Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 214 Interlude: Asteria and the Brain Eaters

Chapter 214 Interlude: Asteria and the Brain Eaters

[Asteria]: Hooman! What are you doing there?

[Professor Frances]: We are making some brain eaters. Wait... why do you even care?

[Asteria]: Huh, what’s with that tone? And how the hell can you even see me?

[Professor Frances]: Everything is possible through alchemy and biotechnology. I don’t need to have special eyes like Alina to see a pesky being like you.

[Asteria]: Oi oi oi, why do I hear an insult coming from you?

[Professor Frances]: (Tilts head in confusion) Insult? I’m just stating the facts

[Asteria]: Oi Queen Mother, this hooman is bullying me!

[Queen Mother]: Are you going to help us here or are you just going to bother us?

[Asteria]: Hey! What’s with that tone in your voice too? Are you suspicious of me?

[Professor Frances]: 73 missing vials of rare lipids. 10 cases of flammable gases missing. 3 jars of insect specimens gone from the storage. With these kind of losses, there’s no way that I can just allow you to stay here!

[Asteria]: Hey! That’s a heavy slander coming from you! Me, a noble fairy, steal some jars of insect specimens? Heh, it seems like you have been muddled by all the chemicals in this lab!

[Queen Mother]: I swear I saw you munching on some bees at the roof last night... You even had that weird munching noise as you ate them. ...Even now, I still can’t unhear that sound.

[Asteria]: You! That is not-

[Queen Mother]: *Munch munch munch*

[Asteria]: ......

[Professor Frances]: Fine... you can stay here and watch what we will do. Just... make sure that you don’t mess everything up.

[Asteria]: Of course I won’t mess up! Who do you think I am?

[Professor Frances]: Good. Now then, give me that jar of formaldehyde. Make sure you don’t drop it.

[Asteria]: Forma what? Wait, why do I even have to get that?

[Professor Frances]: It’s formaldehyde. And you are asking why do you have to get that? Of course it’s simple you little s**t. If you want to watch, then you have to participate. This ain’t a movie. This is a massive undertaking. If you can’t take that, then you should just scram already!

[Asteria]: Hmph, you think I’m afraid of participating? Heh, just you two wait! I will prove you all wrong!(Flies away to get a jar)

[Asteria]: (Flies back with a jar) Hah! Now, look at what I did! One jar brought by yours truly! Now, where are the praises for me?

[Queen Mother]: ...

Professsor Frances: ...

[Asteria]: What?

[Professor Frances]: I said formaldehyde, not formic acid. Are you stupid?

[Asteria]: Hey!

[Professor Frances]: Heh, well with that pea-sized brain of yours, being stupid could already be a given... Sigh, why did I have to expect that much from you...

[Asteria]: Shut the f**k up! I swear I’ll get the right jar next time! (Flies away and back again)

[Asteria]: Here! One jar of formaldehyde! Are you happy now?

[Professor Frances]: Now get me a stone of dragon’s saliva. Make sure that you don’t spill any of it on the table ok?

[Asteria]: You have dragon’s saliva here? Where the hell did you get that?

[Professor Frances]: Can you just zip your f***king mouth? I can’t focus here!

[Queen Mother]: I concur with her. Asteria, please stay quiet. Someone like you can do something as easy as that right?

[Asteria]: ...

[Professor Frances]: Now, go and get what I told you to get!


[Asteria]: (Stares at the wriggly worms) This is it? These are the fearsome Brain Eaters? They don’t look that scary to me...

[[Queen Mother]]: Probably because you think of them as your snacks only.

[Asteria]: (Drools) Yeah, they sure look delicious. Can I have one?

[Professor Frances]/[[Queen Mother]]: Hell no!

[Asteria]: Even just one bite?

[Professor Frances]: F**k off, dumb fairy. It’s very hard to create these worms, and you want to gobble one of them like popcorn? There’s no way that I will allow that to happen!

[Asteria]: But I helped in the creation of these Brain Eaters!

[Professor Frances]: You helped us? Girl, what you did earlier just slowed us down! You’re lucky I did not kick you out when you spilled some toad pustules on my nitric acid!

[Asteria]: ...

[Professor Frances]: Well, since you still tried to help us out, I supposed you still deserved some kind of reward.

[[Queen Mother]]: (Removes top and shows left breast) Come here dumb fairy. Have some taste of my tried and tested honey!

[Asteria]: Drools.

[Professor Frances]: Heh, once a glutton, always a glutton. What a waste of resources. How did you even become a Guide? I could not believe that the Endless Monarch allowed you to be a Guide! Did you trick him or something? Come tell me how you did that! It could help us out in our quest to beat him!

[Asteria]: ...

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