? What about Zhou Duan Yun? Lin Xian wasn’t sure. Given Ji Lin’s strained relations with Zhou Duan Yun, it was unlikely he’d share such crucial information.

Lin Xian considered Ji Lin thoughtfully. “Based on the name, it sounds like a gathering of top geniuses. Ji Lin, you’re one of the smartest people I’ve met. Maybe you’re closer to the Genius Club than you think.”

Ji Lin chuckled, shaking his head. “But I think, Lin Xian, you’re the one closest to the Genius Club.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Have you read ‘The Three-Body Problem,’ specifically the second book, ‘The Dark Forest,’ about the Wallfacers?”

“Yes,” Lin Xian nodded.

“When you get home, think about it. In some ways, you’re very much like the protagonist, Luo Ji,” Ji Lin stood up, glancing at the electronic clock.

May 4, 2023. 00:39.

“I’d love to chat more, but it’s getting late, Lin Xian. Thanks for talking with me.”

“Time’s late. I should go home too,” Lin Xian agreed, finishing his juice and standing up. “Yes… I should leave.”

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