Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 213 Waves!

Chapter 213 Waves!

"Young lad, what the hell is happening right now?" The old man asked Alex as he and his granddaughter Kiera came back inside the wooden house. "Why did it become night all of a sudden?"

"Why are you asking me?" Alex replied with a little trace of irritation in his voice. Alex then pointed at the horizon as he let out a sigh. "Look at that, and you will understand what is happening right now."

"What do you mean by- oh." The old man turned his heard around to look at where Alex was pointing, and there he saw the red light beam, still pouring itself on the ground.

With the sudden dilation of the old man’s pupils, Alex was sure that the old man had already realized the situation that they were in right now.

"The Fourth Calamity is already here? Bu-bu-but only a month has passed by since the Red Moon appeared! How could the Fourth Calamity happen right now!" The old man exclaimed while Kiera started to tremble behind him. "Isn’t this too early?"

"Who cares if its early or not? Since the Fourth Calamity is already here, then we have no choice but to face it head on." Alex said as he rubbed the back of his neck wearily. "Tsk, it seems like I can only shop for items later..."

With the start of the Fourth Calamity, Alex knew that now was not the time for him to look for items to buy, as he could feel multiple hostile presences approaching their location.

With these presences arriving, Alex will have no to time to perform any transactions with Asteria.

Basically, if Alex wanted to buy items now, he has to wipe out the incoming enemy first.

"..." Asteria, who was silently floating behind Alex, seemed to have realized what Alex was thinking as she suddenly said,

"Hooman, I can see that you are planning to kill some pesky pests that are part of the Fourth Calamity...You are free to do that, but make sure that once you kill them, you will collect their blood for yourself. You can destroy their bodies, but as much as possible, collect all of their blood."

"Blood, you say?" Alex muttered back in annoyance as he patted Kiera’s small head. "Asteria, what is the blood for?"

"Hmph, you will know at our free time later." Asteria replied haughtily as she crossed her arms. "For now, focus on fighting our invaders and collecting their blood!"

"Hai, hai..." Alex replied listlessly as he observed the Red Moon again.

"Huh?" To his surprise, Alex found out that right now, instead of just one red light beam, there were now 3 Red Light Beams coming out of the moon.

The first light beam was the one that was hitting the ground right now.

The second seemed to be too short, as it stopped once it collided with the clouds in the sky.

As for the last one, Alex could see it from a far greater distance, and from what he could see, Alex had the feeling that this third red light beam was going through the sea itself.

"...So that is how it is huh." Alex muttered to himself as he looked at these 3 Red Light Beams.

"The Red Light Beam here on the ground probably is intended for the Symbolists. As for the Red Light Beam on the sky, it’s probably for the Celestials since Celestials live in the sky. As for the Red Light Beam on the sea, that’s obviously for the Devourers, since Devourer Cities are located under the sea..."

As he had this realization, Alex could not help but frown, as from what he could remember from this world’s history, this is the first time that 3 light beams appeared for a Calamity.

"Three light beams mean three portals on three different locations and factions.... This is bad news indeed for this world." Alex muttered to himself as he let out a sigh. "Hmm... seems like I really should be more careful from now on... Who knows what surprises this Mission could bring to me yet?"


Alex’s musings were cut off as he heard this monstrous roar just 10 leagues away from his wooden house.

With his common sense and his danger sense, Alex knew that the enemies that he was waiting for had already arrived.

"They’ve already started attacking? This is not good!" The old man exclaimed as he hurriedly hugged Kiera tightly. "This is just the first wave, and they are already this fast? Don’t tell me that the second wave will already come half a day from now?"

"The first wave huh..." Alex’s body started to tense up as he heard what the old man said. "Well, let’s see how strong this Calamity really is..."

From all the books that he read and all the memories that he scanned, Alex already knew the basic structures of the First, Second and Third Calamities.

Basically speaking, once the portal for a Calamity opens, a large horde of monstrous beings and powerful invaders will come out of the portal periodically.

This large horde was called a wave, and the monsters inside these wave will be the ones that will start wreaking havoc in this world.

Once a certain time has passed by, there will be another wave released by the portal, and this following wave will continue what the first wave had started to do.

This pattern will continue, with the portal releasing more and more waves periodically, and it will only stop once a certain number of waves had been reached.

What made these waves extremely bad was the fact that the succeeding waves will have stronger members compared to the waves before them.

This means that the more waves come out, the more destructive these waves could be.

The culmination of all these waves were what constitutes a Calamity, and it was the sheer amount of these waves that led to the destructive effects of the Calamities.

From what he had also read, Alex knew that the First, Second, and Third Calamites each had 144 waves.

These meant that for each of these Calamities, 144 large hordes of opponents had come out to face off against the residents of this world.

And from the first three Calamities, it was always the 144th wave that dealt the worst effects.

Now that the Fourth Calamity is already starting, Alex had no doubt that the 144th wave of the Fourth Calamity will be just as bad as what he had read before.

"Just chill old man." Alex said as he gave the old man a pointed look. "This is just the first wave, so you should not be that worried. And who cares if the second wave comes quicker compared to before? With the foundation of this world, we will surely get through with it. If you want to be worried, just get worried if the final wave comes a month from now. Now, that will be really the worst."

"..." With Alex’s superfluous words, the old man was forced to shut up, although slight fear and worry could still be seen on his eyes.

"Clap, clap, clap." As he felt his new enemies approaching their wooden house, Alex started to clap as he looked at Alina, Queen Mother, and Professor Frances.

"Okay, since this is just the first wave, let’s just choose one of us to attack the approaching enemies." Alex said as he tilted his head. "We don’t need to use that much of our power... After all, someone powerful among Symbolists could be watching every fights in this land including ours, and using too much ability will be detrimental to us."


What Alex just said to Alina and the others was genuine.

He was worried that maybe someone could be busy watching every battles that will happen right now.

If that is indeed true, and Alex had used too much abilities against the weakest first wave, then it will be really bad for Alex and his team, since it might invite unwanted attraction to them.


To Alex’s relief, it seems like Alina and the other were convinced, which was proved by the agreeing nods on their heads.

"In that case, let me be the one to attack first." Alina said as she started to draw her katana out. "My sword had been itching already, and I want to satisfy it right now."

"Have your go then." Alex said, not bothering to stop Alina as he saw the determined look on her face.

"Just... make sure that you don’t make your space attack look flashy... The simpler that it looks, the better that it will be for us."

"I understand." Alina replied as she kicked the door open, leaving the wooden house in the process as she stepped on the grassy yard outside.

Alex and the others followed suit, with Alex hovering behind Alina, just in case something tried to sneak attack them.

"..." As they all stood there waiting, Alex could not help but be a little awkward, as he felt like he and his Companions were treating this event as an educational trip, not a struggle for life.

"Well, this is just the first wave, so for us to not feel that worried is already a given." Alex thought to himself as he stared at Alina’s nape and her flared skirt.

"..." As he stared more and more at Alina’s back, Alex already started to forget the situation that he was in as his mind wandered to other places.

"Hehehehe... maybe I can already do some snu snu with Alina after all of this..." Alex thought to himself as he started to get engrossed with the white skin on Alina’s nape, or the way that her hips pushed out her skirt in a perfect curve. "Hehehehe...."

"..." Alina, who was standing in front of Alex, started to shiver, as if she had felt what Alex was thinking about right now.

"Alex, you..." Alina turned her head around, giving Alex an angry glare as she started to reprimand him. "If you want to think of perverted things, just do it later at the bathroom or when others are asleep. Don’t be distracted right now... Even if the first wave could be weak, there is still a chance that something wrong could happen."


Obviously, Alex was mortified and embarrassed with what Alina had said, as if she had just spilled out some of the most kept secrets that he had.

The loud guffaw from Asteria and demeaning giggle from Professor Frances did not help matters either.

"...Ok... I will keep that in mind." Alex managed to croak out as he resisted the urge to run away at that instant.

"Good." Alina replied as her head swiveled back on its proper position. She did not say anything more, as her concentration was now focused on their incoming enemies.


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