Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 215 Divine Sensory Organs

Chapter 215 Divine Sensory Organs

"You gotta be kidding me." Ray exclaimed to himself as he stared at the night sky above him.

"The Main Mission just started right now, and the Calamity already has to start? This is something else..."

"Hmph." Behind Ray, a small, hand-sized creature could be seen letting out an unsatisfied sigh, with this sigh seemingly intended for Ray alone.

This creature, which looked like another fairy, had long silky black hair that reached her ankles. This fairy also wore black dress coupled with an ebony-colored pair of wings.

Unlike Asteria, who looked blonde and mischievous, the black-haired fairy behind Ray looked somewhat refined and elegant.

"Ray, instead of complaining, I think you should just focus on what you should do." The black fairy said to Alex as she landed on top of his head. "Our enemies this time are no joke..."

"Nyx... Of course I know about that." Ray replied as he tried to stare at Nyx, who started to burrow herself on top of Ray’s head. "Do you think I have not prepared myself for something like this?"

"I’m just reminding you on what you should do." Nyx replied as she started pulling Ray’s hair.

"Well, I appreciate the concern, but I already know what to do." Ray replied as he picked up the tiny Nyx off his head.

"Instead of reprimanding me, why don’t we start the transaction now?" Ray said as he stared at the struggling Nyx who was between his fingers.

"Heh. Before you transact with me, I think you should deal with the incoming enemies first." Nyx replied as she tried to bite Ray’s fingers.

"Oh, you mean them?" Ray replied as he pointed behind him.

At the direction where Ray pointed his fingers, a pile of 5 human bodies could be seen, with the bodies already burnt beyond recognition.

Anyone inexperienced might feel sick upon seeing this, but naturally, Ray was not that squeamish, especially to his victims.

"Them? Heh, they are only sent by the Celestials to scout you three." Nyx replied as she shook her head. "They are just small fries! What I am talking about are them."

Nyx then proceeded to look at the direction of the Red Light Beams for a second, before she looked back at Ray.

"Wait... are you telling me that the first wave has just come out?" Ray replied in confusion as he tilted his head. "Isn’t that too fast?"

"Tsk, don’t try complaining anymore. Just fend them off." Nyx replied as she attempted to cross her arms in front of her body. "Once you deal with the first wave, I will immediately start the transaction with you."

"...Fine." Ray replied as he released the tiny Nyx from his grasp. "I shall do that."

As Nyx started to fix her clothes, Ray looked at Vera, who was standing beside Ray.

"So Vera, can you hear our enemies coming?"

"I hear them, Ray." Vera replied, with her eyes closed in concentration. "There are... 782 bodies approaching our location. Based from their heartbeats and muscle movement... none of them were strong enough to threaten us. My casual attacks are already enough to kill them all."

"In that case, I give you the permission to kill them now." Ray replied as stretched his body. "Oh, and make sure that they die quickly, okay?"

"Got it." Vera said as she started to run towards the direction of the incoming enemies.

But before Vera could move forward, Nyx opened her mouth as she suddenly said,

"Oh, after you kill them, make sure that you collects all the blood that you can from them. You will need it for the transactions later..."

"Blood? What will that blood be used for?" Ray asked Nyx as he stared at the tiny fairy with an inquisitive look in his eyes. "Would you care to tell it to us?"

"Once we start the transaction later, you will also know about it." Nyx replied as she shook her head. "For now, focus on the enemies first."


"...You heard what Nyx said." Ray said in resignation as he gave Vera a fed-up look. "Go have some fun."

"...I understand." Vera replied quickly before she looked around her in confusion. "Wait, how about Noelle? What should we make her do?"

"I already gave her the task that she should do." Ray replied as he suddenly narrowed his eyes. "Don’t try bothering me about her already. Just do what I told you to do."

"...If you say so." After giving this somewhat wary reply, Vera took a deep breath as she lowered her body, with her knees braced against her whole weight.

"Boom!" A second later, and Vera’s body disappeared as she shot forward, blasting the trees and rocks around her in the process.

In no time at all, Vera reached the first wave of the enemies, and there she started to wreak havoc upon them.


As Ray and Nyx watched what Vera was doing, Nyx could not help but nod in appreciation as she gave the distant Vera an impressed look.

"Vera’s martial arts may be of another level, but its her Ears that really sets her apart." Nyx said as she sat on Ray’s shoulders. "Without her Ears, you might not have survived to reach this world."

"Her Ears really are of a great help to me." Ray replied as he started to lean on a nearby tree. "It’s a good thing that you told me about her ears when we first met her."

"Vera has the Ears of Divine Communication. You think I will miss that?" Nyx replied with a sarcastic smile on her face. "That Ears are on par with All-Seeing Eyes in terms of importance! There’s no way that I can miss that!"


If it was before, Ray could have tried to rebuke Nyx, but this time, he knew that what she said was right.

Vera, just like what Nyx said, had the Ears of Divine Communication, which can be considered as a heavenly treasure, which is on par with other Divine Sensory Organs like the All-Seeing Eyes.

If the fabled All-Seeing Eyes can see through anything, including illusions and falsehoods, then the Ears of Divine Communication on the other hand, can hear through anything, and derive information through this.

Anyone with these Ears can hear anything from long distances, including the faintest of breaths or the smallest of sighs.

And just through hearing alone, the wielder of the Divine Ears of Communication can already know everything about a person just by hearing that person’s movements and bodily functions.

It had also been shown that a user of Ears of Divine Communication can even know all about the opponent’s abilities, as long as the user focuses on it!

This makes a user of these Ears extremely helpful against unknown opponents!

With this kind of ability, there’s no wonder any holder of these Ears are considered to be blessed individuals.

And fortunately for Ray, Nyx managed to discover Vera, who had these Ears, which in turn led to him recruiting her to his team.

"Well, I wish we can also meet someone with other Divine Sensory Organs..." Ray muttered as he saw that Vera was about to be finished with her session. "It will be great if we can collect all the senses, right?"

"Dream on, Ray." Nyx replied as she shook her head. "Each of the Divine Sensory Organs are extremely rare! We’re lucky that we managed to meet Vera! As for meeting someone with for example, an All-Seeing Eyes? That will be almost impossible for us!"

"Fine, fine. I get it." Ray grumbled as he shook his head. "Let’s just leave this to luck."

"Luck? Don’t say that word to me." Nyx snorted as she let out a humph. "That reminds me of a fellow fairy queen of mine. Tsk, I hope that dumb fairy is already dead!"

"..." This is the nth time that Ray heard Nyx complaining about this dumb fairy, so he was already used to it. Of course he was curious on why Nyx was angry to this dumb fairy, but everytime he asked her about it, the answer that he always gets was ’No Comment’.

As Ray idly listened to Nyx’s incessant complains, he heard Vera’s approaching footsteps, prompting him to look at her.

"The first wave was just composed of these weak-ass goblins. They’re even weaker than toddlers!" Vera complained as she dumped 782 goblin corpses right in front of Ray. "Are you sure this is really a Calamity?

"..." Ray could also not help but frown as he stared at the goblin corpses front of him.

They were all the size of children, and their green skin, skinny limbs, hooked nose and long ears certainly makes them look hostile. But one look at them, and Ray already knew that they are extremely weak.

"You already know from our research that the First Wave is the weakest wave there is. For there to be these weak goblins in this wave is already acceptable." Ray said as he prodded the corpses with his foot. "Don’ be disappointed. There are still 143 waves left. You will have your fill later."

"Hmph, we shall see about that." Vera replied as she let out a sneer. She then looked at Nyx, who stared back at Vera with amusement.

"I’m going to start draining their blood." Vera said as she started to pull out needs, tubes, and drums out of a brown bag. "As for you Nyx, I think you should start the transaction already."

"...Fine. I shall start it now." Nyx replied with a frowning expression on her face, as if she did not like her being ordered around.

"Slik." As Vera stared to puncture the goblins’ skin with the needles, Nyx floated towards Ray until she touched the Traveler Symbol on his forehead.

After the symbol glowed for a second, Nyx pulled back as she let out an excited look on her face.

Nyx opened her mouth, and what came out of it were the awaited items that Ray was waiting for.

[[Key of the Blue Moon]] --- 50 Years

[[Key of the Yellow Moon]] --- 50 Years

[[Key of the Green Moon]] --- 50 Years

[[Key of the Red Moon]] --- 200 Years

[[Essence of the Blue Moon]] --- 30 Years

[[Essence of the Yellow Moon]] --- 30 Years

[Essence of the Green Moon]] --- 30 Years

[[Essence of the Red Moon]] --- 30 Years

[[Tome of Divine Might]] --- 30 Years

[[Pearl of Endless Void]] --- 30 Years

[[Sword of Indomitable Will]] --- 30 Years

[[Tower of Afterlife]] --- 30 Years

[[Book of Akasha]] --- 80 Years

[[Bracelet of Beauty]] --- 10 Years

"What the hell?"

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